badcrumble said:
My immunity protects you.
You're welcome.
Wrong. Influenza is so widespread that it doesn't benefit from herd immunity effects. Beyond that, the vaccine does not immunize you to "the flu". It only gives your immune system a head start against a few predicted strains of it.
AVclub said:
Fuck the flu shot. My immune system does not need help to fight off viral infection.
Suairyu said:
EDIT because of your other post - you CANNOT, repeat, CANNOT contract a virus from the vaccination of a virus. It is dead. It would break all known laws of science. However, you can contract the virus immediately before or after the vaccination (before it has done its desired work) independent of the vaccination, hence the confirmation bias of "flu vaccine gave me the flu".
Many vaccines do indeed contain live strains of a virus.
Some vaccines are based on similar viruses that are usually not harmful to a human, some are based on measured and weakened amounts of the the target virus, some are dead versions of the virus, etc.
Certain people may still have a noticeable immune response to dead or weakened versions of the virus. They will not contract the virus, but they will get similar symptoms. Typically, thy are milder and shorter in duration. This is why you can get "flu like symptoms" from the flu vaccine.
And certain people may indeed actually get infected by vaccines that contain live, weakened batches of the target virus.
I'm all for shitting on the Jenn McCarthy's of the world, but being so adamant about being so wrong just makes you as guilty as they are.
The flu vaccine is no where near 100% effective.
The flu vaccine is not 100% safe.
The flu vaccine is not necessary for the vast majority of people.
Flu vaccine campaigns are a terrible waste of time, money, and people's attention spans.