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'Tis the season of Ebay Scams - advice for what I should do here.

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Hot off the back of that PS4 Ebay thread!

I recently used Ebay to sell some things, and all four have had some complication - one person claimed they never received the item (I won this because the tracking number proved them to be lying), another guy took weeks to submit payment, another one had multiple buyers as they kept saying they bid by accident and to refund them, another person couldn't get a smartwatch to pair with bluetooth.

Flash forward:
The current and hopefully last of these before I never use eBay again is a video card. The buyer is claiming I sent them a non-superclocked version of the card (different model number). Now, obviously I have proof of purchase, and back in 2011 I registered that card to my EVGA account for the warranty, so I have the serial number too.

Is there any way this guy can still scam me? I'm trying to craft a reply to him (he hasn't opened an actual ticket with eBay, probably to avoid this biting him in the ass if I don't fall for the bait), but I'm just thinking, could he tamper with the serial number or say I tampered with it? I'm getting ahead of myself because he hasn't yet committed to the con (he attached a picture, unsurprisingly, of the back of the card without the serial number sticker visible) but I want to make sure I'm watertight here.

Thanks GAF.


It sounds like it's good I thought better of selling my 15" rmbp on there....Yeesh.

Though local prices seem much much less. Le sigh.


remember when people sold the box the Xbox came in on eBay for like $400? Good times.

I just ignore when people complain since I'm not a business and don't care if they expected a titan when they bought a gtx 460.

If he disputes it give him the knucks (give eBay the information you have)
have they opened a case against you yet? NO? withdraw EVERY amount of money from the paypal account, delink your bank account, close the paypal account then close your ebay account. Just to be safe, open a new bank account and put that money into the new one. never know what those fuckers at Feebay and Scampal will do to you.


I just ignore when people complain since I'm not a business and don't care if they expected a titan when they bought a gtx 460.

If he disputes it give him the knucks (give eBay the information you have)

You've had success with scammers by just ignoring them?
Someone tried to get a discount off a rare game. Said the music was choppy and that he tried it on 2 different consoles. I just played through the game before sending it off and it worked great and that didn't sound like anything that was technically possible. I told him i repair consoles all the time and I'd help him troubleshoot it if he could record the issue on both consoles. He never responded and I assume he was just lazy.

He got a really good deal anyways so it annoyed me that he'd try to get more of a discount. My suggestion is to try to make them work their ass off if they want a discount.


In general, confronting the people who try and scam you with evidence that they're full of shit is all you need to do to get them to back off (like having the tracking information show it arrived safely, or showing correspondence off eBay that he actually agreed to buy it, in the case of the guy who tried to chargeback me for a game I sold... nitwit.)

Beyond that if they escalate you just need to throw all the proof you have at eBay and hope someone is feeling generous, since they tend to be weighted towards the buyer more than the seller. Just the nature of the beast.

And yeah, dunno if you were being flippant in the thread title, but the holidays are a terrible time to sell on eBay. Aside from people deliberately trying to scam you, you'll get people upset that it didn't arrive on time because of reasons outside your control, or they accidentally got the wrong thing, et al.


In general, confronting the people who try and scam you with evidence that they're full of shit is all you need to do to get them to back off (like having the tracking information show it arrived safely, or showing correspondence off eBay that he actually agreed to buy it, in the case of the guy who tried to chargeback me for a game I sold... nitwit.)

I'm torn on whether to seem aggressive in my tone as in "I know what you're doing", or if I should just gently inform them that I have proof that the model I sent is registered and documented.


Your tone should be firm and authoritative. You are not friends, this is business, you know a scam when you see one, here is the proof, here are your options.

Also man i am so glad i stopped selling stuff on ebay years ago.


Your tone should be firm and authoritative. You are not friends, this is business, you know a scam when you see one, here is the proof, here are your options.

Also man i am so glad i stopped selling stuff on ebay years ago.

Allright, I've taken the legendary Amirox's advice, here's the goods:

Scammer said:
Regarding Item: 282204508982 I purchased from you two months ago.

I received the card in a timely manner, thank you. I sincerely apologize for the delay but I had some personal issues crop up that took time to resolve. The card you sent me is the wrong one. You sent a EVGA GeForce GTX 570 HD 1280 MB GDDR5 (012-P3-1571-B6) not a EVGA GeForce GTX 570 HD Superclocked 1280 MB GDDR5 (012-P3-1573-__), the characters at the end do not matter. They are almost the same. The one you sent me is not super clocked though. I have attached a picture.

I would like to exchange it for the correct one. Do you have a (012-P3-1573__)?

Thanks for your time.
Me said:

So the 1573 that I sent you (I have never owned a 1571) I registered with EVGA back in 2011, which means I have photographic evidence of what I sent you, serial numbers attached to model numbers, and proof of purchase. I would not pursue this scam any further, as I will not hesitate to report fraud, which is criminal.


have they opened a case against you yet? NO? withdraw EVERY amount of money from the paypal account, delink your bank account, close the paypal account then close your ebay account. Just to be safe, open a new bank account and put that money into the new one. never know what those fuckers at Feebay and Scampal will do to you.
If the buyer then decides to open a case and subsequently wins wouldn't eBay send debt collectors after him or something? I thought that was a thing.


So this just got a bit weirder...

Scammer said:
LOL Scam? My account is ages old and in good standing. It doesn't matter what kind of photographic evidence or warranty registrations you have you did not send me that card. Additionally your immediate hostility and quick accusations of fraud only bode ill for you. You did not even bother to answer my question. You sent me the wrong card I have it right here in the packaging you sent it in and everything. Additionally where would I have gotten the picture from to begin with that I sent you?

Do you actually have the correct graphics card? Maybe you had more than one auction with similar cards and sent the wrong ones to the wrong people?

So the guy is being purposefully obtuse, ignoring my previous statement that I've never had a 1571 graphic card. What should I do?

I can't remember if I used a picture of the BACK of the card with the serial number visible when selling it... but I mean, if he sends me back a 1571 with a different serial number, I can potentially just call EVGA if it was ever registered...


So this just got a bit weirder...

So the guy is being purposefully obtuse, ignoring my previous statement that I've never had a 1571 graphic card. What should I do?

Reiterate that you have verified the SN and card model. There's nothing else to say if you're sure you sent the right mercy. Not your job to provide explanations for how he could have faked an image of another product.

But yeah in the future you don't need to say they're scamming you. Let implications do the work for you.


Reiterate that you have verified the SN and card model. There's nothing else to say if you're sure you sent the right mercy. Not your job to provide explanations for how he could have faked an image of another product.

But yeah in the future you don't need to say they're scamming you. Let implications do the work for you.

I'm sure, since I've only bought two cards in my life, this 570 and the 970 I'm currently using.

Here's the proof from EVGA's site:


I think, since he's trying to do this without raising an eBay ticket, I'm going to go silent and let him ruminate over my aggression/confidence, and hopefully he doesn't take it further.
Twist. OP is trying to scam the buyer and looking for GAF advice to get away with it.

Seriously though. I have high value stuff I'd like to sell on eBay, but the dread of dealing with potential scammers keeps holding me off. I feel like you have to take a video of yourself packing it up and handing it over directly to the Fedex/UPS clerk and them scanning the shipping label with the buyer's address. Then when the scammer tries to scam, send them the video and be like, "What now, biiiyAAATCH??!!!
Call ebay beforehand. Let them know of the dispute and show them your evidence. They can block the buyer from further communications and won't pursue anything further from you. It's far beyond ebay's return policy. The option isn't even there for him to open a dispute.


I feel like some of you have never sold on ebay before. Seriously. Seller, do what you can but be prepared to take the l. If you try to take your money out of eBay and paypal, be prepared for your credit to take a hit as they send collections after you. It's a buyers market and they will do whatever they can to protect the buyer. You could get lucky with an eBay rep, but odds aren't in your favor.
Twist. OP is trying to scam the buyer and looking for GAF advice to get away with it.

Seriously though. I have high value stuff I'd like to sell on eBay, but the dread of dealing with potential scammers keeps holding me off. I feel like you have to take a video of yourself packing it up and handing it over directly to the Fedex/UPS clerk and them scanning the shipping label with the buyer's address. Then when the scammer tries to scam, send them the video and be like, "What now, biiiyAAATCH??!!!
lol. Taken from personal experience, this won't protect you.


I'm sure, since I've only bought two cards in my life, this 570 and the 970 I'm currently using.

Here's the proof from EVGA's site:


I think, since he's trying to do this without raising an eBay ticket, I'm going to go silent and let him ruminate over my aggression/confidence, and hopefully he doesn't take it further.

Is there any chance you yourself owned a lower model without knowing? Have you ever seen the model number on the card yourself? Just checking

The other guy is not really replying like a scammer usually does


Yeah why would you wait 2 months?

Let's see if he raises an eBay ticket. Have a feeling he won't though.

That's a good question. It's why I keep a folder full of ebay and shipping receipts going several years back, which I keep filed away and am able to pull out and use as evidence when/if needed. I've heard stories of buyers getting their money back months after a transaction has been completed. It's bullshit, but that's ebay.


Ante Up
That was a bad reply by you.

What's in his initial picture that proves his assertion that the card is a 1571 and not a 1573?


Neo Member
That picture you posted from the evga web site said you purchased the card from Amazon. Have you looked at your Amazon order history to make sure the model number listed there matches the one from evga?

You could also have him run gpu-z and send you a screen shot of what it says about the card. That would help show what model it truly is, assuming that he hasn't tampered with the bios.


Do a google reverse image search of the picture he sent you.
Someone on another forum I go to had an issue with someone saying he'd sent a scratched game disc, but it turned out the image he sent was the third result in Google for "scratched disc"


That picture you posted from the evga web site said you purchased the card from Amazon. Have you looked at your Amazon order history to make sure the model number listed there matches the one from evga?

I think the EVGA site figures out which card you have by the serial number. I doubt the OP specifically told the site it was a superclocked card.


Do a google reverse image search of the picture he sent you.
Someone on another forum I go to had an issue with someone saying he'd sent a scratched game disc, but it turned out the image he sent was the third result in Google for "scratched disc"

Haha, brilliant.


Your tone should be firm and authoritative. You are not friends, this is business, you know a scam when you see one, here is the proof, here are your options.
This right here, and:
Also man i am so glad i stopped selling stuff on ebay years ago.

It got SO fucking old having to make unboxing videos of everything I bought -- just for proof in case I was opening damaged/incorrect stuff and in reverse, making live packing-up videos of everything I sold just in case a buy made some ridiculous claim.

Just added way too much time to the process to make it worth it.


Call ebay beforehand. Let them know of the dispute and show them your evidence. They can block the buyer from further communications and won't pursue anything further from you. It's far beyond ebay's return policy. The option isn't even there for him to open a dispute.

I'm pretty sure PayPal has like a 180 day policy which is insane.

Is there any chance you yourself owned a lower model without knowing? Have you ever seen the model number on the card yourself? Just checking

The other guy is not really replying like a scammer usually does

I'm positive that the model I had was the one I registered - EVGA's registration process only asks for the serial and it figures it out from there. And I still have the Amazon receipts from 2011 where it shows the model.

Do a google reverse image search of the picture he sent you.
Someone on another forum I go to had an issue with someone saying he'd sent a scratched game disc, but it turned out the image he sent was the third result in Google for "scratched disc"

I did this (to someone else who asked, he attached a picture with no serial number of the back of a 1571 with the model number sticker) with Tineye but it returned no results - he's most likely trying to replace a burnt out 570 for free.


So the guy sent me three images, two where the serial number isn't visible and one that has the serial number but it's way out of focus, so I replied to send the serial number (again).

I feel like he's just fucking with me now.


So the guy sent me three images, two where the serial number isn't visible and one that has the serial number but it's way out of focus, so I replied to send the serial number (again).

I feel like he's just fucking with me now.

lol. of course he is fucking with you

God damn ebay scammers


I only do buy it now and I set buyers can't have certain feedback, I've had good luck luck so far, been screwed 3 times but we are talking 500+ transactions. Don't do any digital deals tho, unless they have high feedback and been on ebay for years.
Is the quality of eBay a regional thing? I've sold like 30+ items on eBay and never had an issue. Bought probably 50+ and only had one be a scam, which PayPal reimbursed after like 4 days.

Oh and a retailer ran out of stock on a blue yeti mic and sent me the deluxe version for no additional cost. Was pretty cool of them.

By the way OP, you can set it up so that the buyer must pay at checkout. That's what I do.


The, 'personal issues' line in the original message is a huge red flag. Whenever I've dealt with scammers there's always a sob story element to appeal to your better nature.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Just wanted to point out something...

another guy took weeks to submit payment

If someone hasn't paid for an item after two days, you can open an unpaid item case with eBay, and if they haven't paid after four days, you can close the case in your favor.
I'm pretty sure PayPal has like a 180 day policy which is insane.
Yes, but it's very unlikely for them to favor the buyer's side if ebay has already settled the dispute in your favor. Paypal doesn't side quite as heavily with the buyer as ebay does. Only one time in hundreds of transactions have I ever had an issue with paypal siding with the buyer after ebay closed the case in my favor. They had the money on hold, but eventually sided with me.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Selling on ebay is the absolute worst way to sell your stuff. I've somehow managed to get up to around 150 positive feedback from sales but I feel like I've seen it all in regards to scams.

For your issue OP get your documentation in order so when the dispute is filed you have a rock solid case. As for the message the guy sent you I'd honestly not even reply. The transaction is over from your perspective. I simply do not reply to people that I feel might be setting the groundwork for a scam.


So after replying that the picture with the S/N is out of focus and to re-send, I got this weak reply:

Scammer said:
I attached 3 pics. One of them was a pic of the blury one by itself. Additionally I dont think the SN is actually on it. EVGA cards have black and white stickers that have the serial number on it. These stickers are known to fall off on their own after a year or two of use in a case. The only other location of this information is on the original box which you did not include.

Before that lazy response came through (it sounds like he expected this to be an easy con), I sent this to eBay customer support through "report a buyer":

Me said:
Hello, I chose "my problem isn't listed here" because it actually falls under multiple categories.

The buyer is contacting me through eBay messaging asking for me to send him a second item (off-record?), claiming the graphic card I sent him was "the wrong model".
The buyer sent me pictures of a completely different card, and when I asked for further proof such as serial number, they sent out-of-focus pictures.

I have proof of purchase of the model I bought and sold, I have even registered the card with EVGA (back in 2011) which ties the model to the serial number. The buyer is pretending that the card I sent is a different model, which is impossible because I have never owned the model they are claiming they received.

Can eBay step in and help me? The buyer, in the messages, is also trying to bully me using the standing of his account, and is exhibiting typical scam behavior like citing 'personal issues' as the reason he took so long to bring this to my attention to garner sympathy, etc.
If you require documentation of the card that I owned and sent the buyer, that can be provided. All I would like is to be able to block this user from contacting me and to avoid the buyer abusing buyer protection and committing fraud.

So at this point I think I've done all I can do so I'm not even going to respond.


If it was me, I would continue to insist that the buyer send me an in focus picture and just keep repeating that request. Completely ignoring the buyer will only make his scam easier on his part...

Not that anything is going to help you anyway...ebay sucks at times.


If it was me, I would continue to insist that the buyer send me an in focus picture and just keep repeating that request. Completely ignoring the buyer will only make his scam easier on his part...

Not that anything is going to help you anyway...ebay sucks at times.

I'll do that if he summons up the courage to send another message. It's funny because he's pretending now that the serial number has fallen off right after admitting it's blurry. He's already fucked up.


remember when people sold the box the Xbox came in on eBay for like $400? Good times.

I just ignore when people complain since I'm not a business and don't care if they expected a titan when they bought a gtx 460.

If he disputes it give him the knucks (give eBay the information you have)

I member dat
I'll do that if he summons up the courage to send another message. It's funny because he's pretending now that the serial number has fallen off right after admitting it's blurry. He's already fucked up.
He's scamming you bro. eBay is fucking shit. I hate it.


After not having problems with eBay, I just had one myself.

I sold a camera lens and the buyer claims that the package arrived open and the lens was gone and requested a refund. Sorry buddy, that's on USPS. File a claim.
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