Yeah, was super tempted to get that one, lol
Bleh same here. I appreciate some variety, but I got sooo many LTS games and then a good number of PvP (too many for my taste). I do wonder if LTS is actually weighted more heavily, it seemed like I got it by far the most.
Oh okay, Colony shows up in the normal modes
Map is horrible for Titanfall 2
Nah, it's still the best CTF map. It just sucks for PVP and it's overwhelmingly packed in Attrition.
Who's playing on PS4? Be happy to join up and get a better feel of the game.
Played a few matches so far, and I like it a lot. I wasn't even that big a fan of Call of Duty-style gunplay. XD
Major bug maybe?
You can drop your Titan in this little square on Colony and you cannot walk out.
Why the hell does this game not have a server in California? Closest is salt lake city...
Still the best CTF map in the game by a wide margin.Colony does not play well in Tf2 AT ALL. Please, next map be original.
Is the R101 really the same as R201? I feel that hip fire is more accurate on the R101 than the R201. I play on Xbox.
Is the R101 really the same as R201? I feel that hip fire is more accurate on the R101 than the R201. I play on Xbox.
It feels the same, but i hipfired more on the 101, weird.
This game is a hot mess.
I'm done.
Only, what, the tenth time you've said that?
I'm still having a great time tho
I think their point is, you don't like the game and that's fine, stop playing it and stop trying convince people in here that do enjoy it they are somehow wrong. You have "quit" multiple times, cool, move on.And that's fine and dandy dude but for players that actually want to take full advantage of the mobility system, and have engaging gun fights where gun skill over who saw who first is the deciding factor in killin/dying it's not fun.
It's like Respawn is holding up this juicy apple saying "look at how awesome this mobility is, look at how fast you can go" and then introduces a fucking ton of shit that goes against you using it
It makes zero fucking sense to me. ZERO. And when logic breaks down in my mind like that i tend to lose it.
Yes, because i try really hard to make the game work. There's so much fucking sloppy mistakes that it's unplayable once you reach a certain point.
Competitively, the game is a disaster. Maps are horribly unbalanced, game mechanics hinder you, gunplay took a back seat to quick milisecond COD type kills, the Titan play within pilot modes (especially CTF) is a complete failure on a magnitude i haven't seen in a sequel since Gears of War 2.
And all of this may not be so glaringly bad if the first game didn't have near perfect fluidity with maps that fit both titan and pilot play wonderfully. If i could have a word with the people responsible for
- three lane maps
- changing the titan health/load outs
- reducing ttk and gunplay
they failed this game with these decisions.
Side note: Another utterly MIND BOGGLING design choice not to give you a pilot kit for stealth or silent footsteps is yet again a prime example of this game ruining mobility. Against sound whoring try hard competitive players this Rips. You. To. Shreds. WHYYYYYY? RESPAWN????
Not even COD does this, dont' they always give you a "ninja" option?
I am baffled, and confused about so many of these poor decisions i don't have words anymore but hyperbolic language. Sorry.
Seeing almost literally everyone roll R-101s was pretty hilarious tho.... for sure the thirst is real for content
Yes, because i try really hard to make the game work. There's so much fucking sloppy mistakes that it's unplayable once you reach a certain point.
Competitively, the game is a disaster. Maps are horribly unbalanced, game mechanics hinder you, gunplay took a back seat to quick milisecond COD type kills, the Titan play within pilot modes (especially CTF) is a complete failure on a magnitude i haven't seen in a sequel since Gears of War 2.
And all of this may not be so glaringly bad if the first game didn't have near perfect fluidity with maps that fit both titan and pilot play wonderfully. If i could have a word with the people responsible for
- three lane maps
- changing the titan health/load outs
- reducing ttk and gunplay
they failed this game with these decisions.
Side note: Another utterly MIND BOGGLING design choice not to give you a pilot kit for stealth or silent footsteps is yet again a prime example of this game ruining mobility. Against sound whoring try hard competitive players this Rips. You. To. Shreds. WHYYYYYY? RESPAWN????
Not even COD does this, dont' they always give you a "ninja" option?
I am baffled, and confused about so many of these poor decisions i don't have words anymore but hyperbolic language. Sorry.
wait isn't there a silent footsteps/jet kit in this game? Pretty sure i have it on one of my smg kits instead of wall hang or kill report.
I was defending certain decisions, yes. I was enjoying the movement system, and the no wall hang, i said wait to give the Titans a shot, and to hold out for better maps since i thought they were putting the more casual friendly maps forward. No idea we were going to get things like hemlok, g2, devotion, a-wall, shittier maps, etc, etc, etc.hey wait I thought you used to be cool with TF2 during the beta test lol
No there is no silent footstep kit.wait isn't there a silent footsteps/jet kit in this game? Pretty sure i have it on one of my smg kits instead of wall hang or kill report.
They learned their lesson then lol. The only counter for sound whoring try hards is to become a sound whoring try hard yourself. CoD used to have a great ninja kit but they nerfed it to hell/got rid of it for a reason. For that slot it became pretty much the only kit you could run if you wanted be decent. IIRC Blops 1 is where this kinda peaked and the whole series pivoted in other directions to get rid of it.
Seeing almost literally everyone roll R-101s was pretty hilarious tho.... for sure the thirst is real for content
Just like the XIM still requires your input and skill! Glad to have you on board with mouse adapters!And don't reply with "but you use an elite controller, you get an advantage over others" because using an elite does allow you to play better but it still requires player input, still requires skill. Sound whoring is not a skill.