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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


Crashsite bottom start spawn up to top start spawn hill.

That one in particular is harder just because of all of the rocks and weird geometries, whenever I go that way I always wall run (the wall opposite the middle ship has enough flat spots for you to run along without being very exposed to the top of the hill). But if you just meant that level of steepness, same general tips apply, you just have to anticipate the jumping a bit more/hit the buttons faster.
Crashsite bottom start spawn up to top start spawn hill.

I knew it was this. Everyone knew it was this lol

My previous statement stands. Seriously, thats an awful map even after the changes. Even when wall running you'll hit something sticking out on top. Why those edges are there is beyond me. I could spend some serious time pointing out every little thing that completely ruins the flow of wall running, sliding, etc.
Hey, how many main maps did they add after the one AFTER Angel City (with the sniper tower)?

Saw one on Frothy's stream and it looked really good.

Also, since they finally upped the TTK, can I start begging for them to change Hardpoint again?

I enjoyed Attrition and Bounty Hunt, but those modes often felt like TDM modes.
CTF was fun but an absolute bore on some maps, which made me avoid the mode.
Amped Hardpoint felt the same way.

Do people still ask for that change, have they ever responded or offered to test it? Id love normal Hardpoint, higher TTK, and a tightened up CTF playlist.

Oh, and what about the matchmaking? It often felt like Id run into a lot of pub stomp games where the score difference was always more than half.
Hey, how many main maps did they add after the one AFTER Angel City (with the sniper tower)?

Saw one on Frothy's stream and it looked really good.

Colony, Glitch, and Relic. War Games will be available on Tuesday.

Live Fire has had 2(?) new maps?

Also, since they finally upped the TTK, can I start begging for them to change Hardpoint again?

High TTK is only a featured mode at the moment, but Im hoping they make it default soon.

Do people still ask for that change, have they ever responded or offered to test it? Id love normal Hardpoint, higher TTK, and a tightened up CTF playlist.

I dont believe they've commented either way

Oh, and what about the matchmaking? It often felt like Id run into a lot of pub stomp games where the score difference was always more than half.

Still an issue


Ah I see the melee is still broken as shit. The number I've whiffed and should have hit added to the number I've hit and should have missed accounts for 90% of all the time I've tried.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Playing coliseum, two notes:

1. If you leave before the ending animation starts after you lose, does it not count as a loss? I faced the same guy 2 times in a row, both times I won, but he was still on a 3 wins streak. But both matches as soon as I killed him for the 3rd point he left the game, and the ending animation never played. If so, that's pretty weird.

2. I really wish that I could choose my victory animation. When I (Gen 15. 42) dominate a new player (level 42) and win 3-0, I don't feel the need to stomp their face into the ground.

I noticed point 1 the other day when I loaded up Coliseum for the first time in ages. I was kind of sad to see that I was starting at 0-0 as I had a pretty good record when I was playing regularly... even sadder when I lost the first two matches after going up 2-0. After a while I came up against a guy with a ridiculous record and a supposed 82 win streak.. sure enough when I beat him 3-2 he left/dashboarded. I called him on it and he said, "I wasn't really trying so I felt the loss shouldn't count". Lol. Anyway being able to dodge losses like that is just plain no good.

And for point 2.... I had the opposite problem, every time they won they dashboarded or got the mean stomp him animation, and every time I won I got the "we good bro" or at best the "noogie" one. I definitely wanted to curb stomp some of those punks. Oh well.
Thx Odysseus. Never realized the map dlc count has been up to 6 now. That seems rather quick and insane. Are they better than vanilla maps like homestead and crash?

I really wish they gave us a solid road map much sooner.
Thx Odysseus. Never realized the map dlc count has been up to 6 now. That seems rather quick and insane. Are they better than vanilla maps like homestead and crash?

I really wish they gave us a solid road map much sooner.

For the maps available in the main modes? Definitely. I haven't too much time in Live Fire.

Glitch can be a little tight for Titans, but it may be the best map in the game. You could spend nearly an entire match wall running.

Seems that people only play Attrition on PS4.

Its the most populated, yes.
For the maps available in the main modes? Definitely. I haven't too much time in Live Fire.

Glitch can be a little tight for Titans, but it may be the best map in the game. You could spend nearly an entire match wall running.

Wow. I wonder if it was always the plan, or if they redesigned maps based on then negative feedback of the launch maps.

Has the population on PSN gone up btw? I remember it around 12-19K around Angel City.
Wow. I wonder if it was always the plan, or if they redesigned maps based on then negative feedback of the launch maps.

Has the population on PSN gone up btw? I remember it around 12-19K around Angel City.

Glitch is the only new and original map in Titanfall 2 since release (minus those found Live Fire). The rest are from TF1. Which isn't a bad thing since they range from good to great. I would like to see new maps with Glitch's mobility focus, but would also love to see more TF1 levels :D

Its gone down, and slightly up. Peak hours are about 7-9k recently and dies down to about 5k in the later hours.


-Titan Brawl now added as permanent mode in mixtape matchmaking.
-Titan Damage in now tracked in the scoreboard.

-Evac ship will now leave immediately once all living players are onboard.

-All Pilots can now equip a primary, secondary, and anti-titan weapon.
-The 2nd weapon or 3rd weapon can be either pistol or anti-titan weapon, based on your loadout.

Loving many of these changes, just somewhat odd and a bit of a shame that they're coming so late in the game's life, well after many people have left or forgotten the game.

Hopefully they'll take all the lessons into TitanFall 3 though.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Wow, they're going to actually mess with the aim assist and roll out permanent changes in the DLC after this one. Not bad at all. And a new FFA mode, yay! I'm not sure the community at large cares that much about FFA but it is a personal favorite.
Wooow, forgot they gave AT and secondary pistol.

Whyyy did this all take so long? Like I dont get it, was there pushback from EA or something
Wooow, forgot they gave AT and secondary pistol.

Whyyy did this all take so long? Like I dont get it, was there pushback from EA or something

They tried something and it didn't stick. The time frame is likely due to resources being split between their Star Wars game, TF2 support, and TF3 stuff. They're currently hiring 30(?) or so for Titanfall.
They tried something and it didn't stick. The time frame is likely due to resources being split between their Star Wars game, TF2 support, and TF3 stuff. They're currently hiring 30(?) or so for Titanfall.

I wonder if we'll see TF3 as soon as next year

Probably just resources and time available.

Not that I know anything but how hard is to add an extra weapon to your inventory? Was it just a fear of making a big change in case they wanted to revert it?


Not that I know anything but how hard is to add an extra weapon to your inventory? Was it just a fear of making a big change in case they wanted to revert it?

I would also think it's just priorities. We don't know how big this team is. They have various things to work on. Have given us new modes like Live Fire, Marked for Death, given us new maps and remade maps, etc.

Three weapons was probably low on their priority list, and they heard the feedback over time and decided it's better to implement it.

Just my guess though. I really doubt EA gave them any pushback. EA can't even market this game properly smh.

I wonder if we'll see TF3 as soon as next year

Doubt it. We'll probably see support for TF2 finish this year. Next year hopefully their Star Wars game launches. And hopefully a year or two after that we'll see TF3.


It wasn't listed in the patch notes, but Jayfresh (from Respawn) has confirmed via Reddit that the patch will also fix the audio glitch caused by Ronin's new execution.

High TTK will remain as an "experimental" mode for the time being. Next changes will focus on aim-assist.

They really should just enable the higher TTK across board and run the tests in that featured mode. I don't want to go back to the normal TTK but I really dont have a choice if Im running solo.

You're really good at the game it's not that bad playing solo in high ttk. I don't want to go back to the old ttk tomorrow for the new maps. I haven't touched the regular playlist since high ttk came out so that should be interesting. If they do keep high ttk they need to adjust the ammo count in some.of the guns.

I'm really excited about the aim assist changes I don't use the assault rifles much due to the high aim assist they have. I'm hoping they are just making the aim assist on rifles the same as the smgs.


Is the aim-assist adjustment going to be on everything or just the HTTK mode?

Based on the paragraph where it's mentioned:
Thank you for all the feedback with last patch’s High TTK experimental mode. There were thousands of comments across multiple communities and we’re still debating the pros and cons of different changes. This upcoming patch, we’ll be running another balance test focused around aim-assist adjustments. Our plan is to combine lessons learned from both tests in DLC 7, so console and controller players please send us your feedback.
It sounds to me like the changed aim assist will be a separate mode that will replace High TTK. I'll miss HTTK starting tomorrow if that's the case.


Just coming in to say that this is the my favorite mp game on console right now. The movement and gunplay are so satisfying. I've recently come back to the game after a long hiatus, and I'm so glad I did. Here's hoping for a TF3!!!
Apparently update went live on PS4 already, not sure if that was intended but oh well! Also, apparently stepping on stalkers now does a lot of damage to your titan: https://gfycat.com/BreakableScholarlyJellyfish
But why tho
I always thought Stalkers were worse than Reapers because of how it feels like RNG when they decide to be bullet sponges or commit martyrdom.

And now you're punished for killing them the easy way as a Titan.


It's taking a bit to get used to holding triangle to get to my third weapon. I messed around with having pistol as a secondary, but that did not work out at all.

Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about that. The timer is ugly and looks like it's in the way. This is also gonna cause more pilot sentry spam and map hack. Pilot sentries are fucking Stupid. I still don't understand how they made it into the game.

Tbh after the high ttk playlist the game doesn't even need the boosts. They should just remove them it was a bad idea anyways.

Hopefully the stalkers causing Titan damage is just a bug cuz that doesn't make sense. Sometimes I don't understand the thought process for these balancing decisions.
That amped weapons nerf was needed honestly, it was OP before. Made every other boost pretty much obsolete.

It was a bad idea to begin with for sure and made gun fights more random. PvP is gonna be ruined now though it's gonna be sentry guns on every building and map hacks for days.

So even more people just sitting on buildings with a turret or two camping how fun.



Don't like the stim nerf though, how do you nerf that but not broken grapple hook?


It was a bad idea to begin with for sure and made gun fights more random. PvP is gonna be ruined now though it's gonna be sentry guns on every building and map hacks for days.

So even more people just sitting on buildings with a turret or two camping how fun.

Put a 30 second timer on Turrents. We good.
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