They are banned because they waste time and because of disconnects.
No USB hub, unless something is VERY wrong, will ads Xms of input lag. Seriously.
Here's a source I'm happy with:
Edit: I don't know how accurate this is, but their website says:
I can't comment on it being zero lag etc. But if anything, the necessity of a hub for the pass-through isn't causing any issues.
As for the FGC, SFV has a bunch of lag anyway, so there's that.
Much of the above doesn't make sense.
The reason tools like the beagle analyser exist and measure latency added by a hub in milliseconds is because they can add latency, measurable in milliseconds. At my University I run an electroencephalography lab where we require near-absolute synchronous between the inputs on a computer screen and the triggers received by another computer, there are plenty ways in which to test the this syncrhony with software and hardware with seemingly similar intentions to the one that you linked. This is the one that we were using in our lab In either case, the link you provided doesn't demonstrate that USB hubs can't add additional input lag, measurable in milliseconds, if anything, it suggests the opposite. Whether the something is very wrong with a USB hub that does create any meaningful latency is up to your own interpretation, but the fact that it can happen makes it better to avoid using one unless you really have to (in this case you don't, you can use a Brook rather than ChronusMax).
The Chronusmax is banned, mainly because of the ability to add macros. Time itself isn't a big issue, wireless dual shock 4's are allowed which take more time (since they have to be manually removed from the system every single time one is used). You can install macros for combos and whatnot, which obviously, really significantly effect the competitive validity of the hardware and would be quite difficult to detect because normal hand movements can often look like correct execution. The prospect of needing to reauthenticate is also a problem, as this would pause the game and require TO intervention.*****-pack-4-gamepack-released/
As for what Cronusmax say regarding latency, it's possibly untrue, but hard to say. I believe Brook would say, or perhaps already do say the same things about their devices, but when tested, they do add a little lag.
As for Street Fighter and its built in input delay, all games have a certain amount of lag built into them, the input does not occur on the next frame in any game, so the 8 frames of lag in SFV isn't especially unusual. In the most responsive fighting games games it's usually around 4, but in either case the 'base' input lag of the video game is an overhead, processed after the system actually receives the input. It doesn't change the significance of reducing the input latency caused by your hardware.
In either case though, this really isn't worth further discussion. This is a TF2 thread and while I do care about input latency of my controllers and whatnot, I do not care this much.