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TITANFALL 2 |G2.1| "Whatever The Fuck That Means"


Man the G2 pretty much makes every sniper rifle obsolete.

Yeah, it's a crazy weapon. Amped G2 is hilarious. I use it to take a break from SMGs on certain maps (black water, homestead and crash site mostly).

You can feel the salt of some people when they think you're the classic camper, after you pick them off from afar and they chase you down. Switch to the Mozambique and wreck them when they catch up to me.

Makes it hard to deal with titans, but meh, it's fun every now and again.
I dont think there's any question that Respawn has failed spectacularly to support their game.

Not simply as far as content, but basic fucking communication as far as a roadmap.

Its honestly looking increasingly likely that the entire team moved on to the Star Wars project and there really is no long-term plan.

Too bad too. Given that Infinite Warfare failed to stick the landing and now Activision is implying they're going back to 'classic' COD, there was a HUGE opening for TitanFall 2 to be THE futuristic high-mobility multiplayer shooter.

So you're not excited for a new titanfall mode without any Titans? Lololol

But yeah, lack of communication and lack of updates is a bit of a bummer. I'd be fine with more old maps too, just needs to happen a bit faster.

I assume this new mode is going to be a massive flop as well... But here's hoping I'm wrong and it was worth the time they spent on it!
Man I had arguably one of my angriest moments in this game. A bunch of us were in Titans and I was trying to kill a Ronin but he does the usual phase shift into nuke eject. I turn around to run but some dumbass behind me in a legion was blocking my escape and wanted to stay and keep shooting. I had no choice but to do the early eject since my Titan was near full health.

Unless it's your first week, how are you not aware that you have to run for it when a Titan is nuke ejecting?


Just a question for a newish player. Does the amped weapon thingy have the same kind of effect the first game did or is it just damage?
Just a question for a newish player. Does the amped weapon thingy have the same kind of effect the first game did or is it just damage?

Just pure damage increase. In Tf1 the amped weapon burn cards do have some unique effects added to them, like most of the amped guns have optics on them.


Don't most titans have straight up counters? Like Ronin is just destroyed by Scorch. The only one that doesn't is Tone.

I don't think anyone has a counter as hard as Ion/Legion. Is Scorch supposed to kill Ronin? I've never struggled with a Scorch before at all. Just don't get directly on top of him and you're good. Being the fastest titan in the game also negates a good chunk of Scorch's damage potential since you're not in fire for more than a split second.
Titanfall 2 needs better team balancing, because there's no reason why the game should decide that 2-3 pubstompers who can get +120 points each will be on the same team.

And no, Skillbased Matchmaking is not the answer, don't want to get into those same type of matches, with 4-5 minute wait times in between, Overwatch pissed me off because of that reason.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I don't suppose there will be a setting to pick up weapons by holding the switch weapons button again? I've gotten way too many surprise mystery weapons on eject from scooping garbage off the ground while trying to get into my titan.

Blog delays are kind of hilarious since once every two weeks is the schedule they picked for themselves. Can't they just show what's ready to show and save the rest for the next one? It's not that critical!


/r/Titanfall has some of the most casual plays ever on its front page.

Literally, a dude shooting an auto-Titan with a Mag Launcher...


Titanfall 2 needs better team balancing, because there's no reason why the game should decide that 2-3 pubstompers who can get +120 points each will be on the same team.

And no, Skillbased Matchmaking is not the answer, don't want to get into those same type of matches, with 4-5 minute wait times in between, Overwatch pissed me off because of that reason.

Yeah, this boggles my mind. It's not just TF2, though. Why doesn't every modern game auto-balance teams based on skill/pts?


It's not surprising if numbers are really slumping. The post release support has been bad. They still haven't released any type of roadmap, seem to have no plan in mind, let the meta stagnate, have far too few maps, most of the kits/pilot perks are laughably bad, and bugs like Ion's shield damage glitch are damn near game-breaking.

TF2 was my goty but I am continually stunned by how tepid the post-release support has been. I realize the complexities of modern development and applaud the leadership at Respawn for giving the team time off. That said, as a person who bought a product partially for the expectation of long-term support, which I have enthusiastically supported with mtx purchases, TF2 is a disappointment. Still can't believe they wasted even a day of dev time on the incoming mode.

Numbers aren't slumping. They're good. Your support is appreciated.

Livefire does some good things that we've been trying to for a long time but never succeeded at previously. Worth checking out before writing it off.

Roadmap situation is not ideal, please bear with us.

No Love

Numbers aren't slumping. They're good. Your support is appreciated.

Livefire does some good things that we've been trying to for a long time but never succeeded at previously. Worth checking out before writing it off.

Roadmap situation is not ideal, please bear with us.

Don't worry, those of us that aren't entitled crybabies totally understand.
Numbers aren't slumping. They're good. Your support is appreciated.

Livefire does some good things that we've been trying to for a long time but never succeeded at previously. Worth checking out before writing it off.

Roadmap situation is not ideal, please bear with us.

I was an ardent defender of TF1's population, but the falloff (on PC) for Titanfall 2 has been really depressing. Balance changes are desperately needed, and so is better matchmaking and better maps.
/r/Titanfall has some of the most casual plays ever on its front page.

Literally, a dude shooting an auto-Titan with a Mag Launcher...

I literally don't understand how reddit works.


I mean, people downvoted this.

I don't understand.

I think I'm done with this game until the update hits. I'm not having fun anymore. Every game is either on an awful map that obstructs and obfuscates my ability to run, or the game has created extremely uneven teams and I'm either roflstomping or getting roflstomped
I just have zero interest in an non-Titan mode. There are already one too many non-Titan modes in the game IMO, siphoning off players from the good stuff.


Anybody know what default the the advanced control settings are working from? You get a message saying that these sensitivities will override the basic option on the previous page, but never specify whether the starting point is the sensitivity you set (4) or if it's the default (3)...


Subete no aware
It's Titanfall, not Pilotfall. The pilot only modes are bizarre.
I can understand it, since the movement is the highlight of the game compared to other FPSes and having something other than PvP is something to break it up.
But yeah, I don't think there's the population to support it at this point.


I think my problem with the pilot only modes, is that while I love the movement, I also love being in a Titan. I love that each match has two, completely different play styles.

A fast paced, COD-like pilot mode, and a slow paced, Halo-like Titan mode. So I don't like the only titan or only pilot modes. I like the ones with both.

One point and he was there for the entire match...
i keep reading that tf2 is great and then i read this thread... yeah ill just a few months until they sort this shit out. the beta was so garbage it destroyed all my confidence in this game


i keep reading that tf2 is great and then i read this thread... yeah ill just a few months until they sort this shit out. the beta was so garbage it destroyed all my confidence in this game

The game is leagues above the beta. It's still tons of fun. There are just some balance issues with a few guns and a Titan, but they aren't sweeping the game or ruining anything. It's very full on PS4 servers, though PC's population is anemic.
My main annoyance, which has caused to pretty much stop playing, is the matchmaking.

Played a dozen games today and each and every one I was thrown into with the match already half over and my team losing by miles.


I can confirm that grouping up 1-2 friends really helps keep stuff fun. We almost never load in to a match in progress, we know that there is at least someone on our team who knows how to play well, and it makes the joke stats so great. I'm on PS4 by the way, PSN is the same as Gaf name.


If numbers are good, they must be new players because Titanfall 1 peeps are falling off, making the matches worse and worse.

Balancing based om points doesn't work for Titanfall. It really doesn't and it made the original horrible to play as a soloQ. It made me stop the original, it'll definitely make me never return to this.

Live Fire better be dope.

Jay said he'd have a date this week so... I guess they're really making sure it's good by delaying it huh

i keep reading that tf2 is great and then i read this thread... yeah ill just a few months until they sort this shit out. the beta was so garbage it destroyed all my confidence in this game

The campaign is


i keep reading that tf2 is great and then i read this thread... yeah ill just a few months until they sort this shit out. the beta was so garbage it destroyed all my confidence in this game

Keep in mind the context of a lot of these comments. For example, TF2 was my 2016 goty and I've put in over a hundred hours. It's still an incredible game both in single and multiplayer, without question. That said, after so much time playing it, the flaws are more noticeable. That's no reason not to pick up a copy though. It's still one top ten available games on current gen platforms and one every person who enjoys shooters should own.
i keep reading that tf2 is great and then i read this thread... yeah ill just a few months until they sort this shit out. the beta was so garbage it destroyed all my confidence in this game

The people who are most vocally frustrated with the problems in TitanFall 2 are the ones who love it most and now how great it could be.

There aren't major, gamebreaking problems with the game. There are a bunch of small but significant issues with the meta and the feature suite one expects from a modern AAA FPS (matchmaking, post-launch support, transparency with the community, etc) that are incredibly frustrating to deal with.

The core of the best shooter since TF1 is in there. They've just buried it under a lot of bad decisions.

But I've put over 120 hours in and I'm still playing. Figure to play a lot longer too.


Subete no aware
Yeah, I'm on 5 days played? I love the game and still play it. But when you play something that much, it all starts to get very samey.
i keep reading that tf2 is great and then i read this thread... yeah ill just a few months until they sort this shit out. the beta was so garbage it destroyed all my confidence in this game

it is a great game. OTs are generally filled with people who have played the game a million hours and let their fatigue morph into discontent with every single aspect of the game. that and the typical rage associated with multiplayer shooters.
Good gawd, I haven't played without Low Profile for 9 straight Gens. Those damn skull icons are distracting more than helping at this point, lol
Ok, I hate moaning, but I'm done with the game. Tried playing it again this morning and in the half dozen games I played, I'm still getting thrown into matches half way through. This in turn effects my MVP/Win stats and completely throws them off.

The post game support for this has been abandoned quicker than a ginger step child.


Subete no aware
Ok, I hate moaning, but I'm done with the game. Tried playing it again this morning and in the half dozen games I played, I'm still getting thrown into matches half way through. This in turn effects my MVP/Win stats and completely throws them off.

The post game support for this has been abandoned quicker than a ginger step child.
You don't take a loss if your team is losing when you join at least.

we don't know yet
Guess I can keep leveling since hitting G10 then.
You don't take a loss if your team is losing when you join at least.

I guess. But if you join when you're winning and your team have all left (hence why you've been put in) you find quickly that you're going to be on the losing end.

The radio silence for updates is infuriating. Why not news on post Gen 10 and Prime skins?


Even though my winrate is way up since i decided to learn northstar the one titan that can crush tone shields I still get 1-3 idiots on my team each match that look at the enemy team running nuke eject and say "oh hey i'll just go hug this guy so after you spend ample time and resources dooming and trying to kill his titan he can just immediately get a fresh titan.

It makes no sense to me that the nuclear option on titans either:
- doesnt lock the pilot launching a nuke in meaning you don't get killed for it and get a relatively advantageous height differential
- does six full bars of damage one shotting any titan within moderate range
- has no damage dropoff or distribution if multiple titans soak the nuke
- the kills immediately count towards your titan meter and killing a single titan with it instantly refreshes your meter allowing you to land in a newly dropped titan

Is it the damage that's bugged like how they refuse to admit Ion's shield and some projectile weapons return absurd titan deleting damage / do more damage if you miss and hit with the splash?
Is nuke eject explosive damage and its actually supposed to do way less damage?

Why dont nuke ejecters get sealed in and have to give up their map position / half of their wallet / their current flag or point capping and amping.

Why not even just force nuke ejectors to come out at ground level and run away from their own damn nuke?

Why does nuke eject if its going to give you massive instant titan / pilot / ai kill potential and a safe and advantageous air strafing positioning, why is that not enough of a sway in your team's favor that the kills also must count towards instantly rebuilding your titan meter?

I think i've been killed by nuke eject seriously maybe 5 times, four of those understandably when I was learning Scorch, but I feel its absurd sway in every single match.
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