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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.

Same here.

Beta made me not want to get this game because of Bounty Hunt. I still don't like the mode.

Attrition is a large part of what made the original Titanfall such a big hit in the first place. Different types of friendly and enemy AIs, more available Titans, simple scoring model, and quick, fun matches. You FELT like you were in a massive battle. Bounty Hunt makes me feel like I'm playing Call of Duty...and I don't like that.
Yeah, the AI on the field is mandatory for me. They flesh out the maps, draw out enemy players, and provide some much needed chatter to the whole thing.

Its a nice loop to take on enemy AI to feed the titan meter, go full speed mirror's edge all around the map taking out players (and especially titans. God damn do I love taking out titans as a pilot) before calling down a titan of my own (Ion for now) and wrecking shit for as long as possible.

I only wish that Attrition felt as grand and as busy as TF1, and had hoped that the mode could have sprinkled with more "epilogue"-like phases. As good as it is, I am worried the repetition will sink in quickly. But hopefully the forthcoming co-op mode will help with that.


Attrition *is* Titanfall for me. Can't get enough and have zero interest in the other modes.

Ditto. Although I may try a few games of Last Titan Standing. But I definitely don't like objective-based modes. Let us just fight each other and decide of how we do it, no "go there" nor "do that".

Anyway, Ronins are definitely the nemesis of my Northstar. Their multiple dashes and phase shifts make them hard to evade, I feel like more than half of my Titan deaths are by the edge of that sword.


I always see 45-65 ping for my matches, but have experienced some bad lag and stuttering and warping all the same. So I don't quite trust the meter.

Luckily that's happened only rarely (maybe than 10% of the time).

And to agree with the above, Specters are worth 1 point, and Reapers are worth 5. Love that I can one shot Reapers with Ion's shoulder laser.

Im always on the (44) or something, but I have yet to experience any lag.



Real question is what changes from all the new traversal options and abilities (etc). But the geo itself, the layout and all, is what you know and/or love.

You can't go back on your word.
God damn, blind 'naden bitches feels so fucking good in this game! Brings me back to my MW2 days of blindly dropping 'nades like a BOSS! I'm a fucking 'nade whisperer!


I thought people were exaggerating when they talked about how awesome the campaign was.

I just finished it in basically one sitting and it is AMAZING.

Balls to the walls over the top fun with gameplay mechanics that are unbelievably cool.

This might be GOTY for me just based on the single player alone.

God damn, what a ride!


No for real, no one get's 50-70+ of their score from Minions anymore, it's basically impossible. You definitely can't farm, and Reapers show up literally at the end of the game.

Map hack can be countered by radar jammer. I always run with jammer now.

I don't think so.

Map Hack people don't look at their Radar because they can see everything through walls anyway.
I'm enjoying the campaign. But why is the dialog so low? I tried lowering the sfx and music to compensate, but those values only work for MP. For reference I use surround sound turtle beach headphones, so it's not that. Whenever there's gunfire going on it just drowns out the dialog.


Someone save me from this achievement.


Real question is what changes from all the new traversal options and abilities (etc). But the geo itself, the layout and all, is what you know and/or love.
There is a God.


I'm enjoying the campaign. But why is the dialog so low? I tried lowering the sfx and music to compensate, but those values only work for MP. For reference I use surround sound turtle beach headphones, so it's not that. Whenever there's gunfire going on it just drowns out the dialog.
Yea I remember I could barely hear what people were saying.


I'm enjoying the campaign. But why is the dialog so low? I tried lowering the sfx and music to compensate, but those values only work for MP. For reference I use surround sound turtle beach headphones, so it's not that. Whenever there's gunfire going on it just drowns out the dialog.

Can you disable the surround sound feature on the Turtle Beach headphones?

I used my stereo headphones and the mix sounded really good there.
I'm starting to get a feel for LTS, having more success with Homestead than other maps.

Is it me or are open areas like that better to play LTS than the three lane maps?


I'm starting to think that Phase is useless. Thanks to the netcode that favors the shooter you're dead even after you're in Phase. Three times in one match I'm in the other dimension and die to titan.

Oh my word Phase Shift is my crutch.

I'm being shot at and don't know where from. Phase shift and re-health.

I'm caught in a grenade or gravity star. Phase shift the hell out of there.

There's someone camping on the rooftops. Phase shift and take 'me out.

There's an annoying turret. Phase shift then melee.

I've drawn attention to myself with my gunfire. Phase shift and play guess where I went.

There is probably half a second delay when activating though, but it works more often than not.

Got a single bullet triple kill headshot with the Double Take earlier. Sleeper weapon if ever there was one. Anyway, I smacked Alt+F10 but alas Shadowplay didn't work. Has anyone got it working?


Stupid question: once you have unlocked all the accesory slots for a weapon, what's the reason to keep leveling them? I mean, just went from level 20 to level G2.0 or something like that on my R201, and I don't know it that unlocks something new or it's just a way to measure how much you have played using a specific weapon
Stupid question: once you have unlocked all the accesory slots for a weapon, what's the reason to keep leveling them? I mean, just went from level 20 to level G2.0 or something like that on my R201, and I don't know it that unlocks something new or it's just a way of measurement how much you have played using a specific weapon
You unlock new skins and an attachment I think
Stupid question: once you have unlocked all the accesory slots for a weapon, what's the reason to keep leveling them? I mean, just went from level 20 to level G2.0 or something like that on my R201, and I don't know it that unlocks something new or it's just a way to measure how much you have played using a specific weapon

Fancy new camos


1080x720p (with dips to much lower)
everything on lowest quality
30-40fps mid-fights
playing on PC with a pad...


Yeah Legion is broken af lets be real


I wanna play with you Code


Copy just showed up, going to jump in after dinner. Got pumped for it over the past few days.

What sucks is, just like TF1 (which I liked) my friends list doesn't look like it's getting the love GAF is giving it.


Formerly Gizmowned
Man I wish some modes were longer, 10 minutes seems to fly then its all over.

One thing I've noticed quite alot is people aren't playing this like it should be, I've seen so many just sticking the ground and playing it like a typical fps. Get flying boyz.



Just played Complex for the first and last time. What an awful map, feels like it's ripped from COD. That'll be an insta-quit whenever that comes up in rotation again.
I'm going to have to try Attrition again. I've only played it twice. Every other game has been Bounty Hunt for me. I love that mode.

Bounty Hunt >>> Attrition, imo. Something about Attrition is just... off, somehow. Bounty Hunt has a much better flow, and as a low-tier player whose computer tends to chug, I still feel like I'm contributing.

E92 M3


Real question is what changes from all the new traversal options and abilities (etc). But the geo itself, the layout and all, is what you know and/or love.

MY MAN! Can't wait. Hope we get a 24/7 playlist.

Man I wish some modes were longer, 10 minutes seems to fly then its all over.

One thing I've noticed quite alot is people aren't playing this like it should be, I've seen so many just sticking the ground and playing it like a typical fps. Get flying boyz.


It's more beneficial (sadly) to be stationary than fly around on some maps.


My only complaint is that there are too many MP modes. Cut it to Attrition, BH, and Hardpoint, and this game has legs.


Bounty Hunt is cool. I also like Hardpoint. I was slaying the enemy team but we lost because my attack score was crap. That mode actually forces you to play the objective.
I'm enjoying the MP but have a few pet peeves

Titans just don't feel as epic as they did in the first. The rate of turnover for a Titan is so small now that they don't feel like a power up anymore.

Attrition games are never won by a team hitting the target score. I've had one game in 13+ end with one team getting 500 points, every other game just ran out of time.

I hate that perks don't reset when you respawn. Having them cool down after you've respawned it a poor choice, in my opinion


I've played a bit of the multiplayer and I dont understand, I thought this game was about movement and momentum, but some of these maps dont seem designed for it at all, most people just run around on the ground, I feel almost misled. But it is somewhat fun otherwise.


Might buy the ps4 version tomorrow, is the online multi community lively? Otherwise i'll stick to the single which had comparisons to the modern doom and wolfenstein which I loved.


My only complaint is that there are too many MP modes. Cut it to Attrition, BH, and Hardpoint, and this game has legs.
Hell no we don't need both Att and BH get rid of Attrition since BH it's it's next evolution of it.

BH, Hardpoint, LTS, Mixed playlist, FFA, Pilots only

that hits all areas
Hell no we don't need both Att and BH get rid of Attrition since BH it's it's next evolution of it.

BH, Hardpoint, LTS, Mixed playlist, FFA, Pilots only

that hits all areas

Helllllllllllllllll no Bounty Hunt is no Attrition evolution. Completely different match flow and goals. I'd lose my mind like I did in the Tech Test if I had to play Bounty Hunt over and over with that same bot farming routine.

If anything, Pilots v Pilots is the one completely out of place. And the mixed playlist can be transformed into something way more interesting.


Sitting on the fence about what platform to pick this up for. My computer can definitely run it at 60fps 1440p but are the graphics really that much better than on PS4? I feel like the solid user base on PS4 just makes that the way to go. Help would be appreciated!

Its solid on pc if you get it on pc and help it grow.
1080x720p (with dips to much lower)
everything on lowest quality
30-40fps mid-fights
playing on PC with a pad...


Yeah Legion is broken af lets be real


I wanna play with you Code
Huh, does the resolution scaling hinder visibility at times? I'm wondering how aggressive it is, though I'll probably end up playing with it turned off.

I'll be on in a few hours. I got a late start at work today, unfortunately. Add me on Origin!

Real question is what changes from all the new traversal options and abilities (etc). But the geo itself, the layout and all, is what you know and/or love.
Great to hear. I had a nightmare that some of the buildings were going to be cut in half to reduce verticality.

Can we get Smuggler's Cove and Overgrowth, too?


Helllllllllllllllll no Bounty Hunt is no Attrition evolution. Completely different match flow and goals. I'd lose my mind like I did in the Tech Test if I had to play Bounty Hunt over and over with that same bot farming routine.

If anything, Pilots v Pilots is the one completely out of place. And the mixed playlist can be transformed into something way more interesting.
You gotta have a pilot v pilot mode, even BF realized you had to serve all masters and have a smaller scale no vehicle mode. BH feels more realized at this point then attrition currently. It's an easy pick if I had to pick one to get rid of right now.
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