Hey guys, would love some thoughts on a thorny issue I'm facing.
I have the Collector's Edition pre-ordered through Amazon for both the Xbox One and PC, but I'm not sure which of the two to keep. Such a dumb problem, but it's really bugging me, because the decision is hard to make.
I have like fucking $180 in space bucks turned real money on Live that I need to spend before they expire in a year(?), so even though I won't play it nearly as much, I'm wondering if I should keep the PC Collector's Edition, then buy the digital Xbox One version with points? Since I want both versions eventually anyways, that would save me money from buying the Xbone version then the PC version as well later.
But man, as dumb as it is, I still like having cases in a collection on a shelf for console games.
Someone help convince me that buying digitally is ok, and I don't need a disk and a case on my shelf, because even with like 750 Steam games, digital ownership still feels weird on consoles.