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Haha, oh wow!
Can't believe people found a way to play it.
Can't believe people found a way to play it.
The devs could have stepped up and put in the time to make this a complete game and the review scores will reflect that.
The NA getting getting games on Tuesday and Eu getting games Thursday, has been happening for a long time.
Honestly, it's not really worth the trouble unless you want to play training all weekend since nobody's playing online.
Really just wanted to see if it could be done.
Seems like you guys are getting extra screwed. :xThis game according to Origin comes out on Friday. Though maybe that's just the UK getting extra screwed.
This is true though, now that you mention it. I blame the console release.Also this is an online only game, mmo's don't pull this shit.
Only if you're going to.
Can't you do the campaign?
Yeah, I'd really like to know this as well.Also can people datamine this so we can have confirmation on the number of maps?
I thought they said it was a 21 gig download? Not 49 god damn.
Also can people datamine this so we can have confirmation on the number of maps?
This guy.
I am so glad Dice didn't tack on an SP for BF 1942 to make it a "complete" game and instead focused on making the best online MP ever.
That was info from the beta build. Who knows if the official release has that many maps. Some might be unfinished, some might be future dlc, some might be canceled. I reckon the leaked amount is correct though, but we don't know for sure. Respawn/EA have been pretty hush hush about it, so I'm not sure what to think.I thought we already knew that, or were there more rumors?
I thought we already knew that, or were there more rumors?
OT is delicious. Well done. Had much fun on the PC beta.
Some clips from the intro, taken from intro.bik. Don't click if you want to keep the intro a surprise.
That was info from the beta build. Who knows if the official release has that many maps. Some might be unfinished, some might be future dlc, some might be canceled. I reckon the leaked amount is correct though, but we don't know for sure. Respawn/EA have been pretty hush hush about it, so I'm not sure what to think.
The maps are all right there. You don't even have to dig.
Some clips from the intro, taken from intro.bik. Don't click if you want to keep the intro a surprise.
I was joking. I am one of the folks who defend MP only titles all the time on GAF.
Sounds good. Respawn/EA really didn't care about encrypting it huh.The maps are all right there. You don't even have to dig.
When does the review embargo break?
What's that last one... client_mp_npe.bsp.pak000_000.vpk ?
Sounds good. Respawn/EA really didn't care about encrypting it huh.
When does the review embargo break?
Don't take this as anything official, but circumventing security measures probably isn't in your best interest :\
Getting a copy early, as Vince mentioned in a tweet yesterday, is different than mucking about with files.
What's that last one... client_mp_npe.bsp.pak000_000.vpk ?
What's that last one... client_mp_npe.bsp.pak000_000.vpk ?
Those are just the file names of the packages. It's not unusual to do it that way.
Same time the PC version unlocks, 9pm PDT Monday 10th.
Ryan McCaffrey hyperbole sure to be quoted on every page.The review thread is going to be hilarious
Oh my. Those... Are amazing.Some clips from the intro, taken from intro.bik. Don't click if you want to keep the intro a surprise.