Tivo is God.... God is Tivo...
Think of it as a VCR that uses a harddrive to record shows.... but even that sells it short. If you use suggestions it will record shows you might like based on how you rate shows you watch regularly. In addition you can set up searches... so say you're a big Steven Seagal fan... you can create a keyword search using his name and then anytime a show comes on starring him? Boom it records for you.
Simply put(and a friend commented on this during our BBQ yesterday) 1% of my TV watching time is spent watching Live TV, everything else are TV series that I like that I've recorded so that I can watch at my leisure.
And whatever you are watching is also being recorded so you can pause live TV as well... but once the show is over that passive recording is erased.
In addition you can set it to record a full season of whatever show you watch... set it and forget it.
The thing I don't know is... do the standalone Tivo's come with 1 tuner or 2? I think only 1. The Direct TV Tivo's come built in with 2 tuners so you can watch something while recording something else... or record two different channels at the same time... in addition I think the monthly fee for standalone Tivo's is more than than the Direct Tivo versions.
Go to
www.tivo.com... and become one of us....
And don't let anyone who says they have some cable company's DVR kid you.... some features like suggestions aren't gonna be found in any other DVR.
While I think you only get 1 tuner with non Direct TV Tivo's you gain the ability to schedule online and watch items recorded on one Tivo on another in your house(if you have multiple ones).
DirecTTivo's can be "modified" to do this... but the standalones have the features up and running.
In addition you can in some models install larger HD's, etc...