Never skip a cutscene! It's a crime

I'm trying so hard not to spoil major things, but I think you'll love it and you'll be surprised about all the hate against it. Nothing is forced at all, all who says so is bullshitting and didn't play/finish the game.
I'd take TLOU2 any day, those over-sexualized games never had any issues for those basement masturbators:
Tom Raider, although you can give it a pass
Nier Automata, WTF?
Aloy is well dressed, and a convincing female character
Same goes for Ellie
Yes there are semi-sexual moments in TLOU2, and the true sexual moment is actually heterosexual.
Are you a man, or woman, gay/straight. Nothing wrong with attractive ladies. Why do people like you deny their agency. They exist just as much as plain Jane ellie.
If your a straight woman do you feel insecure with attractive ladies, I think. The neir lady's ass scene is hot. I think I will get that game as I was on the fence.
If you are a man why don't you like attractive ladies?
If you are gay man, why would it matter and aren't many gay men into fashion and models, you would think they would like attractive ladies.
If you are gay woman I would think you would like attractive ladies.
The only way I think people get into thr mindset of anti attractive ladies if they feel insecure with their looks, which I doubt is it, or they have been indoctrinated by intersectional post modern feminism ala Sarkeesian Inc. And resetera.
I have no problem with ellie or alloy btw... I do have a problem with people trying to erase attractive females. You have no right to try to remove or change Lara Croft, Sophie Cassandra, ivy cassi, cydni from ff15, quiet from mgs5, neir atomita lady, etc...
People like me love attractive and curvy women characters. Especially since many aren't being shown in movies or other media because people trying to erase their existence.
You don't see the same response to overly muscalr dudes. I don't look like the gears of War dudes but I'm not trying to censor them. Most men look nothing like video game characters or movie stars etc..
Shit people already ruined comics. There is room for both, plain and sexy. Just like there are room for both.
I never asked for ellie to be sexy. I didn't care as the character was portrayed as a kid and then a teen, young adult. That's fine. Got no problem with that. Difference is Lara croft was always a sexy sophisticated intelligent women who knows how to kick ass and do it with style and grace. You don't see her wearing a pussy hat reeeeing and throwing tantrums about invisible boogie man - the patriarchy. Nah she spent her youth training for what she does. She is strong and sexy and smart at the same time, not to push an agenda but because that was her characters fleshed out backstory. People loved it in the 90s why hate on it now?
As for other games let them portray sexy big boobed and curvy ass women. They exist too. I love playing those characters in a fighting game.