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TMZ Releases Video of Suge Knight Fatal Hit and Run

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NSFW: Damn, it was hard to watch.

TMZ has obtained the video of Suge Knight running over 2 men, killing one. It is gruesome, revealing and it will absolutely become the centerpiece of his murder trial.

TMZ broke the story ... Suge drove to a Tam's Burgers in Compton where Dr. Dre was filming footage connected with the NWA biopic, "Straight Outta Compton." Suge had been kicked out of another location shoot 20 minutes earlier, and he claims he went to the burger joint to make peace with Dre.

Watch the video carefully. You see Suge pull up and he is almost instantly confronted by Cle "Bone" Sloan, who did security for the film. You clearly seen Bone attacking Suge through the driver's window, when Suge suddenly throws the truck in reverse, clipping Bone with the side view mirror and knocking him down.

You also see Terry Carter -- the man who ended up run over and dead -- standing near Bone. Terry moves into the parking lot when Suge guns it again, hitting Bone a second time and mowing Terry down, mortally wounding him.

Suge claims he was not trying to run either man over but instead was trying to escape out of fear he would be killed. Suge's lawyer claims Bone and Terry both had guns. Check out the video. As Bone lays on the ground you clearly see another man walk up, remove something from Bone and put it in his waistband.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... they believe the video shows that Suge could have escaped after hitting Bone the first time by simply driving down the road. But Suge's people say the group assembled near the truck was ominous and he feared if he drove past them he'd be shot.

We know Suge claims that multiple people in the crowd -- including Terry Carter -- were threatening to shoot him.



Yikes. I'm inclined to be sympathetic to "I was trying to flee for my saftey" but damn bruh you backed into a street then instead of fleeing on that street you ran some dudes over?

fucking TMZ tho those *dings* smh tasteless as shit
I don't know how I feel. Trying to see both perspectives. On the one hand, it looks really bad. But if someone pulls a gun out on me (assuming they did and they all had guns), I will run the motherfuckers over to get away. It's hard to comprehend why he didn't take the street instead of going through the parking lot which I think will be how people form their opinions. Heat of the moment and not thinking clearly because a gun was pulled out on you or cold calculated murder? I guess I can see both sides. No sympathy for someone pulling out a gun on someone though (if that was the case).


The video is gross on many levels, but the dings made it way more uncomfortable. Fuck TMZ.

Suge has nothing now that this is out. He backed up and could have drove away from what is seems, and instead he floored it forward.


He had a clear opportunity to get the fuck out of there safely but instead he came back for round 2

That dude's going away for a long time
well im not gonna defend suge over this but suge s life has been in danger for quite some time now. He survived quite a few shootouts in the past.
Almost all people he trusted from his piru set got killed like poochie, neckbone,herron,...so he s probably in constant fear for his life.
Bone is a super respected og blood too so i guess suge s probably safer in jail then on the streets anyway.
But wtf at his excuse for being there..Saying you had a meeting with dr dre at Tammy's burgers in compton is pretty stupid. Nobody is gonna believe that shit.


I was getting ready to go to bed and now my heart is racing after watching that...
like 5 times.



God, TMZ is so fucking gross.
I know it's a sleazy celebrity gossip group (or whatever they're called), but to put those dings all over a video of someone getting run over... Stay classy, TMZ.

With those guns being visible I can see Suge getting away with this.


Honorary Canadian.
Suge is such a piece of shit scumbag. I hope they lock that dude up till his fat ass fades away.

Cops should also look into why they were carrying guns.... probably cuz Dre knew Suge was on the war path for not getting paid royalties on the movie. (Heard something about that on The Breakfast Club)


We've got a Clinton scandal and a Suge Knight murder. Once the economy starts booming and Clinton v Bush kicks into gear the 90s will officially be back.


maybe tomorrow it rains
Wait, they seriously put whimsical fucking dings in the video? I'm at work and had it muted.

Jesus. What a bunch of cunts.


To be clear, if a guy rushes my window and starts beating me and waiving a gun around, he's getting run over. The second guy he runs over is clearly with intent to kill and that guy did not look like he was threatening his life at that moment.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
surely the guy at the window wasnt waving a gun around if the other guy had to come and take it out of his waist band. It would have went flying when he got hit the first time

Also why the fuck were people so nonchalant about getting run down? The two people that wernt hit just walked around for ten seconds acting like nothing happened, would have thought they would be straight to helping them
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