New brand and new owner is pretty much a different company.
Lol oh CZW....
I loved them from 2001 to late 00s.
Is this guy still associated with NWA?
At least it will go out with this 5 star classic.
Yes well tna and impact were always a single entity.As someone who has never watched a moment of this stuff... does this mean that TNA, Impact, and GFW are now all a single entity?
The fuck? Kurt is GM on Raw and has been for.months.Jeff stole Kurt Angle's wife
so weird, how can Kurt be okay with this and still work for him?
Abyss is still doing that bullshit that's not his gimmick? Fuck. Hearing people talk about how he has fucked up his own image over the years in shoot interviews is depressing.
Same here...Sick Nick Mondo, Ruckus (fat version), The Amazing Red were my favorites...ahh the marky mark ass jr high/high school days.
Dude is basically Kane without that weird x-factor that allows him to retain his heat no matter how bad the booking is.
Jeff Jarrett is one master schemer.
Let Dixie Carter prop up TNA while he was owner. Then sold it to her. Then he left and started GFW. Then he returned as a paid member of staff... now has somehow managed to rebrand TNA into GFW. How is this even possible. Guy is amazing.
Abyss was really offered a change of a story against Taker leading into WM? No way. I refuse to believe.
Jarrett's attempt to leave TNA to start another promotion failed so much that his solution was to get back into the former promotion and turn it into his new one in order to get TV.
GWF would sound better.
At least it will go out with this 5 star classic.
Why are people saying TNA lasted longer than WCW? I count Jim Crockett promotions as an extension to WCW.
Never forget the "New monday nights wars"
How does Double J keep catching these W's?
Abyss is still doing that bullshit that's not his gimmick? Fuck. Hearing people talk about how he has fucked up his own image over the years in shoot interviews is depressing.
What's up with Abyss though? Why's he just a guy now
I wish Jeff stayed away from crappy Dixie Carter. She doomed it. I remember TNA was the place I went to when WWE went PG. It was Soooo much better than anything WWE was doing.
What's up with Abyss though? Why's he just a guy now
He has done that before in 2012, going by Joseph Park
Abyss is still doing that bullshit that's not his gimmick? Fuck. Hearing people talk about how he has fucked up his own image over the years in shoot interviews is depressing.