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To avoid confusion: Nog's Mini MLB The Show League Thread


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Ok. To avoid disrupting the other thread, I am going to start this one so we can get our mini-league set up proper.

DenogginizerOS - Denogginizer - Braves
Scar - TheInfectedScar - Red Sox
MrBob - MrBob2K7 - Cubs
WasabiKing - WasabiKing - A's
Matrix - Matrixadw - Astros
Kintaro - Darshiro - Brewers
Kittonwy - Kittonwy - Yankees
LJ11 - LJ11 - Mets
hukasmokincaterpillar - Dirty Water - Angels
Dez - dezed - Indians
kassatsu - kassatsu - Mariners
mintylurb - - Dodgers

12-16 teams. No Pitch Guessing. No Hot/Cold Zones. Any suggestions on number of games? Folks listed above need to get me their PSN and/or confirm team selection. We'll get this going as soon as I am done playing 10 ranked games. Savy?

2 Divisions - National and American

National League
Denogginizer - Braves
MrBob2K7 - Cubs
Matrixadw - Astros
Darshiro - Brewers
LJ11 - Mets
mintylurb - Dodgers

American League
TheInfectedScar - Red Sox
WasbiKing - A's
Kittonwy - Yankees
DirtyWater - Angels
dezed - Indians
kassatsu - Mariners
MusashiWins - Tigers


I'll take the Mets if no one is going to use them. :D

I suggest we split up the league into two division, top 4 teams in each division make the playoffs, unless you guys only want to go with the top two.

Division games should be the most important, so the number of games scheduled should be based around that. We can go with 3 division games, which would make the league a minimum of 15 games, or we can go with 2 division games. A couple of inter-league games would be fun too.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I just sent PSN friend requests to those I did not have on my list. Please, accept the invite or let me know if you don't want in the league. I want to stick with 12 so for now, the league is locked. For those left out, if things go well, we will do another one.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
UPDATE: In order for me to be commissioner, I need to play 10 ranked games online. :/ So, I need to get cracking. Anyone want to play me on Sunday, just let me know. Greg, Mike? Interested?
can you expand it? I think it's too quick to just fire off a new thread and get going. Some folks don't read on the weekend.

BTW: my name is mispelled in the first post


Since the Jays are no longer taken, I'll take the Jays.

EDIT: I think it's better to fire it off like this. 12 teams is more than enough, a second league can easily start later or simulatenously. If you want to play a ranked game, let me know, i'm free today.


I'll be down for some games later tonight.

Also, if we have a couple extras who want to play can we bump the league up to 16? The more the merrier I say, as long as people are dedicated to play.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
If you guys want 16, that is fine. As it stands, I have to get 10 ranked games in first anyway. So, the league will have to start this week but later.

2 Divisions. People play 2 series (home/away) of three games each within the division and 1 series of three games outside the division. 5 days to complete a series? Or less?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I want to be a good commish for you guys and therefore want you all to be as happy as can be. :)

Musashi Wins!

I'd be down for some games if you see me too. Or if someone drops out of the league, somehow I didn't make the list! Anyhow, if you're playing this weekend, I'll help you get some games online in.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Musashi Wins! said:
I'd be down for some games if you see me too. Or if someone drops out of the league, somehow I didn't make the list! Anyhow, if you're playing this weekend, I'll help you get some games online in.

We are likely to expand to 16. or 14. Still want the Tigers?


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Musashi Wins! said:
Yes, plz.

I am going to be out on the town with my wife this evening. Doubt I will be able to play tonight. I should be around in the morning and for most of tomorrow afternoon and evening.


I'm ready to play tomorrow chief!!! I suck at this though.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
What the ****, Sony? Fix the gawddamn online system for MLB! Just when I thought it was getting better, I suddenly have three disconnects in two days. On top of that, thanks to your stupid conditions for being a commisioner, I am at the mercy of the sore losers I have to play against who rate me a 1 star because they LOSE. Nice. I need to have 3 stars to be a commish and play ten ranked games. Thanks to a couple of crybabies, I have a 2 star rating. Jebus.

And what is with the half-wits who want me to throw a strike when they are down 2 strikes? WTF? I have never heard such lunacy in baseball. "Here, Alex. I have worked the count against you. You look like you could use a pick-me-up. Here comes the deuce. And when you speak of me, speak well. K? Thanks." If I wanted to dish out welfare, I would be down at St. Frances' dishing out the cheese on white's to the homeless. But I want to play baseball, dammit.



Junior Member
Nog, Let's just be patient. As always with online gamers, some don't understand how to play sports games. They always want things easy and don't want to work. It's like the gamer who loves first person shooters as to those who can only finish the game on easy. Not a crime, just a level of understanding. As with the people who negatively give you feedback because they enjoy being jerks...well...you can't change morons. Just have to find good people within a good gaming community. By the way, we'll play tonight.


this game sucks online, at least with randoms. I can't tell whether it's disconnecting because people are sore losers, or because the servers suck. 2k7 is way better in this respect. Online is broken, no excuses.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Until Sony patches this game, the possibility of a league is fading. I think more people have bought the game recently thanks to the commercials airing on ESPN and elsewhere. This has obviously strained the already broken online situation for MLB and has seemingly made things worse. The only luck I have had is when I turn off every device on my wireless network and ask that the other person do the same (which is hard to do without in game chat!!!!). Ugh. Which is really sad when you consider that it is a remarkably good baseball game. Like Warhawk, the failings of Sony's netcode is usurping the fun out of their games and replacing it with total suckage.


DenogginizerOS said:
Like Warhawk, the failings of Sony's netcode is usurping the fun out of their games and replacing it with total suckage.
Why blame Sony's netcode? It's good in other games. Warhawk freezes just as often in a game of 1 as it does in a game of 32 on a good server. The beta has bugs OUTSIDE of the netcode. Resistance anyone?

Just because the online implementation has a bug(s) in MLB 07 doesn't mean you should paint with such a broad stroke. You can rip Sony over online functionality and features, but performance wise, as a whole, it can be superb.


I personally have not been having any major problems online anymore in terms of gameplay, but I've played 3 games and have had douches quit on me every game so they didn't take a loss.

So I don't get a ranked game at all so we can't get to 10 to start this league.

Denog are you still using wireless to play online? I wonder if it is a problem with Sony's included wireless adapter. I know you have been having issues with it from day one.


I usually get disconnected pretty early in the game, first few innings, if I get disconnected at all. Most disconnections after the 5th inning or so, are due to asshats who pull. I've managed to get 10+ ranked games in. If the game makes it past the 4th inning, and I'm ahead, I usually try and keep the game close by giving up a few runs so the other guy doesn't quit. Lag is still an issue, and so are disconnects. It's a real shame, because the game is flawless as a baseball sim. I'm hoping they release some patch.

After I DMZ'd my PS3 I wasn't get disconnects for the first few days, but they were back this past weekend. Worth a try to see if it corrects some of your issues. I'm hoping they release a patch, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Edit: I've been meaning to add a lot of you to my friends list, I'll get around to it either today or tomorrow.


Me and Denog played a bunch of tight games tonight. Good games, fun times. :D

We got through about one and a half games with his wireless connection, then everything went to hell and we couldn't connect. He went to a wired connection and we were able to play again. Now I don't think wired will fix everything, but games seem to run more smoothly with a wired connection. I think Sony screwed up the PS3 wireless adapter.

Now he has enough games to start the league. Make it happen, Nog! :)


BTW, is there any way we can start the league with the default rosters, instead of the updated ones? The updated ones take into account injury - i think that's pretty stupid. BJ Ryan :(


Junior Member
I've got to tell you, there are issues with connection. To say that it has to do with connection speed is ABSOLUTELY WRONG. God, didn't we have this same discussion with GRAW2 and all its drops on the 360? People actually said there was nothing wrong with that. I have wired and a pretty good to very good connection. I also know that Denogg does as well. We have been only able to play one full game out of 4 or 5. There is an issue with this game online. As of now, in my opinion, it is not playable for your "average" online connection...and I believe it's not playable for your "good to very good connection". It's like playing in an earthquake. Stutter, stutter, stutter. It makes no difference as to who is hosting. MLB is a wonderful game in single player mode...it does have a few AI glitches...however it is fun to play an visually stunning. I very much want to do a league...but believe me when I say, it will be a constant frustration. I will stick to it though. Hate to say it, but 2k7 (360) has relatively no online issues, though the Show has an edge graphically online it just doesn't play smooth online. Sometimes issues like this take a full generation of a game to go away. Remember what 2k6 Baseball was like. Horrible. My big question is who the hell tests these games in an online situation? And what type of online environment do these testers set up? Something like this shouldn't be allowed to happen to consumers. It truly is a crime.


The MLB series has always been plagued with some sort of connection issues. It was the same way with MLB 06 PS2. They do need to get more people working on online for 08.

Perhaps I'm getting lucky, as I only have a 3MB cable connection, but I haven't had any problems connecting in MLB 07 other than the first day. Well, and then against Denog last night when he used wireless, but when he went to wired it worked great.

The odd thing is, we actually played one full game last night with him on wireless and it worked flawless. And we were into the 7th inning of the second game and then it went connection problem crazy. The game dropped, and then we couldn't connect again at all until he went to a wired connection. Methinks MLB 07 online is extremely picky to any fluctuations in the connection pipe.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
We need to do some scrimmage games to test out connection stability. MrBob thinks that wired connections work better than wireless when it come to this game. I am not 100% convinced. However, we can test it. Lets try to play some games against each other with and without wireless.

NOTE: Due to the new firmware update, whenever I switch back to wireless after going wired, I now have to re-enter ALL of my password information. This is a royal pain, Sony.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
So, if the weather is nice (i.e no power outages) I am going to be on tonight. Send me a message if you want to play.


Worships the porcelain goddess

I was just playing MLB, and updated the rosters. There's a posting that on Monday, there will be a patch that hopes to improve the online play and fix the issues concerning it. Here's hoping.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Posted: Jul 14, 2007

We understand that some users may have experienced some online issues with MLB 07 The Show for the PS3. We thank you for your patience and for continuing to login to SportsConnect on MLB 07 The Show. Fortunately, a patch, which we have been working on, has finally made its way through the needed steps and testing. The MLB 07 The Show PS3 Patch is scheduled to be deployed this Monday July 16 at 9am pst. The regular 5-7am pst maintenance window will occur at 9am to coincide with the patch deployment. The environment may be down from 9-11am pst on Monday July 16. At this same time a new Live Roster will also be deployed to the MLB 07 The Show PS3 servers.

A VERY IMPORTANT note: To continue to connect online to MLB 07 The Show PS3, you must perform the following...
1. Insert the MLB 07 The Show game disc into your PS3.
2. Allow the game to set up normally.
3. MLB 07 The Show PS3 will notify where to find the patch on the PlayStation Network Store.
4. Read and take note of the location of the patch
5. Visit the PlayStation Network Store at the location noted.
3. Download and run the update through the Cross Media Bar (XMB).
4. Play ball.

Again we thank you for your patience and loyalty to The Show. We hope this patch enhances your experience with The Show!!

- MLB SportsConnect Team

Like a phoenix, the league has risen from te ashes. Pray this works.


I had 4 straight games that completed.. i think the patch works.. only one of the games was lag free though. but still, very playable. Let's go people!


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
I tried to set up the league but it won't let me. It says I have to have a 3* rating (which I do). Damn. And I just lost a 2-2 game due to TRAFFIC DELAY. Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. DAMN.


Yeah, never mind.. the patch is shit.. after my 4 good games, i've had 2 straight traffic delay games.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Dez said:
Yeah, never mind.. the patch is shit.. after my 4 good games, i've had 2 straight traffic delay games.

Yep its crap.

Ive had one complete game,some lag,not too bad and the rest traffic delays ending in the 2nd inning :lol


Damn that sucks.

With football season approaching, I've been holding onto MLB for league play. Now the game is trade bait.

Fix the online play for 08 Sony Santa Monica!
Quick update, dunno if you guys still want to give this a go or not but after the first day the patch seems to be working a lot better now. I've had four or five good games in a row recently, followed by one drop (which I was winning by 9, so mighta been on purpose). In the end it's still P2P so mileage is always going to very but this has definitely improved a good deal, at least in my experience.
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