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To those who download albums via torrent.

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Lil' Dice

How do you justify what you do? I'm not here to condemn anyone, but a firend of mine and I had a discussion about this. Being a musician he takes it personal whenever someone mentions downloading albums via torrents or p2p in our circle of friends.
I tell him that many people use it to "sample" an album, then eventually buy a retail copy if they like what they hear. He wasn't buying that, saying it was an excuse to somehow legitimize what is nothing more than piracy/theft.


How do I justify it?

Music is overpriced. Especially when I've got to import it from Europe.

I do, however, plan on owning these albums. I'd rather listen to glorious metal at full bitrate than 192.


I agree with him.

But in my case, you're right. I sample it, and if I like it, I buy it. If I don't, I delete it. Simple as that. But I know that I'm stealing, no real justification for it.


Wow, this will end up a bees nest soon. Most people justify it by saying cd's are overpriced, not enough actually goes to the artists, etc etc.

I used to download music off of P2P but not because of that though. I would still occasionally buy CD's, but my problem was buying one CD for 2 songs and the rest being crap. Thankfully iTunes has come along and now I don't have to download any songs off of P2P.
There's nothing just about dling albums, then again there's nothing just about the recording industry. Can I justify it? No. I still do it. Then again during my time in Arizona I did learn to appreciate CDs, and now if I stumble upon a full album that isnt complete crap ill pick it up from best buy for there insanely reasonable prices.

Most of the money from a cd goes to the recording execs, not the artists. if I was really worried about supporting artists i'd attend events and buy their homemade cds to make sure they money goes directly to them.
I'm a musician myself and I still do it. Why? Like someone has already said, music is overpriced. I find it ridiculous spending almost 20 bucks on a CD sometimes.
I usually buy or discard music I download from the internet. Except for the stuff I already own that I d/l for convenince (ie, I don't have it with me) or to replace a scratched track of a CD.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I don't buy an album just for one or two songs, that's when p2p and bitorrents come in. Now if the album is great with at least 4 or 5 great songs in it then I buy it.


I just don't care. I don't need any justification. It's there, and if I'm interested I will listen to it and delete it when I'm done. If they somehow got rid of the ability to download music, oh well. I wouldn't buy it anyway unless it was EXTREMELY good. Led Zeppelin good.


I'm not going to justify it as "right", but I rarely have the cash to blow on CDs like I did when I was younger (and trust me, I've blown a lot of cash) but I'm not going to buy these CDs. If there were no downloading of songs, I still wouldn't be buying the music. So it's not really a choice of "do I buy it or just steal it" cause I'm not going to buy it either way. SO I guess I justify it as they're not getting cash anyways, so no big deal.

Now I should point out that I haven't downloaded an album in well over a year now. I just don't have the time to listen to music, especially new music. I listen to punk rock and all the new shit is just shit. I don't even try to sift through it to get new stuff. I'm just sticking to the stuff I already have. Damn, I've turned into my dad.

Ever notice there's like a certain age that people stop listening to new music being pumped out? Like my dad didn't listen to anything past 1976 and as far as "radio music" I don't listen to anything past say 1997. interesting.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Error2k4 said:
I don't buy an album just for one or two songs, that's when p2p and bitorrents come in. Now if the album is great with at least 4 or 5 great songs in it then I buy it.

Same thing for me, except I don't download full albums period. If there's one or two songs I like and find all the rest crap, then I only download those 1 or 2 songs.
If I like something I always buy it. I really don't mind supporting the labels I listen to.

And the downloading of music isn't such a bad thing. Lots of independant bands are where they are today because their music spread on the internet. Oh nos, Metallica only made 500 million dollars last year because of pirates!!!1 I'm losing sleep at night. Really.

The day I can no longer easily sample cds is the day I will be buying a hell of a lot less of them.

Lil' Dice

I'll admit that i do it as well. And just like i told my friend; I can think of at least a dozen albums that i never would've bought had i not had teh chance to listen to them for free.
I bought some little know Sri Lankan/British artist's album (M.I.A) that never would've cought my attention in the store, just off a recommendation+torrent.


It is ridiculous to shell out $20 for something you A. cannot preview and B. cannot return if you don't like it. Sure, you could sell that brand new CD back to Hastings for $3-$4, but that's hardly what I'd call buyer's satisfaction.

I dl tons of cds. I buy the ones I like. This is better for the music industry. If I couldn't dl cds, I would never buy any at all - I have this thing about getting ripped off.

Also, pirates are sexy and rugged. Arrrr.


I was terrible for downloading music, usually getting two or three albums a week, most of which I've maybe listened to once and then shuffled aside for new music.

Nowadays, I download something that I have an interest in and if I like it, I'll buy it.

An example is the latest record from eels. DL'd it and loved every second of that record. I found I was listening to it more and more often, and needed to purchase it. It really was no question.

I don't justify it at all. I just download music.
I could give a real good excuse that might sound very erudite or something, but it would be bullshit.

Because its free and I hate the RIAA. Sorry artists, but you are working for a trust.


Lil' Dice said:
I bought some little know Sri Lankan/British artist's album (M.I.A) that never would've cought my attention in the store, just off a recommendation+torrent.

M.I.A is one of those artists that got a huge following by releasing some of her tracks to the net.
Real talent will live because people love it enough to buy the product at the highest quality and with tangible elements like packaging and artwork. Good acts will survive because people will go to see them live.

File sharing is the greatest thing to happen to all art forms this century imo.
We're getting each other into new things more than ever before.
We should just all go back to sheet music like in Mozart's era.

If you can't play it or have someone play it for you, then you're shit out of luck.

Too expensive? Learn how to play the guitar...


Just tell him that if you could rent albums, you'd do it.

It's just that there's no option to rent CD's so you have no choice but to download. Does he complain about people who listen to music on the radio and don't pay the artist anything too?

Most people rent movies and buy very few compared to what they rent. Or they watch them on TV. Should people in the movie industry bitch up a storm?


There are too many crappy music artists nowadays. I download music to sample. If I don't like it I delete it. If the entire album is kickass I'll consider buying it but I haven't bought a music CD in years. Last CD I bought was Tool's Lateralus. I'd rather support music artists by going to see them perform.


Downloading is the new radio. The sooner musicians and record labels get used to it, the sooner they'll get a good night's sleep.


I wouldn't buy any of the albums I download regardless. I'd just watch Muchmusic and listen to the radio more probably :lol

And that's not an excuse to download albums, I never said that. To be honest, I really couldn't give a shit :lol

Of course indie artists are different. My friend is one after all, and yeah I don't mind supporting them if I dig their music.
Im a greedy fucker? And i dont care. Sure, im probably a bad person, but again, i dont care. But actually i do buy albums if i really like the artist. I actually have a shitload of cd's but i also have a lot of free mp3's. Go me.
CDs are too expensive, especially the hard-to-find ones. iTunes only has partial albums for the ones I want. And iTunes doesn't offer a subscription. And I want an open audio format (like MP3) with no DRM.

Until then...


You people realize Doth Togo is taking your names and IPS!

Expect a friendly letter from the RIAA in a few days.


bionic77 said:
You people realize Doth Togo is taking your names and IPS!

Expect a friendly letter from the RIAA in a few days.
............I can't download music because I don't even have internet access at all...........but otherwise I think its morally wrong and your all going to hell or whatever punishment your religion demands.......





Download albums!

What is this crazy talk you say?

Downloading is the new radio. The sooner musicians and record labels get used to it, the sooner they'll get a good night's sleep.

And that is why they're scared to death of it. People can find music and bands for themselves on the internet, the lack of control they have over what people are hearing is bad news for the shitty way they work.

If I download music, and there's sites with legal free mp3s now, and I like the music I download then I buy it. Just like the radio, but the choice of what I listen to is mine and not some record label shoving one hit wonders down my throat like they have for years now.


The only time I've downloaded an entire album was when I went to rip a CD and I was unable to do so. Otherwise if I just want one or two songs I just go to iTMS and buy those one or two songs.


Music CD's are a fucking ripoff, but I don't download music. I'm more interested in full bit-rate stuff, not crappily encoded MP3's. For my money, DVD's and games are a much better value.


they call me "Man Gravy".
how do you justify spending money on something where none of the money you are spending goes to the people who actually created it? I mean, isn't that just as warped? (this doesn't apply to modern music, obviously).


Nerevar said:
how do you justify spending money on something where none of the money you are spending goes to the people who actually created it? I mean, isn't that just as warped? (this doesn't apply to modern music, obviously).

You mean the artists never got paid for their work? What is this madness of which you speak.


Lil' Dice said:
How do you justify what you do? I'm not here to condemn anyone, but a firend of mine and I had a discussion about this. Being a musician he takes it personal whenever someone mentions downloading albums via torrents or p2p in our circle of friends.
I tell him that many people use it to "sample" an album, then eventually buy a retail copy if they like what they hear. He wasn't buying that, saying it was an excuse to somehow legitimize what is nothing more than piracy/theft.

If your musician friend is offended about the idea of his music being able to be heard by an audience far larger than just people who buy CDs or see him live, then he's just a greedy punk who only cares about the money. Most musicians love the idea of their music being spread on the internet and being heard by thousands/millions/whatever.

I'd like to think that most people who create music do so because they enjoy creating music, not because they think it's a business. That's why the RIAA sucks. They're nothing but a business who only care about money.


Pellham said:
If your musician friend is offended about the idea of his music being able to be heard by an audience far larger than just people who buy CDs or see him live, then he's just a greedy punk who only cares about the money. Most musicians love the idea of their music being spread on the internet and being heard by thousands/millions/whatever.

Then why don't they just do Internet releases instead of selling the rights to music studios and labels? If they value people getting their music so much, why accept money and hand over the rights to people who seek to restrict the audience to those who pay?


I steal music b/c I can. To me, music theft is a victimless crime. I listen to music on the radio for free. I listen to music videos on tv...uh...like never...but it's still free. I listen to the dude across the street's music for free. Why not dload something I actually want to listen to for free? Win-win.

OTOH, I don't really dload movies or console games. So that's how I repay society, by renting movies and buying console games. The PC games I steal are few and far between, so it's not like it really matters. :D

Seriously, everyone breaks laws. It's about personal values. I have no problem admitting that I am too cheap/lazy/unscrupulous to buy music. I've bought a total of like 6 total CDs in the last 5+ years. All of them were gifts. I have 13GB of music. Now, most of that I did actually buy, or at least scammed from BMG and Columbia House back when they were too fucking stupid to take trackable data. :lol So I do actually over about 50-60 CDs of my own. But anything since Radiohead's Amnesiac I've dloaded or gotten as a gift. Maybe musicians need to get professional jobs and keep entertainment as a side-gig. Meh, it's one of those things I'm a complete, uncaring jerk about. When music is priced appropriately, I'll start paying for it. Until then....YAAAARRRRR! Chips Ahoy, mateys. :p PEACE.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Phoenix said:
You mean the artists never got paid for their work? What is this madness of which you speak.

no, I'm referring to things like the Beatles, where due to corporate lobbying the "rights" to their music are bought and sold like any other commodity long after any publicly derivable benefit can be rationalized away (I mean, the publishing rights are held by Michael Jackson, who gains revenue from their music. How is that fair?). The point of copyright is to encourage innovation by allowing artists to benefit from their works, not for corporate executives to create never-ending and unencroachable revenue streams (which is, for all intents and purposes, the role the current system embraces). I hardly see that as justifiable.

OpinionatedCyborg said:
I think he's referring to Beethoven, Mozart, etc: public domain artists who've long since passed on.

that is partly it, but not all (see my above post)


Oh, and I buy CDs, but occasionally download when I can't find a certain LP or when it is OOP. If I like though, I do do my best to find and purchase a legitimate copy, although it is more because I'm a collector than it is for any great moral concern. Copyright lasts far, far too long anyway.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I spent a shit load of my available cash on entertainment and just take what I can't afford.
I've always viewed music piracy as a relatively healthy thing. When I look at my music collection, I see roughly 10 CDs that were bought without the help of downloading. The other 100+ were bought only because I discovered their greatness through downloading. Now, I do admittedly download a whole lot more than I buy, as it would take a great deal of money to acquire all the great music being put out these days. However, it doesn't actually hurt the artists in question, since most musicians tend to have full time jobs to support themselves, and only make music on the side. Thus, while I do try and support the artists when I able, I can at least take some solace in knowing I'm not depriving them of their lively hood.

Now, as I saw mentioned in an above post, the real reason for such stern denunciations of piracy would be that the only financial damage it can do is to the RIAA, as piracy can serve as a gateway to good music, music that falls outside of the RIAA's jurisdiction.


they call me "Man Gravy".
OpinionatedCyborg said:
Did the artists not make the decision to give up the rights to their songs, allowing some fat cat to control their usage?

Two problems though - 1, they really don't have a choice due to a more or less total monopoly on publishing and distribution as well as airplay (radio / television) by the major music companies. 2 - even if they do, how is music that was made over 40 years ago still generating a revenue stream for these people? As I stated, the role of copyright is to protect the public good by guaranteeing that an artist can make money from their works, how is the public good being served by ensuring that people can control this music for well over 70 years?
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