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Today I buy Astro Boy...

So I go to Gamestop when I wake up the past morning, and I buy Astro Boy: Omega Factor for GBA. The car ride home I'm salivating, totally frothing with anticipation and whatnot. I get home, grab my trusty GBA SP stick the cart in and turn the machine on. Cool. The intro screen. I'm getting a rush of memories from Gunstar Heroes and other Treasure classics as this happens. I make a file for a new game. cool. Then nothing. Blank screen. My GBA's in need of a charge. Guess what? I can't find my damn GBA SP power cord/charger! Right when at the gates of Valhalla I'm foiled!
And now I get off work, 3+ A.M. in the midwest, and I want to play it sooo bad.

This seriously rates high on the 'suck' quotent(not being able to play it, that is).


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
you never noticed the power light turning red? or you did but never did anything about it?! that is irresponsible gaming, my friend. DEMERIT
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