Nope, I caught it on Thursday. Get ready for some absolutely bizarre/awful dubbing.
Jesus that was amazing. Such a strange awful dub. Unfortunately I had to leave after Ultraman X but it was awesome.
Nope, I caught it on Thursday. Get ready for some absolutely bizarre/awful dubbing.
Jesus that was amazing. Such a strange awful dub. Unfortunately I had to leave after Ultraman X but it was awesome.
He was a great addition to the mix, no doubt.I'm on 34 of Zyuo. Bunglay is one of the coolest villains I have seen in awhile. Nice design and plenty of character. And cool powers too boot.
Ex-Aid 13
Why is the White Mage throwing all those black magics man?
Uh, my connection has been shit lately, so I couldn't post last night, but...
Zyuohger 44
Clip show. Eh. I hope this doesn't become too common, one clip show per season is enough. Still, a bit story progression, and some explanations, so it wasn't totally worthless.
Next week, True Azald, and probably the real beginning of the end.
Didn't notice that the magic circles are the same as Wizard's circles?
I wish Time Magic was this broken in FF
They always make the new year clip show for sentai. Remember the disappointing Shurikenger ep in Ninninger?
and yeah, the last 4 eps will the end game, there's already actually synopses of the upcoming three eps lol
Of course I did, haha. Btw, best moment of the episode right here:
Yeah, but we don't need the mid-season clip show, imo.
Well, if at least Zyuohger's was kinda fun?
the clip show for bunglay was there because they needed to save money for the gokaiger two parter![]()
I'm kinda wary of this, actually. Seems like he took an impossible attitude of "I'm not letting anybody die ever again", which, by itself, is a problematic stance to have as a doctor, instead of having emotional closure about Kiriya.Also having Emu evolve as a medic, just as he evolves as a rider, is a cool move. Also, this week's victim problem being an incurable Cancer is a place where I though they wouldn't go.
Damn I just realized Orb's Kurenai Gai is Den-O's Kai.
Should I watch an Ultraman or a Super Sentai?
The clips I've seen of Seven and Leo seem sick.
M/Emu becoming literally the inverse of W is the most amusing thing since I don't even know.Seeing Mighty Action XX form just made me realise just how much I miss Kamen Rider W, it's favorite Kamen Rider series, with Drive coming a close second.
Should I watch an Ultraman or a Super Sentai?
The clips I've seen of Seven and Leo seem sick.
M/Emu becoming literally the inverse of W is the most amusing thing since I don't even know.
Has anybody here seen the toku movie Cutie Honey?
you know, the nintendo switch is basically a modern era kamen rider belt lol.
Combine the decade complete psp with, Double's thing.
Now we just need to fit in Fourze somehow.
Well... look at the console's name.
The tv show was amazing
That's why I brought up Fourze in the first place =)Well... look at the console's name.
That's why I brought up Fourze in the first place =)
>Lucky (Shishi Red): A simple man born with best luck in the universe. Because he believes in his good fortune, he is super positive in a pinch.
>Stinger (Sasori Orange): Hailing from the Sasori System, he is one of the galaxy's most powerful and famous warriors. He has a cool personality, but is also a lone wolf who doesn't like to interact with others.
>Naga Ray (Hebitsukai Silver): He does not express emotions and all of his actions are rational. He and Balance (Tenbin Gold) have been traveling the universe as gentlemen thieves.
>Hami (Chameleon Green): A lively girl, brimming with curiosity. She's strongly motivated, but can be rash and emotional due to her age. She's mastered the arts of ninjitsu.
>Spada (Kajiki Yellow): A man adventuring through space to become the universe's best cook. With all of the knowledge and experience he's gained, other members of the team rely on him.
>Garu: A beastman who uses wild attacks and great speed to his advantage. He isn't too bright and has a short temper, but he's reliable in battle.
>Champ: As a battle robot. he boasts superhuman strength. He is cheerful and openhanded, but he's also the reckless type. He's a tough and hotblooded robo-man and to oppose his values would bring austere consequences.
>Balance: A mechanical lifeform. With his friend and partner Naga Ray, they travel the universe as gentlemen thieves. He is a flatterer who gets by in life by telling people what they want to hear.
>Raptor 283: An android who pilots the Kyuranger mothership, Orion. She is very serious and hardworking, but loves to daydream.
Ex-Aid 14
Great ep that resolves and opens plot points.
But the true star is this
Ex-Aid 14
Great ep that resolves and opens plot points.
But the true star is this