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TokuGAF 2017 |OT| Playing Trauma Center in Space and Hollywood


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Kyuranger 7

What a weird monster. Stealing birthdays? Feels like something out of Carranger.
Yeah the Ex-Aid cameo made a bit more sense here, even if one wonders where the Ex-Aid Kyu Tama came from.
Disappointed that this spoiled
Shocker will be the villain of the movie. It's getting boring Toei, use other villain groups!

Sparda's getting an episode next week, nice.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Balance's suit-actor (both untransformed and transformed) is great, he's got impeccable body language and really works well with his voice actor.

On the other hand I realized Sasori is kind of...dull? I was watching the episode and after the part with Ex-Aid where Sasori ran off I totally forgot he was still around and at the end of the episode had to rewind to recall that, nope, he was with the gang in the final battle.

Also the scans make it seem like
we'll be leaving Earth soon as they search for the "Argo"? Cool.


Watched the Ghost summer movie, welp that's one hour of my life that I am not getting back and to think that the show suffered because the head writer was busy working on the movie.

Also rolled my eyes when Takaru "died" again in the movie. ¬_¬;


Watched the Ghost summer movie, welp that's one hour of my life that I am not getting back and to think that the show suffered because the head writer was busy working on the movie.

Also rolled my eyes when Takaru "died" again in the movie. ¬_¬;

Shit was that dire on Ghost's production? Man...


Watched the Ghost summer movie, welp that's one hour of my life that I am not getting back and to think that the show suffered because the head writer was busy working on the movie.

Also rolled my eyes when Takaru "died" again in the movie. ¬_¬;

Shit was that dire on Ghost's production? Man...

Not to mention that Ghost's budget took a hit for the production of Kamen Rider Amazons.


I saw the Kamen Rider 1 movie yesterday.

It was ok. They never explained his new suit, the plotline seemed to be a first draft, the action as underwhelming, but I appreciate the boldness of making a movie like this without cameos from other Riders or Sentai.


Shit was that dire on Ghost's production? Man...

The writer just wasn't fast enough for a weekly show.

In the first half, he generally took two episode breaks between his own episodes, and then in the 2nd half of the show he doesn't write a single episode during three months in order to focus on the movie.

Disappointed that this spoiled
Shocker will be the villain of the movie. It's getting boring Toei, use other villain groups!

Sparda's getting an episode next week, nice.

They had already shown Shocker Leader the 3rd in the trailers.
Although they aren't really the "villains" of the movie. Various villains from the Game World attack the real World, and Shocker Leader the 3rd just happens to be the strongest among them. In addition to the usual recycled suits, there's even enemies from Xevious and Galaxian.

Tiu Neo

Kyuranger 07

Yep, birthday stealing plot does sound like something from Carranger. Not that this is a bad thing, lol.

Also, Stinger is a normal part of the team now, it seems. Eh. If there's one thing I don't like on this series, at least up to now, is how... non-permanent (?) things are. It gives us something interesting, different from the cliche, but then two episodes later it's back to the same old. Space, Champ x Stinger being nerfed hard, and now Stinger being a solo agent. Well, maybe they'll bring some of those things back later?

On the plus side, we get to see a bit of Hammy being a ninja, and a bit more of character development too. Naga steals almost all the scenes he's in, again. The only one that does this more than him this episode is Balance, heh. Even if the series was bad, it would still be worth it for those two. Also, making the Kyutama lottery thing go fast instead of cutting parts of it was a funny way of making things go faster.

Ikadevil being there kinda makes sense with the current enemies theme? You know, the crossover was kinda... there. It mattered even less than last year's one. They either would go back to doing something like the ToQ Gaim one, or just drop those, really. Well, at least it wasn't a lost episode like Drive x Ninnin.

Were that the ToQger goons on the opening? They'll be used on the Taisen? Good, ToQ villains were awesome.

Ex-Aid 24

...I like this new CEO. He has big shoes to fill, let's see how he does. I'm kinda interested on what he is, where he's from.

Lucky's cameo was even more thrown in than Emu on Kyuranger, huh. At least Ex-Aid's pose was funny? That and it kinda leads to that friends plot, I guess. Asuna/Poppy being a Bugster is kind of the worst kept secret, lol. This was a fun breather episode, and still had quite a lot of plot development and new elements introduced. Next episode, Kamen Rider Chronicle. I'm curious on how much this will change the series.


I need to catch up on some Tokus.

I need a new one too. I didn't care for Ghost and Ex-Aid is just...no. Those suits are just where I draw the line. Its just too much. It may as well turn into a Sentai with that level of cheese. Gaim had badass suits somehow possible on their themes and Ex-Aid was just the inverse somehow of good themes terrible execution. I can't...

My dream is that the next series have suits on par with Wizard, Hibiki, or Blade and writing on par with Gaim or OOOs. Such wasted potential with that Wizard show...that suit plus the fight potential it had early on in the show proved it was a nice suit for action and they somehow blow it and go full CG garbo throw away powers with the guy and garbo throwaway guest characters every story. I'll never stop thinking that this show was sooooo many of the right pieces on the wrong plot and choreography.


Kyuranger 7

"YOSHA LUCKY"s this episode: 7 (no, I am not kidding)

"YOSHA LUCKY"s overall: 44.5

A pretty fun MotW plot alongside being a Naga/Balance focus episode. That said, Kyuranger is still going strong on the monster suits. The actual "crossover" was pretty lackluster, however. Wish they went back to a combined 1-hour special next time.
So Dino Charge finale.
They went from the timeline where PR existed to a whole new one where they're the only team that existed and dinos exist? But wouldn't that majority screw their timeline? Not to mention Koda and Ivan's. Also then that means the main PR timeline now exists on the other end of the Universe(or however black holes work) meanwhile. This means that the Earth in Ninja Steel functions differently.

But what this truly infers is that Dino Charge is the first Earth Ranger team. And Rangers have existed for Millions of years.

But my theory on Dino Gems still stand because the events of Dino Charge still happened on Earth 1 and Earth 1 I assume is still standing since Ninja Steel is happening. Then the energem crash did cause the asteroid particles to transform into Dino gems via residual energy from the energem on Earth 1.

Unless this means that Dino Charges' two timelines are in another universe separated like RPM. And it could be possible since there was no mention of the Super Mega team or the events of Super Mega.

And that could happen because the Sledge and family would exist in Ninja Steel but they don't unless they found out that Earth wasn't destroyed and they just left it or Ninja Steel's villians destroyed Sledge and crew off screen


I need a new one too. I didn't care for Ghost and Ex-Aid is just...no. Those suits are just where I draw the line. Its just too much. It may as well turn into a Sentai with that level of cheese. Gaim had badass suits somehow possible on their themes and Ex-Aid was just the inverse somehow of good themes terrible execution. I can't...

My dream is that the next series have suits on par with Wizard, Hibiki, or Blade and writing on par with Gaim or OOOs. Such wasted potential with that Wizard show...that suit plus the fight potential it had early on in the show proved it was a nice suit for action and they somehow blow it and go full CG garbo throw away powers with the guy and garbo throwaway guest characters every story. I'll never stop thinking that this show was sooooo many of the right pieces on the wrong plot and choreography.

Amazons S2 will start soon. Zero series running now is supposedly good, too.

Though I'm telling you you're missing a lot, a lot by skipping Ex-Aid on costume alone. Hopefully you'll try it someday.

Big One

Just did some binge watching to catch up with Kamen Rider the past week or so.


Kamen Rider W (FINISHED)

Really enjoyed W a lot. I'm so used to Kamen Rider having inconsistent storylines and tone that started with Ryuki and Faiz that W feels like a complete fresh breath of air in comparison. Philip and Shotaro are some of the best Kamen Rider protagonists in years, and while Akiko can get annoying she did get her fair bit of development as well.

While the show feels fillery at times the cast carries even the duller moments so I can forgive it. The villains aren't the greatest, but their dynamic with the world of W is interesting in the very least. I do have some critique of it though:

  • Phillip really should've stayed dead.
    I get that they need W to re-appear in all the crossovers, but if they care so much why do they still separate BLACK and BLACK RX as two different riders?
  • I'm still confused on what caused Wakana's change of heart into being a bad guy so suddenly. I think it's implied Terror influenced her but it's hard to gauge cause she turned back good towards the end, lol.
  • Akiko and Terui getting together was pretty forced I felt.
    They got zero development leading up to it so it was pretty meh overall. Just seems conditional because they're always working together.
  • Speaking of, Phillip and Shotaro have a bad case of the notgays throughout the entire series, lol. There's nothing wrong with them being straight but it felt forced especially since neither one of them end up with a girlfriend at the end of the show. It's like the writers insert those moments to confirm they're not lovers. "See?! They like girls!"
Other than that I really enjoyed it. It isn't the best KR series but it's one of the more consistent ones so I can't really fault it too much. At times it could get bland, but like I said the cast really carried the show. The suit designs are also mostly great as well, and both of the movies were excellent companions to the main storyline.


Kamen Rider OOO (FINISHED)

Like with W, it's nice to have a Kamen Rider series that is consistent tonally and plot-wise for the entire season. OOO isn't quite better than W, but does quite a few things better and some things worse. Either way, it's still a really enjoying season I felt.

Most of the characters are great. I really enjoyed seeing Eiji, Date, Dr. Maki, Ankh, and even some of the Greeeds just all having their own agendas and goals that eventually gets resolved as all of them collide towards the end. At first some of these characters weren't that likable to me since all of them have selfish goals, but after getting a lot of development in the show I started turning around on all of them.

I do have some critique of OOOs though:

  • OOOs has a fairly slow start imo. It was difficult to get invested at first cause I didn't immediately like the theme of the show like I did with W, and Ankh was pretty much a huge cunt at first.
  • Hina is bland as fuck. Her gimmick didn't get anywhere other than for gags, and her development in the show was really weak. She made me miss Akiko and I'm not a huge fan of Akiko either.
  • I wish they explained where the Purple Greeed came from. I also noticed they seemed to drop a lot of concepts judging by the OOO and W movie such as the Purple Greeed's name being Giru and Gotou being the first person to use Birth.
  • Speaking of unexplained stuff, I was pretty much spending the entire show expecting Kougami to turn out to be the big bad...but that never happens. There's nothing particularly wrong with that, I was just wondering more about Kougami's role other than exposition and birthday gags. I still feel like there's some unfinished business here. Is the Kougami Foundation and Foundation X linked to each other? Just felt unanswered.
  • The non-canon OOOs movie was overall mediocre. There was some nice lore tidbits, and Fourze's cameo was actually really dope, but aside from that...meh.
    They tried to do something with Kougami by stating he's a descendant of one of the alchemists, it's just too bad that never goes anywhere in the actual main series.
The OOOs and W crossover was fun stuff as well. Regardless, I enjoyed OOOs more or less the same as I enjoyed W. It isn't the greatest Kamen Rider series but for what it does it does extremely well. It does what Faiz tried to do much much better imo.

Onto Fourze next! I've heard mixed things on it but I'm watching these series in release order, even the much criticized Wizard and Ghost I will be watching.

Tiu Neo

Phillip really should've stayed dead.
I get that they need W to re-appear in all the crossovers, but if they care so much why do they still separate BLACK and BLACK RX as two different riders?

The worst part of this is that when W shows up on a Taisen movie, later,
It's just Shoutarou, which becomes Joker/Joker, lol. They probably could have kept him dead and make him show once in the OOO crossover or something, like they did with some Sentai crossovers.

Big One

The worst part of this is that when W shows up on a Taisen movie, later,
It's just Shoutarou, which becomes Joker/Joker, lol. They probably could have kept him dead and make him show once in the OOO crossover or something, like they did with some Sentai crossovers.
I'm looking forward to the fanwank of these movies once I get to Fourze, lol. I'm watching the movies w/ the series as if I was in Japan watching them in the theaters in between episode releases so it should be some good fun.

Tiu Neo

I'm looking forward to the fanwank of these movies once I get to Fourze, lol. I'm watching the movies w/ the series as if I was in Japan watching them in the theaters in between episode releases so it should be some good fun.

Oh, I see. That's a good way to do it, I guess. I watch it by what looks good, not respecting any order, but I feel like I miss quite a few things on those movies that way.

I want to watch OOO someday, but my friend who watches those series with me is kinda busy now, so I'm postponing it :/

Big One

Also I forgot to mention but the Den-O crossover with OOOs movie was actually much better than I expected it to be. I liked the alternate world they created and all the references they packed into the SHOCKER in the alternate future.


Also I forgot to mention but the Den-O crossover with OOOs movie was actually much better than I expected it to be. I liked the alternate world they created and all the references they packed into the SHOCKER in the alternate future.

Yeah, its among my favorite toku movies.


  • Speaking of, Phillip and Shotaro have a bad case of the notgays throughout the entire series, lol. There's nothing wrong with them being straight but it felt forced especially since neither one of them end up with a girlfriend at the end of the show. It's like the writers insert those moments to confirm they're not lovers. "See?! They like girls!"
It still felt like they liked each other more, Shoutaro acted like he lost his spouse after Phillip's death and for the entire series there was only a single bed in their office/appartment that they obviously shared.
I think they were supposed to be gay, they couldn't confirm it and the random girl plots are just there to appease some people. It's onvious the writer's had ZERO interest in developing any serious potential love interest for either Shoutaro or Phillip.

Onto Fourze next! I've heard mixed things on it but I'm watching these series in release order, even the much criticized Wizard and Ghost I will be watching.
Fourze is awesome! This and W are among my favourites.


Kamen Rider Double has incredible protagonists. Probably the last time I ever felt really invested in a lead Rider(s) in terms of character writing.

Also I forgot to mention but the Den-O crossover with OOOs movie was actually much better than I expected it to be. I liked the alternate world they created and all the references they packed into the SHOCKER in the alternate future.

Honestly, that film is pretty good aside from the obligatory "we must shove all the riders in for this one big fighting scene" thing at the end.


Where's the best place to watch?
Over-Time is the subber. If you mean a place to stream it, then I don't know.

I need a new one too. I didn't care for Ghost and Ex-Aid is just...no. Those suits are just where I draw the line. Its just too much. It may as well turn into a Sentai with that level of cheese. Gaim had badass suits somehow possible on their themes and Ex-Aid was just the inverse somehow of good themes terrible execution. I can't...
I honestly can't understand how you can like Den-O and Gaim suits but draw the line on Ex-Aid. Yeah, most of it is goofy shit but so were Gaim's, not to mentio Dangerous Zombie and Taddle Fantasy are GOATs. But I know I'm in the minority hating Den-O designs.

I had the same complaints about W, haha.
Philip coming back
is the worst thing, I think everybody just mentally retcons it. And W fanwank in movies is the best. Make sure to watch Accel Returns!

OOO has some weird stuff going on. Internet rumors say that the earthquake in Japan midseason made Toei retool some stuff from the show.
Date was supposed to die during his surgery, Dr Maki wasn't the final villain... There is also bigger symbolism with Date's scorpion mech, he always transformed with a scorpion medal and there were some black OOO sketchs, with arthropods as motif.
Dunno what is true and what is not about that.

Tiu Neo

Pretty sure he is the Tokimeki Crisis bugster, the dating sim game. Explains the seduction of Poppy into doing what he wants her to.

Makes sense. My first thought was that he was a bugster, but then he didn't join the other bugsters to make the Kamen Rider Chronicle gashat. Well, Parad also didn't, so it could be this, yeah.

Big One

Honestly, that film is pretty good aside from the obligatory "we must shove all the riders in for this one big fighting scene" thing at the end.
It was pretty dope in BLACK RX cause at that point, that WAS all the Kamen Riders all together. But now in the age where each series has multiple riders, some even being more of a main character than the actual main character (Gattack and Knight for example) so when the Hesei era riders appear, it's SPECIFICALLY always the primary riders at the forefront. In the Den-O movie when the secondary riders appear it's so half-assed in execution and some of the picks were random as fuck as well.

If you're going to do these rider wars things at least respect the source material somewhat. I still don't get why BLACK and BLACK RX are still separate riders. I know it was explained somewhat in Decade but considering the riders we're seeing in these movies are supposed to be from the main timeline (I think?) it's just weird as hell.


Honestly, that film is pretty good aside from the obligatory "we must shove all the riders in for this one big fighting scene" thing at the end.

The marketing for that movie kind of soured me on it. They promoted it based on that fighting scene with All Riders - the first official images even were just focused on that line up, even though it was actually a very small part of the movie.

If you're going to do these rider wars things at least respect the source material somewhat. I still don't get why BLACK and BLACK RX are still separate riders. I know it was explained somewhat in Decade but considering the riders we're seeing in these movies are supposed to be from the main timeline (I think?) it's just weird as hell.

It's kind of a mess. The Black RX and Black shown in Decade were in all purposes identical to the original ones (they even avoided recasting Kasumi no Joe when his actor refused to return, which is why he's only referenced in dialogue but never shows up), but they're officially supposed to be just alternate versions. However, the Black RX who showed up in Decade's summer movie was supposed to be the original, but wore the same outfit used in the Decade episodes. They made no effort to differentiate him from the supposed AU version on the tv show.

Then, If you look at Tetsuo Kurata's list of credits in his own official webpage, it's actually directly said that the tv and movie Black and Black RX were the same ones.


Overall, they want Black there too since he's a main Rider, but they don't really seem to like bringing up multiple worlds directly on screen unless it's plot related, so we just get that Black out of nowhere for the crossovers.

Big One

The marketing for that movie kind of soured me on it. They promoted it based on that fighting scene with All Riders - the first official images even were just focused on that line up, even though it was actually a very small part of the movie.

It's kind of a mess. The Black RX and Black shown in Decade were in all purposes identical to the original ones (they even avoided recasting Kasumi no Joe when his actor refused to return, which is why he's only referenced in dialogue but never shows up), but they're officially supposed to be just alternate versions. However, the Black RX who showed up in Decade's summer movie was supposed to be the original, but wore the same outfit used in the Decade episodes. They made no effort to differentiate him from the supposed AU version on the tv show.

Then, If you look at Tetsuo Kurata's list of credits in his own official webpage, it's actually directly said that the tv and movie Black and Black RX were the same ones.


Overall, they want Black there too since he's a main Rider, but they don't really seem to like bringing up multiple worlds directly on screen unless it's plot related, so we just get that Black out of nowhere for the crossovers.
I mean the least they could do is do some type of TV special or something to maybe explain that the oirginal BLACK's powers were restored inherited by another character or something. Could've been done for an anniversary of the TV series to make a lot of money banking on nostaliga like they did with Gavan, but bleh. How well did the Gavan movies do financially btw? I missed out on those years of toku, lol.


Kyuranger; 07

The show seems to be growing on me and they seemed to have dialed Lucky down a bit, which is good as he was very annoying in the earlier episodes though he is no Yamato.

Ex-aid 24;

So Poppy was evil the whole time. :O

W and OOO have a special place in my heart as OOOs was the first Kamen Rider show I watched while it was still airing but W was the once that actually got me into the series and is why it's my favorite rider.
Not really a documentary but here is nearly 2 hours of footage from behind the scenes of Sentai. Filmed by a guy embedded with the film crews so he could learn about Sentai to help the production of PR.


Yeah I found that right after I asked.
Really interesting.

Honestly behind the scenes of tv shows(especially something like that) is so much more interesting than it is for movies.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
New Ex-Aid OP's pretty cool...

It seems like Poppy will join the heroes eventually again---also it seems Nico will be a Ride-Player.


I haven't watched much Japanese Sentai but Kyuranger is worth watching just for Naga <3 (and balance of course)

Naga is just amazing.


I really liked the newest Kyuranger episode - started with a mecha/ship battle, and during almost the entire episode the team was split into three. The cliffhanger also was fairly surprising in a way. Most people thought the last preview had basically spoiled it, but there was still a surprise.

And Ex-Aid was great too. Although everything is basically a spoiler.
Power rangers the movie had more solo zord fighting footage than the last 20 years of sentai

Thats the reason I bought the Pterodactyl toy for my desk the morning after seeing the movie.
Who knew seeing a zord do what its design intended would take it from least favorite as a kid to my favorite from the movie.

Also started both of the current Power Ranger comics yesterday(finished "Pink") wow I am enjoying the hell out of these Boom! runs.
The 1-2 punch of the stream and the movie really bought me back to something I hadn't cared about in 20years.
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