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Tokyo Xtreme Racing PSP wi-fi mode detail



The PSP version of Tokyo Xtreme is a bit different from its console predecessors in that players now race as part of a team that longs to control Tokyo's highways. The game actually has numerous teams, each controlling part of the fifteen sections that make up the Tokyo highway system featured in the game. You select your team at the start of the game and help to make the team rule the roads while attempting to become team leader.

Two forms of battle feature in the game. Ranking Battles are races between members of the same team. By defeating your team members, you climb the ranks of your team and eventually arrive at the leader position.

Being leader is important for the other type of battle, Team Battle. In these battles, the leader of a team chooses up to five representatives of his team to race against up to five representatives of another team. These races are one-on-one, with the last team standing taking the prize. Defeating other teams in this fashion is the key to gaining control over new areas of the highway.

The best part about all of this is that it's going to be playable in multiplayer form via the PSP's wireless networking functionality. In network mode, teams will be comprised of real players who must race one another in Ranking Battles in order to become leader. The leader of a team then goes on to assign other real-life players to race against other teams in Team Battles.


Fafracer forever
That's sounds nice..hope the game doesn't end up looking like the NFS game for PSP.
If you mean graphically, it already looked nicer at TGS, and clearly ran much better.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
The batteries will probably die before all 5 races can be finished. ;)

Kon Tiki

DarienA said:
The batteries will probably die before all 5 races can be finished. ;)
Well it is wifi. Either you are at a hot spot (not realistic), or at home (with a battery charger :D).

aoi tsuki

100ft indoors, 300ft outdoors. Of course, that's a rough estimate -- electronic devices, wiring, and walls can hamper indoor range as can trees outdoors. And there's several ways to increase your range by attaching cheap, homemade antennas. Of course this applies to devices (like routers) which have external antennas.

Edit: In regards to the battery life of PSP and DS with WiFi, i'd expect it to be roughly one third to one half the reported life, based on the battery life of WiFi PDAs.
I may be missing something really obvious, but I don't see how this would work using WiFi?

Would you just use WiFi to connect to your modem and then it'd take you actually online? (as in cable internet, ADSL or whatever)

Because if not, then wouldn't you need hundreds of people to make this even worth playing?

Since there are 15 'gangs', and at least 6 in each gang, but you'd want more like 10 in each gang so you could climb ranks etc.

I'm so lost.




I think it looks MUCH better than NFSU ;).
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