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Tom Henderson: "Xbox baffled by the extend of rumors. Sources tell nothing set in stone for xbox ports apart from Hifi Rush and Sea of Thieves"


No but I'm not the one with a crystal ball. I said in a reply to somebody else "my guess is" and gave a possible explanation for Tom Warren's reporting discrepancy. That's all. You on the other hand seem adamant without evidence that some agreement was signed with Sony and Nintendo which prevents xbox from from debunking false and damaging information.

MS are one of the most agile when it comes to strategy but I'm not saying it was decided by higher ups and overturned. From the reports it sounds like the debate was ongoing and not necessarily backtracking on something already approved. it's very possible that they were still deciding and having an internal debate about strategy and games. you even said as much yourself here

Backlash large enough can tip a debate and metrics while you're still making that decision very easily, even though I agree that a preapproved plan is more difficult to influence.
Three do you honestly believe that when MS do their business show to explain everything, and if most of these endless rumours we have had over the past week or so prove to be bullshit, that will of been MS backtracking over 'backlash' from a tiny percent of the gaming masses?, and not that most of these rumours were made by clickbaiters and trolls trying to get clicks and cause drama?.
Really?. And yes i know you're not the only one saying this, plenty are.
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Gold Member
Eh. Not really. One of the key responsibilities of a PR and Comms team is to ensure that the messaging is controlled in a way that's always advantageous to the brand. Speaking as someone who does this dumb shit for a living, I can safely say that had I been in the MS Comms team at the time the rumours started to swirl about Starfield, my first question to higher management would have been, what can I say, and how quickly can I say it.

Anyone with half a brain and worth their salt would have been able to predict where the conversation around these rumours would go, given the poor sales of Xbox and the stalling of GP. 'Starfield coming to Ps5' turning into 'XBox throwing in the towel' is quite a natural progression under these circumstances, and I don't believe for one second that nobody in XBox comms floated the possibility that people would start to think this - unless they are all brain dead guppies, which I doubt. They were either overruled by upper management, or knew that the messaging had to be kept generic for the moment, so they could get their ducks in a row about how to tell everyone the rumours are true.

I can guarantee you that the Comms team would look at that Phil Spencer tweet with no small degree of distaste and horror.
Can I rephrase then? I didn't want to linger on the details for brevities sake, as I'm already tired of the back and forth. Even if MS made a mistake by not commenting on Starfield, I find the idea that they could have anticipated the avalanche of rumor and meltdown afterwards unlikely. I can see a decent argument that MS should have immediately commented, but the Starfield rumor did not happen in a vacuum. The Starfield rumor is tied, by its nature, to the Hi-Fi Rush data mine and also the Sea of Thieves rumors. Obviously, MS was not ready to make any announcements regarding those ports, specifically Sea of Thieves (since the cat is out of the bag for Hi-Fi Rush), or they would have already. To comment on Starfield while not addressing Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush, would all but confirm the after mentioned games port to PS5.

By MS not commenting on Starfield, they were running the same playbook as they were for Hi-Fi Rush and Sea of Thieves, changing course would have grabbed even more attention. I can also think of another possibility for the delay and it's that the Starfield rumor is true. This is just my guessing, of course.
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Three do you honestly believe that when MS do their business show to explain everything, and if most of these endless rumours we have had over the past week or so prove to be bullshit,
In my posts over the past week I've said that xbox will make a new console and OEM handhelds. I've also said that they will make a statement that it's case by case for their games and even predicted they would delay this before they actually did. So no I wouldn't say those actions are being backtracked. We're talking specifically about the false report regarding Starfield, why that reporting discrepancy exists, and why MS didn’t kill that rumour straight away.
that will of been MS backtracking over 'backlash' from a tiny percent of the gaming masses?, and not that most of these rumours were made by clickbaiters and trolls trying to get clicks and cause drama?.
Really?. And yes i know you're not the only one saying this, plenty are.
What percentage of the gaming masses and how much do they contribute to your revenue? You could have just as easily said the same thing about xbox one plans but you wouldn't have had the data to know if it's a tiny percent or how it would affect future sales.

I'm not actually saying MS backtracked anyway, I'm saying they were debating and looking at data to make a decision regarding what games to bring. I'm giving a possible explanation for the insider/employee who leaked starfield then backtracked ( later Tom saying they don't actually know what will be done next week). That it might stem from the fact that that decision was not final. The possibility that the negative PR and people selling their consoles tipped that debate while they still needed time to look at the metrics and effect of making it multiplatform is very plausible. It was showing an effect this week before it even happened or was publicly announced. Why could this not influence that decision? It gives them something to put out the marketing fire with too by announcing that next week.
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So you're telling me they're doing a "business update event" regarding the "future of Xbox" all for Hi-Fi Rush & SoT coming to other platforms? Something that could've just been a blog post...

The whole business event might just be a blog post for all we know, or did they announce something more specific? Maybe they are just taking this opportunity to put some distance between themselves and some of the rumor starters on the internet, people that had basically any reaction to this at all must not be as connected to their brother's uncle's best friend as we figured (assuming that the information rumors aren't in fact true). Made me realize that I might be over weighting the opinions of some influencers/creators that I follow which opens me up to psyching myself out for nothing, a good lesson to not be overly reactionary and try to vet information if at all possible. They have potentially tricked me into becoming one of those people I joke about on the news. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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In my posts over the past week I've said that xbox will make a new console and OEM handhelds. I've also said that they will make a statement that it's case by case for their games and even predicted they would delay this before they actually did. So no I wouldn't say those actions are being backtracked. We're talking specifically about the false report regarding Starfield, why that reporting discrepancy exists, and why MS didn’t kill that rumour straight away.

What percentage of the gaming masses and how much do they contribute to your revenue? You could have just as easily said the same thing about xbox one plans but you wouldn't have had the data to know if it's a tiny percent or how it would affect future sales.

I'm not actually saying MS backtracked anyway, I'm saying they were debating and looking at data to make a decision regarding what games to bring. I'm giving a possible explanation for the insider/employee who leaked starfield then backtracked ( later Tom saying they don't actually know what will be done next week). That it might stem from the fact that that decision was not final. The possibility that the negative PR and people selling their consoles tipped that debate while they still needed time to look at the metrics and effect of making it multiplatform is very plausible. It was showing an effect this week before it even happened or was publicly announced. Why could this not influence that decision? It gives them something to put out the marketing fire with too by announcing that next week.
Well i mean that could be true, and we may never actually know. I just meant more the fact that some people would believe clickbait posts and vids etc, over MS if most of the speculation ended up bullshit.
I mean yes i dont hate Xbox like a lot on here do but i would certainly believe them over clickbaiters and people trying to start drama for clicks.
I also dont think massice businesses like MS change their ideas constantly on a dime.
Funny thing is i actually wouldnt be surprised if Starfield does end up coming to Playstation at some point.


Gold Member
Well i mean that could be true, and we may never actually know. I just meant more the fact that some people would believe clickbait posts and vids etc, over MS if most of the speculation ended up bullshit.
I mean yes i dont hate Xbox like a lot on here do but i would certainly believe them over clickbaiters and people trying to start drama for clicks.
I also dont think massice businesses like MS change their ideas constantly on a dime.
Funny thing is i actually wouldnt be surprised if Starfield does end up coming to Playstation at some point.
Speculation hat on: Starfield port is real (along with Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush) and that is why they didn't comment on the "rumor", when it got out. I imagine if this is true, they would want to save that announcement for when they had something good to show off for Xbox.

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Eh. Not really. One of the key responsibilities of a PR and Comms team is to ensure that the messaging is controlled in a way that's always advantageous to the brand. Speaking as someone who does this dumb shit for a living, I can safely say that had I been in the MS Comms team at the time the rumours started to swirl about Starfield, my first question to higher management would have been, what can I say, and how quickly can I say it.

Anyone with half a brain and worth their salt would have been able to predict where the conversation around these rumours would go, given the poor sales of Xbox and the stalling of GP. 'Starfield coming to Ps5' turning into 'XBox throwing in the towel' is quite a natural progression under these circumstances, and I don't believe for one second that nobody in XBox comms floated the possibility that people would start to think this - unless they are all brain dead guppies, which I doubt. They were either overruled by upper management, or knew that the messaging had to be kept generic for the moment, so they could get their ducks in a row about how to tell everyone the rumours are true.

I can guarantee you that the Comms team would look at that Phil Spencer tweet with no small degree of distaste and horror.

There is no way he tweeted that out without it being workshopped...


then why have they been so quiet? if nothing beyond that was set in stone they could have denied it or even just put out the classic “we don’t comment on rumors and speculation”

instead they let this go rampant unchecked to the damage of their own brand 🤦🏼‍♂️
It's because Phil and his team does not know what will happen. This look like they were left out in the dark. Nadella and Amy Hood just took control.
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Speculation hat on: Starfield port is real (along with Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush) and that is why they didn't comment on the "rumor", when it got out. I imagine if this is true, they would want to save that announcement for when they had something good to show off for Xbox.
That is a real possibility too but I'm leaning on it not being real because of Nates recent claim which he seems to be fairly sure on, enough to debunk and contradict his own previous claim. I suspect it has something to do with this last part of Tom Hendersons tweet:

"It will be interesting to see what is said because the rumours seem to be fueling decisions that might need more time in the oven so to speak."

That tells me that decisions were not set in stone for anything other than SoT and HFR and somebody leaked their preliminary considerations for Starfield and Indy way early. Now after the rumours spread nobody really knows what's going on since the reactions might be fueling those decisions.
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Moderated wildly
Lol sure. So they gonna port those 2 and just stop there? Sea of thieves and hifi rush is enough to know there'll be more than that. Even new releases like blade. It's pretty obvious now why they couldn't confirm it would be a console exclusive to xbox.
I think so too and honestly, I've said it from the beginning. It's a good thing and thr best for thr industry and xbox studios
I hope so, I was planning on buying a series x last week but want to hold out just in case!
Well, thanks to their sev1 and miss management of risk assessment you should be able to pick one up for peanuts from gamestop....or so I've heard.


Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Phil’s probably taken all the massive over reactions from their fans into a PowerPoint presentation to Natella and said ‘see. SEE? We cannot go third party when we have imbeciles (sorry, loyal core Xbox supporters) setting fire to their consoles and selling them off. Just give me a year Sat. ONE MORE YEAR to make 2024 the YEAR for Xbox’

And Natella probably gone ‘yeah fuck it’

And a massive Xbox 180 is incoming and free consoles to all who set fire to them or threw them in the river with custom P3 messages on them ‘thanks for being our most loyal shill. I mean fan’

And in a parallel universe Sarah Bond posts a picture of her unboxing Persona 3.
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Gold Member
This is why I don’t believe anything anyone says ever. I don’t believe the rumors are true nor do I believe they are false. Until someone who 100% knows the truth….and even then, I’m doubtful.

No matter what Phill says it will labeled as “damage control” so you will never know the truth


LoL.. the narrative now is that Gaf and Ps fanboys created this ? Are you people serious? And you trully believe the reactionary event of next week to public announce business decisions by the ceo of ms gaming is for sea of Thieves and HiFI rush ? .... stupidity has to have a limit... damn


So looking forward to the tears and disappointment of those who were hoping for Xbox's downfall, and somehow extrapolating that from a rumour.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's all just anti MS smear campaigns, it's been happening since they took on Bethesda and will just get worse now with Activision too.

Social media is a powerful tool especially in the hands of tools.

Most average gamers just, ya know, play games 😂


LoL.. the narrative now is that Gaf and Ps fanboys created this ? Are you people serious? And you trully believe the reactionary event of next week to public announce business decisions by the ceo of ms gaming is for sea of Thieves and HiFI rush ? .... stupidity has to have a limit... damn
Be the ultimate troll if a PlayStation fan started xboxera all those years ago and was just waiting for this moment lol


So looking forward to the tears and disappointment of those who were hoping for Xbox's downfall, and somehow extrapolating that from a rumour.
You don't understand if he announces any games at all, which he will, then it's the beginning of the end of xbox as you know it (ie one that tried and failed to compete with Sony)

That doesn't mean xbox will die, although it probably will eventually.

But I will be happy for you if they just annouce two or three games and you buy it, as that will mean we get another round of the past week when they add more games.

You really need to have a good think about this and why MS gaming need to release any games on competing platforms. When you've thought about that, try and come up with a sensible reason why they will only release two or three games.


So looking forward to the tears and disappointment of those who were hoping for Xbox's downfall, and somehow extrapolating that from a rumour.


I hope so, I was planning on buying a series x last week but want to hold out just in case!
In my country the prices have already dropped months ago and stayed that away. You can buy the Series X much cheaper than PS5 (not to mention PS5 Slim) and you don't have to wait for any sales.

The price difference between Series S 1TB and Series X has also become quite small. It's makes buying the S a waste of money.
In my country the prices have already dropped months ago and stayed that away. You can buy the Series X much cheaper than PS5 (not to mention PS5 Slim) and you don't have to wait for any sales.

The price difference between Series S 1TB and Series X has also become quite small. It's makes buying the S a waste of money.
Here in AUS they’re still $800 rrp. Not even any really good deals used. Surprisingly series s are selling for $350 used. Where are you?


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I think its very possible from MS standpoint to do these sort of "market researches", like start rumours, then say nothing and gather the response?

'member that 120 USD GOLD, announced on friday evening and then backtrack on monday?

They simply have no idea what are they doing.


Moderated wildly
5 stages of grief flipping to the other camp next week.

The worst part, if this isn't true...is those weirdos will be going back to how they were.

I think it's best to operate on the idea that eventually, even if it takes 5-10 years. MS will release more games on other platforms. They are doing the Sony PC strategy, and we know how that is going to end up.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I wouldn't be surprised if it's all just anti MS smear campaigns, it's been happening since they took on Bethesda and will just get worse now with Activision too.

Social media is a powerful tool especially in the hands of tools.

Most average gamers just, ya know, play games 😂


You had Jez, Tom Warren, and Jeff Grubb fueling the rumors.
5 stages of grief flipping to the other camp next week.

The worst part, if this isn't true...is those weirdos will be going back to how they were.

I think it's best to operate on the idea that eventually, even if it takes 5-10 years. MS will release more games on other platforms. They are doing the Sony PC strategy, and we know how that is going to end up.

MS has been releasing games on PC day 1 since several years ago, actually Imthey were the first of the big 3 doing so, Sony followed that approach way later.

Honestly I don’t see Microsoft releasing all of their 1P titles on PS5 or Switch other than through Game Pass, there might be exceptions such as Sea of Thieves, or even Grounded due to the type of games they are, but I find it really hard for MS to release any other exclusive title out of that. Actually they only reason behind Hi-Fi Rush being released on PS5 and Switch would be because it was already planned to be released on all platforms before MS acquiring Zenimax, and it shouldn’t impact sales specially since it would be released as a digital title only.

MS isn’t desperate as many seem to firmly believe, the gaming business is profitable, so why going full third-party? I find it funny all of this drama is mostly just because of a tweet of a fired contractor, damn.


I was promised account suicides because of meltdowns!!
Guess I'll have to wait till the actual stream.

With how the rumors and weird PR goes, I can see the stream go either way. Literally nothing feels "set in stone" when it comes to Xbox currently, which is an insane situation if one thinks about it.


5 stages of grief flipping to the other camp next week.

The worst part, if this isn't true...is those weirdos will be going back to how they were.

I think it's best to operate on the idea that eventually, even if it takes 5-10 years. MS will release more games on other platforms. They are doing the Sony PC strategy, and we know how that is going to end up.
Yeah omg.. Ill cry everyday in the bathroom for loosing all these AAA top of the art critcal acclaimed games that MS has been making but wont bring to playstation.. god knows how ill be able to survive without such vast quantity and quality games, why oh god why ?

Gtfo.. the only weerdos here are you people already asking how to build a pc and whatnot based on rumors your insiders started and reacted to.

Me ? Xbox is a dying brand, go multiplat dont go.. dont care.. dosent affect sony or nintendo anymore. The only thing ill miss is at most Killer Instinct ... the rest ? And the new ? Dont care at all with xbox quality control.

But Phil spencer is a legend... letting his fanbase melting down and breaking before his eyes and playing Diablo 4 like he dont give a shit.. and in the end saying "nah ... next week ill tell you, byeee" lol
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
These rumors are nuts as usual. I don't know why anyone would think they are releasing the bigger titles on PlayStation when there's an easier choice of releasing those titles on switch 2 instead.

Why would it be easier to release games on a console that will have a smaller install base?

Wouldn't it make more financial sense to release on both the PS5 and Switch successor?
I expect Microsoft to announce new gamepass pricing, including a new tier of membership.

I also expect lots of talk about playing your games anywhere with Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush confirmed for other platforms.

I don’t think they mention Starfield at all even though it’s being ported to PlayStation this Christmas season.

It will be a half assed event with misleading language and everyone will be just as angry as they are already.


Moderated wildly
Yeah omg.. Ill cry everyday in the bathroom for loosing all these AAA top of the art critcal acclaimed games that MS has been making but wont bring to playstation.. god knows how ill be able to survive without such vast quantity and quality games, why oh god why ?

Gtfo.. the only weerdos here are you people already asking how to build a pc and whatnot based on rumors your insiders started and reacted to.

Me ? Xbox is a dying brand, go multiplat dont go.. dont care.. dosent affect sony or nintendo anymore. The only thing ill miss is at most Killer Instinct ... the rest ? And the new ? Dont care at all with xbox quality control.

But Phil spencer is a legend... letting his fanbase melting down and breaking before his eyes and playing Diablo 4 like he dont give a shit.. and in the end saying "nah ... next week ill tell you, byeee" lol

Yup, stuck in anger.


MS has been releasing games on PC day 1 since several years ago, actually Imthey were the first of the big 3 doing so, Sony followed that approach way later.

Honestly I don’t see Microsoft releasing all of their 1P titles on PS5 or Switch other than through Game Pass, there might be exceptions such as Sea of Thieves, or even Grounded due to the type of games they are, but I find it really hard for MS to release any other exclusive title out of that. Actually they only reason behind Hi-Fi Rush being released on PS5 and Switch would be because it was already planned to be released on all platforms before MS acquiring Zenimax, and it shouldn’t impact sales specially since it would be released as a digital title only.

MS isn’t desperate as many seem to firmly believe, the gaming business is profitable, so why going full third-party? I find it funny all of this drama is mostly just because of a tweet of a fired contractor, damn.
Both Starfield and Redfall were in development for Playstation too, if that's the reason then those 2 should be part of the rumor and Sea of Thieves shouldn't, since it was never in development for Playstation before release.
The reason they haven’t said anything yet is because they still haven’t finalised what they’re doing internally.

The reason everyone is flipping out is bc NS are adopting the Sony ‘say nothing’ tactic instead of Philbin The Friend to All coming out & giving everyone a soothing example of his corporate ASMR & telling us 2024 will, definitely & for real this time, for sure, it’s on the up&up, no jokes, be the best year ever for Xbox
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