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Tomb Raider Definitive Edition - PlayStation 4 = ~60fps, Xbox One = ~30fps

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What is your metric for impressive? Because if I spend $3000 on a PC and it performs better than the PS4, that's not really impressive now is it? Price is absolutely tied directly to performance.

You dont need a $3000 PC to out perform a PS4.

Well no shit. When has console gaming ever been close to PC gaming?

This "hurr PC is stronger" stuff needs to stop. We know.

Tell that to everyone replying to me. lol
30FPS will Always Deliver Better Story-Telling than 60FPS in Games – Heres Why

All the peeps of the Gaming World have been going crazy over 30 FPS and 60 FPS standards this last year. From 60fps/1080p being thought the new Next Gen standard to Ryse downgrades. But there a point many people are missing, one which i hope to shed some light on today, the point that why 30 FPS cant and shouldn’t ever be replaced with 60fps.

30fps vs 60fps – The Magic of Story Telling Lies in Lower FPS, 30 FPS will always deliver a more “Cinematic” Experience than 60FPS.

I am of course making quite a bold claim and the burden of proof lies with me. One which i am more than willing to shoulder. Let me begin by saying that the minimum limit that our brain needs to perceive moving frames as a seamless entity ( a video) is 24 Frames Per Second. This is one of the reason 99% of Movies are shot at 24 FPS. Though this was originally due to Sound Hardware limitation of Old Cinema, it has now become the Cinematic Standard. The 24 fps of the Cinema Industry is roughly equivalent to the 30 fps standard of the Gaming Industry. When you see a video shot at 24 fps / 30 fps there are holes to fill and your brain automatically does this by literally creating stuff out of your imagination : also known as movie magic. The More frames you increase, the less you brain fills in, the less the “magic”.

Proof of Concept: Hobbit 24 FPS vs 48 FPS analogy to the 30FPS vs 60FPS Gaming Standard

So, Notice how the 48FPS video looks, Sped Up, Weird and almost too Real (in a Bad Way) ? That is called the Soap Opera Effect. Because we grew up in a world where reality tv and soap operas were shot at a higher FPS our brains are now hard wired to associate mundane reality with Higher FPS. And i think you can see now what i meant by our brain filling in the gaps at lower FPS. The Original trailer looks magical and truly “Cinematic”. Of course you might be one of the minority who actually like the sped up, but in my opinion that is probably because of the Novelty Value.

30fps vs 60fps

The more Frames Per Second we increase in our Gaming Standards the less “Magical” they will feel.
I remember when playing Alan Wake (at 30fps) that it felt unbelievably like a movie to me, the sudden attacks of darkness and the way everything was moving about, i wonder if the magic would have been there with 60FPS. If i could clearly see how everything moved – probably not. Likewise in Cinema the Smokes and Mirrors fall away with increased fps – and story telling is all about the illusion. Of course some games would actually benefit from higher frames per second like Racing Games and Fighting Games (Tekken) but Games in which story telling is a main part would do better with the 30FPS Standard.


can you people finally drop this "60fps is better" nonsense

Kidding? Kidding.
What sucks is that Crystal Dynamics didn't push the PS4 version even further, to differentiate the 360 and PS3 generation from the PS4 version even further.


I've said this before. What's great about PC gaming is you get to choose whether you focus on resolution, or framerate, or pretty effects... whatever is more important to you. On consoles, developers get to decide.

But generally if a game is 1080p and 60 fps (mostly) I think only a small minority are going to wish it was less frames and/or resolution and that it had prettier shit going on.

that's the crap I got really tired of late on in 360 and PS3 games. IQ and performance went out the window. let's have IQ and performance front and center for at least the first year, eh?


Not many people are running TR on PC with 60fps locked frame rates either. The game is pretty demanding, And 60 lock is a pretty high hurdle.

That you think this is amusing.

Why are you saying locked? You can't lock a frame rate you can only cap it. There is no minimum frame rate.

Rainy Dog

I have no problem with the thread being made. Its really just the 50 pages of snark that is with it. That snark goes for most threads these days. Of course I could just avoid Gaf but some of the best discussion happens here but these are dark days where the console wars are so vicious. I just think pages and pages of snark is getting old. Doesn't really matter what I think.

As a PS4 only owner, I don't really appreciate the gloating either.

But as someone who was absolutely disgusted at Microsoft's blatant lying and misleading in the run-up to the launches of these consoles, not just first-hand with Nelson's and Pennello's comments here, but also their underhanded manipulation of much of the media and reporting as well such as Gamespot's ridiculous tech comparison and DF's 'balance' horseshit. I have to say that I'm unashamedly enjoying each and every one of these revelations.

Microsoft deserve their face rubbing in their own shit for the entire generation imo.


Good morning everyone. Lovely thread already. Please keep in mind that this is a discussion board and one or two word drive-by posts are heavily discouraged. As is calling people things like "Xbot", "Sonytard", or "Nintendork".

If you can't treat each other with a minimum of respect and civility, you'd be well advised to simply not post.
Sorry, it's hard to type through the tears for me.

tears of laughter


As a few of us mentioned yesterday when you mentioned crashes and poor Titan performance: something is wrong with your setup.

I have a Titan and I achieved 60 once the patches started hitting a few weeks after release of the game. The crashes also stopped.

Just no dude, the Titan doesn't get 60 fps 100% of the time on Tomb Raider with everything cranked up sorry.


This benchmark isnt even on 1080p and it gets a min fps of 19. That's with FXAA on not even SSAA the better AA technique the game has...
30fps is still pretty good with all the other improvements as long as it doesn't stutter, so it should be ok for XBOne owners in the end... that said, damn at the gap.

Someone asked if this was the biggest power gap within the same generation. It is not, but it may be the biggest power gap between two systems released around the same time, especially when the system that has the advantage is the smaller and cheaper of the two.


I have no problem with the thread being made. Its really just the 50 pages of snark that is with it. That snark goes for most threads these days. Of course I could just avoid Gaf but some of the best discussion happens here but these are dark days where the console wars are so vicious. I just think pages and pages of snark is getting old. Doesn't really matter what I think.

Do you really think these comments are vicious - really ?

Posters like having a bit of fun, the odd banderas gif, no harm done....do you really think they are really angry and mad ?

Its just fun, as long as posts are not personal then laugh with them, makes being a member of GAF a bit more enjoyable.

Cheer up - I cant see the console comparisions going away nor the sales threads any time soon...
I'm lost here so I apologize if this is a dumb question but are you not impressed because it isn't running at a higher resolution? Being able to play this at maxed specs on your tv is a good thing no?

Im not impressed by either console and what they are doing overall.

You are the King of Missing the Point, aren't you?

Price for performance, PS4 is impressive. I don't know why that's so hard to concede.

I get your point, but you fib to make a point. PS4 is a great price but I really dont care for the price. Once you buy a PS4 are you going to remind yourself when performance isnt as good as it should of been that you only paid $400? lol


30FPS will Always Deliver Better Story-Telling than 60FPS in Games – Heres Why

All the peeps of the Gaming World have been going crazy over 30 FPS and 60 FPS standards this last year. From 60fps/1080p being thought the new Next Gen standard to Ryse downgrades. But there a point many people are missing, one which i hope to shed some light on today, the point that why 30 FPS cant and shouldn’t ever be replaced with 60fps.

30fps vs 60fps – The Magic of Story Telling Lies in Lower FPS, 30 FPS will always deliver a more “Cinematic” Experience than 60FPS.

I am of course making quite a bold claim and the burden of proof lies with me. One which i am more than willing to shoulder. Let me begin by saying that the minimum limit that our brain needs to perceive moving frames as a seamless entity ( a video) is 24 Frames Per Second. This is one of the reason 99% of Movies are shot at 24 FPS. Though this was originally due to Sound Hardware limitation of Old Cinema, it has now become the Cinematic Standard. The 24 fps of the Cinema Industry is roughly equivalent to the 30 fps standard of the Gaming Industry. When you see a video shot at 24 fps / 30 fps there are holes to fill and your brain automatically does this by literally creating stuff out of your imagination : also known as movie magic. The More frames you increase, the less you brain fills in, the less the “magic”.

Proof of Concept: Hobbit 24 FPS vs 48 FPS analogy to the 30FPS vs 60FPS Gaming Standard

So, Notice how the 48FPS video looks, Sped Up, Weird and almost too Real (in a Bad Way) ? That is called the Soap Opera Effect. Because we grew up in a world where reality tv and soap operas were shot at a higher FPS our brains are now hard wired to associate mundane reality with Higher FPS. And i think you can see now what i meant by our brain filling in the gaps at lower FPS. The Original trailer looks magical and truly “Cinematic”. Of course you might be one of the minority who actually like the sped up, but in my opinion that is probably because of the Novelty Value.

30fps vs 60fps

The more Frames Per Second we increase in our Gaming Standards the less “Magical” they will feel.
I remember when playing Alan Wake (at 30fps) that it felt unbelievably like a movie to me, the sudden attacks of darkness and the way everything was moving about, i wonder if the magic would have been there with 60FPS. If i could clearly see how everything moved – probably not. Likewise in Cinema the Smokes and Mirrors fall away with increased fps – and story telling is all about the illusion. Of course some games would actually benefit from higher frames per second like Racing Games and Fighting Games (Tekken) but Games in which story telling is a main part would do better with the 30FPS Standard.


can you people finally drop this "60fps is better" nonsense

This is one of the worst posts ever.
It is a few months into this gen... everyone flipping out over this sort of thing is really amazing to me. Look how far last gen went in terms of visuals and performance.

This is very similar to last gen..but this time Sony's platform will be the slightly better version of most multi plat games. Last gen 360 games were always a tad better.

As an owner of both I have my foot in both camps... this sort of stuff is just getting out of hand. No idea why people want to "win" on so many levels this gen.

There were games running at 60fps on 360 and 30 on PS3? Man I don't remember that and I was buying everything 3rd party on my Xbox because of the sometimes slight difference. I think you don't feel the sting cause you have both consoles but if you only had 1 it would be pretty disappointing.

Im not impressed by either console and what they are doing overall.

Do you have either console? What were you hoping for? KZSF looks as good as Crysis 3 maxed out. BF4 looks amazing. Ryse looks awesome. I'm really happy and I played all the PC greats this year.


Depends on the settings.

And hardware. And how the game plays with hardware and drivers.

That's the point.

No tesselation is the biggest deal on this console edition. High poly models, longer lod and draw, 2k texture min, and more assets on screen are all some of the additions over PC.

Not a bad trade off IMO
i hope this gen is 8 years long again

ps4 is basically making xbox ones and gaming pcs obselete!

Ha ha just no

As someone who does not have a gaiming PC anymore, while the PS4 is off to a great start. PCs performance will always start to pull away a few years into a console generation.


extra source of jiggaflops
I've said this before. What's great about PC gaming is you get to choose whether you focus on resolution, or framerate, or pretty effects... whatever is more important to you. On consoles, developers get to decide.
It's only great in PC gaming if that's what you value. I can't get higher quality animations, more animations, better, more varity and smoother geometry or all kinds of things by changing some sliders.

The PS4 and Gaming PC versions of any game are held back by the Xbone for the things I care about. I wish the PS4 was the absolute minimum for the kinds of things I like.


Good Art™
It sure is... does not matter what the exact reasons are but games will be created on the PS4 platform and ported over to the X1 and there will be some give there this time due to some power issues and last gen it was due to difficulty with the hardware.

End result is the same and the average gamer is oblivious to it.

The average gamer bought a 360 last time cause it was cheaper and had better versions of multi games. The situation is indeed reversed now.. except the difference is now real big (half the fps, 50% less resolution...). This plus the fact that 360 exclusives lost their momentum in the end (in number) while the PS3 considerably strengthen Sony's ip values. Well.. i think you can already see the result in sales.


It sure is... does not matter what the exact reasons are but games will be created on the PS4 platform and ported over to the X1 and there will be some give there this time due to some power issues and last gen it was due to difficulty with the hardware.

End result is the same and the average gamer is oblivious to it.

The average gamer is not oblivious to 720p/1080p.


30FPS will Always Deliver Better Story-Telling than 60FPS in Games – Heres Why

All the peeps of the Gaming World have been going crazy over 30 FPS and 60 FPS standards this last year. From 60fps/1080p being thought the new Next Gen standard to Ryse downgrades. But there a point many people are missing, one which i hope to shed some light on today, the point that why 30 FPS cant and shouldn’t ever be replaced with 60fps.

30fps vs 60fps – The Magic of Story Telling Lies in Lower FPS, 30 FPS will always deliver a more “Cinematic” Experience than 60FPS.

I am of course making quite a bold claim and the burden of proof lies with me. One which i am more than willing to shoulder. Let me begin by saying that the minimum limit that our brain needs to perceive moving frames as a seamless entity ( a video) is 24 Frames Per Second. This is one of the reason 99% of Movies are shot at 24 FPS. Though this was originally due to Sound Hardware limitation of Old Cinema, it has now become the Cinematic Standard. The 24 fps of the Cinema Industry is roughly equivalent to the 30 fps standard of the Gaming Industry. When you see a video shot at 24 fps / 30 fps there are holes to fill and your brain automatically does this by literally creating stuff out of your imagination : also known as movie magic. The More frames you increase, the less you brain fills in, the less the “magic”.

Proof of Concept: Hobbit 24 FPS vs 48 FPS analogy to the 30FPS vs 60FPS Gaming Standard

So, Notice how the 48FPS video looks, Sped Up, Weird and almost too Real (in a Bad Way) ? That is called the Soap Opera Effect. Because we grew up in a world where reality tv and soap operas were shot at a higher FPS our brains are now hard wired to associate mundane reality with Higher FPS. And i think you can see now what i meant by our brain filling in the gaps at lower FPS. The Original trailer looks magical and truly “Cinematic”. Of course you might be one of the minority who actually like the sped up, but in my opinion that is probably because of the Novelty Value.

30fps vs 60fps

The more Frames Per Second we increase in our Gaming Standards the less “Magical” they will feel.
I remember when playing Alan Wake (at 30fps) that it felt unbelievably like a movie to me, the sudden attacks of darkness and the way everything was moving about, i wonder if the magic would have been there with 60FPS. If i could clearly see how everything moved – probably not. Likewise in Cinema the Smokes and Mirrors fall away with increased fps – and story telling is all about the illusion. Of course some games would actually benefit from higher frames per second like Racing Games and Fighting Games (Tekken) but Games in which story telling is a main part would do better with the 30FPS Standard.


can you people finally drop this "60fps is better" nonsense



PS4 is a powerhouse? I have to give Sony credit in marketing. They really nailed it on some IPhone levels here.

Your hardware PC comparisons is completely wrong, TressFX still needs optimizing on PC.
Extreme bang for the buck huh? Yet it cant run Tomb Raider locked at 60FPS on a resolution thats is past its prime on PC.

past its prime suggests that *most* people with PCs are running higher than 1080p? I'd bet money that the most common resolution is probably 1366x768 on laptops.

Similarly, I doubt most people played Tomb Raider higher than 1080p with TressFX at 60fps without drops (PC is hardly one for stable framerates unless you literally throw silicon at it to raise your minimum framerates)


The 'lazy devs' excuse from a self-identified PC gamer? Oh how the mighty have fallen.

LMAO dude when it comes to shit ports PC has it as bad as it can get, it took multiple patches and driver updates on the PC side to get this game in a good condition, so it's no secret that TressFX and Tomb Raider on PC is badly optimized.
30FPS will Always Deliver Better Story-Telling than 60FPS in Games – Heres Why

All the peeps of the Gaming World have been going crazy over 30 FPS and 60 FPS standards this last year. From 60fps/1080p being thought the new Next Gen standard to Ryse downgrades. But there a point many people are missing, one which i hope to shed some light on today, the point that why 30 FPS cant and shouldn’t ever be replaced with 60fps.

30fps vs 60fps – The Magic of Story Telling Lies in Lower FPS, 30 FPS will always deliver a more “Cinematic” Experience than 60FPS.

I am of course making quite a bold claim and the burden of proof lies with me. One which i am more than willing to shoulder. Let me begin by saying that the minimum limit that our brain needs to perceive moving frames as a seamless entity ( a video) is 24 Frames Per Second. This is one of the reason 99% of Movies are shot at 24 FPS. Though this was originally due to Sound Hardware limitation of Old Cinema, it has now become the Cinematic Standard. The 24 fps of the Cinema Industry is roughly equivalent to the 30 fps standard of the Gaming Industry. When you see a video shot at 24 fps / 30 fps there are holes to fill and your brain automatically does this by literally creating stuff out of your imagination : also known as movie magic. The More frames you increase, the less you brain fills in, the less the “magic”.

Proof of Concept: Hobbit 24 FPS vs 48 FPS analogy to the 30FPS vs 60FPS Gaming Standard

So, Notice how the 48FPS video looks, Sped Up, Weird and almost too Real (in a Bad Way) ? That is called the Soap Opera Effect. Because we grew up in a world where reality tv and soap operas were shot at a higher FPS our brains are now hard wired to associate mundane reality with Higher FPS. And i think you can see now what i meant by our brain filling in the gaps at lower FPS. The Original trailer looks magical and truly “Cinematic”. Of course you might be one of the minority who actually like the sped up, but in my opinion that is probably because of the Novelty Value.

30fps vs 60fps

The more Frames Per Second we increase in our Gaming Standards the less “Magical” they will feel.
I remember when playing Alan Wake (at 30fps) that it felt unbelievably like a movie to me, the sudden attacks of darkness and the way everything was moving about, i wonder if the magic would have been there with 60FPS. If i could clearly see how everything moved – probably not. Likewise in Cinema the Smokes and Mirrors fall away with increased fps – and story telling is all about the illusion. Of course some games would actually benefit from higher frames per second like Racing Games and Fighting Games (Tekken) but Games in which story telling is a main part would do better with the 30FPS Standard.


can you people finally drop this "60fps is better" nonsense



There were games running at 60fps on 360 and 30 on PS3? Man I don't remember that and I was buying everything 3rd party on my Xbox because of the sometimes slight difference. I think you don't feel the sting cause you have both consoles but if you only had 1 it would be pretty disappointing.

Same here - multiplat I bought on 360 before even reading articles- it was always going to have an edge in something...

How tables have turned (and the gap)
There were games running at 60fps on 360 and 30 on PS3? Man I don't remember that and I was buying everything 3rd party on my Xbox because of the sometimes slight difference. I think you don't feel the sting cause you have both consoles but if you only had 1 it would be pretty disappointing.

Bayonetta was something like that.

And it was a horrible port that got rightly shit all over.

This is a very different situation. These performance differences aren't down to lack of familiarity with the hardware.


I'm sure it's easier for me to ask this question here, rather than trawl through 50 PAGE THREAD smh. Has it even been officially confirmed by CD that the PS4 is running at 60 FPS?
It's interesting to me that CDPR seems to think that the two versions will be basically identical.

Whenever you see a developer telling you the consoles are similar, or both versions are going to look the same, stop and remind yourself of this.

The developer wants to sell you their game.

They're not going to tell XB1 owners it's an underpowered console. They're not going to tell you the XB1 version of their game looks kinda shitty. They're always going to say things that make everyone happy, because happy people are more likely to buy their game on whatever console they own.
more like tressfx on pc sucks.
dont start making things up like this, please.

Making things up? It's hard cold facts. Yeah. TressFX on PC sucks, but those are the numbers I get with those specs. Stop being ignorant maybe?
You said it yourself. On PC TressFX sucks. Apparently it doesn't on PS4 if it can run it @ an almost constant 60fps. Thus the PS4-version is a superior version since it's more optimized and available for a lower price tag than that of a PC with similar specs.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
There were games running at 60fps on 360 and 30 on PS3? Man I don't remember that and I was buying everything 3rd party on my Xbox because of the sometimes slight difference. I think you don't feel the sting cause you have both consoles but if you only had 1 it would be pretty disappointing.

It's a different situation, really. Last gen we had stuff like Bayonetta, which was, relatively speaking, a worse situation than this, although those games were few and far between. So far I don't think anything on Xbone has been objectionably bad on that level, just noteworthy because Xbone is $100 more expensive. If the prices were switched I think it would be a very different situation.


Dreams in Digital
Well, here we are at the inevitable finale of all threads like this when it becomes PC V Console. No point in sticking around from this point on.
past its prime suggests that *most* people with PCs are running higher than 1080p? I'd bet money that the most common resolution is probably 1366x768 on laptops.

Similarly, I doubt most people played Tomb Raider higher than 1080p with TressFX at 60fps without drops (PC is hardly one for stable framerates unless you literally throw silicon at it to raise your minimum framerates)

I worded that incorrectly. A standard resolution thats been in placed for years now is what i meant by that. I mainly game on a Desktop. We all know labtops just dont matchup to desktops and never will.

No one is impressed that you're not impressed.

Great, didnt come here to achieve such a goal.


30 pages ------> XBONE vs PS4 Definitive Match
50 pages-------> XBONE vs PS4 vs PC Royal Rumble
70 pages-------> XBONE vs PS4 vs PC vs iOS Inferno?


So you're trying to say that at $400 the PS4 doesn't offer a better $/power value than a PC becuase of poor optimization?

Well it's hard to compare the overall $/value solely based on this game if it has a feature that drags down the performance alone noticeably on one platform like TressFX does on PC.

ps4 is basically making xbox ones and gaming pcs obselete, and the resulting saltiness is so delicious

It really doesn't. Not now, not ever.


It is a few months into this gen... everyone flipping out over this sort of thing is really amazing to me. Look how far last gen went in terms of visuals and performance.

This is very similar to last gen..but this time Sony's platform will be the slightly better version of most multi plat games. Last gen 360 games were always a tad better.

As an owner of both I have my foot in both camps... this sort of stuff is just getting out of hand. No idea why people want to "win" on so many levels this gen.

Uh, not the same dude. From a fighting game perspective, both systems would drop frames rates for Marvel vs Capcom 3 and SFIV, but the PS3 would drop 3-4 more frames on occasion, both games would run @ 60 FPS.

Most games last generation ran @ the same frame rate, but you'd find one version or the other to have more consistent frame rates, or less/more issues then the other.

One version running 60 and the other just straight up running 30 of that is a ridiculously large difference.


Why are you saying locked? You can't lock a frame rate you can only cap it. There is no minimum frame rate.
It's also called locked. You can lock it at 60fps so it doesn't go over and then optimize the game so it never, or rarely, drops below 60. Forza is one of the best at maintaining 60fps.


It sure is... does not matter what the exact reasons are but games will be created on the PS4 platform and ported over to the X1 and there will be some give there this time due to some power issues and last gen it was due to difficulty with the hardware.

End result is the same and the average gamer is oblivious to it.

Nope - its massive on a big TV (47 " ). My 10 year old son was 360 player, we moved to Ps4.

1080p games blew him away - even COD he was like OMG...


I have to hold my arms up and say i was wrong because i was one of the people who thought the power difference was not big enough to have a game running at 60fps on PS4 and 30fps on X1, 900/720p to 1080p difference yes but not a whole 30fps difference.

You see i only have a 720p tv so the whole 'resolutiongate' crap really didn't bother me and i thought that as long as graphic quality (in terms of assets and textures) and framerates were similar then i would go with X1 as i prefer the controller and exclusives etc but now i don't know.
I'm not working at the moment and i intended on getting both consoles but getting the X1 first when i find work, i may well go with PS4 first now and wait and see if developers can get more out of the X1 as time goes by.
Do you have either console? What were you hoping for? KZSF looks as good as Crysis 3 maxed out. BF4 looks amazing. Ryse looks awesome. I'm really happy and I played all the PC greats this year.

My brother owns a PS4, hes a huge supporter of it so ive been playing that. Xbone I played a lot of KI3 at EVO. What i get from both console is that they are enhanced clones of their predecessors with more bells and whistles. So all Im seeing is prettier versions of gen 7 games. Which Ive been experiencing for years now on PC.
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