Square Triangle
If anyone has the Amazon or BBY dlc and wants Gamestop's challenge dlc instead- I'm more than willing to trade.
What is that on her neck?
Wow. What a nicely constructed sentence that uses some big words without any real context or direct examples to the game proper. Could you please explain where in the game CD try to take on 'complex issues' with 'simplistic world-views'?
Secondly 'gratuitous' this game is not. There are no swimsuits or clothes that are any more revealing than what my daughter or wife would wear from day-to-day. Hell the clothes don't even rip to reveal parts of her flesh, at least not in the 6+ hours I've sunk into it. DOA would be a game that could be reasonably described as gratuitous.
As for 'hyperviolent' this game is not rated R and nor should it be. This game doesn't have X-ray moves that show bones breaking ala Sniper Elite or Mortal Kombat, hell it doesn't even have active limb removal or any other such violence like Metal Gear Rising or God of War.
As for 'being made by incompetent teenagers with severe mental deficiencies'
If anyone has the Amazon or BBY dlc and wants Gamestop's challenge dlc instead- I'm more than willing to trade.
Thank You![]()
I think it's a gigantic bug crawling up, that's why she's staying so still
Gratuitous can also be applied to violent content, not just sexual. And this game is definitely "rated R," are you kidding me? She sticks her pickaxe right into enemies' skulls, and shoves shotguns under their jaws before firing. It's not God of War, but it's clearly a step up from Uncharetd style violence.
You mean M.
Off-topic, but I think there would be far less confusion among the general public if the MPAA would allow the games industry to use their rating identifiers.You mean M.
Gratuitous can also be applied to violent content, not just sexual. And this game is definitely "rated R," are you kidding me? She sticks her pickaxe right into enemies' skulls, and shoves shotguns under their jaws before firing. It's not God of War, but it's clearly a step up from Uncharetd style violence.
It's interesting to note that the last track on the Soundtrack is titled "The Tomb Raider" and is conclusively one of the shortest tracks- I almost wonder if there really is character development that turns her into the Lara we know. Almost!
Part of me hopes so, but who knows!
It's interesting to note that the last track on the Soundtrack is titled "The Tomb Raider" and is conclusively one of the shortest tracks- I almost wonder if there really is character development that turns her into the Lara we know. Almost!
Part of me hopes so, but who knows!
The track named TOMB RAIDER being the shortest certainly makes the most sense givenhow short the optional tombs are ;_;
Nope its rated MA15+ here in Australia and yes we have an 'R' rating now.
EDIT: which for reference is 18+
They're literally A ROOM, but I appreciate being given a puzzle
I get the feeling that their design philosophy was to turn the large, sandbox nature of the island itself into a "tomb". All the paths, jumps, edges, climbing that you do around the environment at your own volition are reminiscent of the old level design.
Does this game have a lot of QTE and as on rails as Uncharted 3?
It's probably for the last scene of the game, where she raises her twin pistols and looks like a badass. B)It's interesting to note that the last track on the Soundtrack is titled "The Tomb Raider" and is conclusively one of the shortest tracks- I almost wonder if there really is character development that turns her into the Lara we know. Almost!
Part of me hopes so, but who knows!
Glad to see the PS3 version turned out solid
Nice highlight reel I just stumbled across
Now I gotta buy this. Do we know yet if it's Day One digital on PSN?
Glad to see the PS3 version turned out solid
Nice highlight reel I just stumbled across
Now I gotta buy this. Do we know yet if it's Day One digital on PSN?
Not listed as Day 1 Digital.
Just watched all of that. Looks far more interesting than Uncharted. Can't wait.
Same amountDoes this game have a lot of QTE and as on rails as Uncharted 3?
something about her face in this game bugs me....it looks like clay or play dough and it's even more annoying when she makes all those "I am learning to survive on my own " faces
Is there a point of no return?
That's not the feeling I get from him. I just feel like he wants and expects a little bit more out of games.
And if I made anything about my feelings of Spec Ops expressly clear on GAF, it's that I completely agree with him.
I can put my reservations aside and enjoy a good game for what it's worth, though. And that's exactly what I plan to do with Tomb Raider.
Also much of Lime's criticisms for the gratuitous hyperviolence stems from the fact that previous Tomb Raider games were T-rated, and generally far less "edgy". It feels out of place for the series. Personally, I don't care, but you certainly can't fault the ones who do.
I feel like game narratives have evolved to the point where character development can react to the gameplay of killing hundreds or thousands or hundred-thousands of other human beings in what amounts to usually a very short amount of time. It just feels kind of out of place now when they don't.
We are in a post-Spec Ops world, here. Game narratives should strive for better.
Anyone selling the GS challenge dlc?
I bought mine from newegg so I got no special treatment
It's so annoying that we can't just buy the tomb dlc day one. Can't stand GS exclusive bs. You got people selling it for $25-$30 on ebay... fuck that sigh
So,; how far from the end am I? To be honest, the game had begun to wear out its welcome at Shanty Town and I'm desperately wanting it to finish now. It's seeming very drawn out indeed.I just got the Compound Bow
I will with no reservations say that TR is a good game; it's mechanically sound and well-executed on a fundamental level, but when it's practically begging to be compared to "that other game" (UC2, to be precise), emulating it in so many ways, it unfortunately does come off as the lesser adventure.
Why? Well, in a nutshell, it is UC2 completely devoid of charm and comparatively lacking in mechanical finesse.
First and foremost, I do not like Lara - or rather, I do not like how she has been portrayed. I am sick of seeing her fall and moan and scream and gasp for air and twinge and cry, etc. Like I said, it's not really a reflection of her character as much as it is the developer's choice to show her be trodden upon over and over and over again, but it's still tiresome and annoying. I know they're trying to drive home the whole 'soft girl gone hard' character arc, but it seems very heavy-handed. And yeah, let's not forgot the complete over-doing of QTEs and "walking-simulator" sections that are seemingly integral in getting this across to the player. Lord, have mercy (Also, it does seem like TR indulges in the 'omgLara'shandholdjustbrokeomg' a lot more than any of the UCs have, which is arguably one of the the worst tropes of action/adventrue games this gen).
Secondly, I loathe the supporting cast. I've never met a more cliched, stereotypical and unlikable cast in a game. What's worse is that they're the reason why Lara is doing all of this; to save the old hardened yet endearing sea captain from the North and the confident, smart-talking black woman and the geeky geek... Ugh. Spare me. Not to mention, the main villain is offensively lame and the story on the whole I find to be completely uninteresting.
Sure, you may very well ask, "seeing as they're so similar, why do you like UC2 so much, guy?" For one, UC2 was more or less the first game to do "this" type of game and to such a degree of quality. Its core mechanics are also slightly more refined - jumping, shooting, traversal, all of that (though, I will concede that TR has a lot more going for it in terms of combat options). In other words, I think it's totally reasonable and not trivial to compare the two games.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, however, is that Drake and co. are fun and interesting and likeable and elevate a more or less stock standard, albeit very tight TPS into something special. I know TR is going for a completely different tone, but it also chooses to incorporate the inconceivably douchey side characters and tropes of the genre, so the comparison is relevant. It makes the core game far less tolerable and the same would apply to UC2 had it revolved around such grating characters and a bland story/villain, but UC2 came before and TR isn't doing that much to differentiate itself.
I dunno. I'm just kinda bored with it now. Don't get me wrong, it is a good game, but a good game that I'll probably have very little desire to revisit.
Less complaining protagonist falling down, more game and pacing refinement!
So,; how far from the end am I? To be honest, the game had begun to wear out its welcome at Shanty Town and I'm desperately wanting it to finish now. It's seeming very drawn out indeed.I just got the Compound Bow
So,; how far from the end am I? To be honest, the game had begun to wear out its welcome at Shanty Town and I'm desperately wanting it to finish now. It's seeming very drawn out indeed.I just got the Compound Bow
I will with no reservations say that TR is a good game; it's mechanically sound and well-executed on a fundamental level, but when it's practically begging to be compared to "that other game" (UC2, to be precise), emulating it in so many ways, it unfortunately does come off as the lesser adventure.
Why? Well, in a nutshell, it is UC2 completely devoid of charm and comparatively lacking in mechanical finesse.
First and foremost, I do not like Lara - or rather, I do not like how she has been portrayed. I am sick of seeing her fall and moan and scream and gasp for air and twinge and cry, etc. Like I said, it's not really a reflection of her character as much as it is the developer's choice to show her be trodden upon over and over and over again, but it's still tiresome and annoying. I know they're trying to drive home the whole 'soft girl gone hard' character arc, but it seems very heavy-handed. And yeah, let's not forgot the complete over-doing of QTEs and "walking-simulator" sections that are seemingly integral in getting this across to the player. Lord, have mercy (Also, it does seem like TR indulges in the 'omgLara'shandholdjustbrokeomg' a lot more than any of the UCs have, which is arguably one of the the worst tropes of action/adventrue games this gen).
Secondly, I loathe the supporting cast. I've never met a more cliched, stereotypical and unlikable cast in a game. What's worse is that they're the reason why Lara is doing all of this; to save the old hardened yet endearing sea captain from the North and the confident, smart-talking black woman and the geeky geek... Ugh. Spare me. Not to mention, the main villain is offensively lame and the story on the whole I find to be completely uninteresting.
Sure, you may very well ask, "seeing as they're so similar, why do you like UC2 so much, guy?" For one, UC2 was more or less the first game to do "this" type of game and to such a degree of quality. Its core mechanics are also slightly more refined - jumping, shooting, traversal, all of that (though, I will concede that TR has a lot more going for it in terms of combat options). In other words, I think it's totally reasonable and not trivial to compare the two games.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, however, is that Drake and co. are fun and interesting and likeable and elevate a more or less stock standard, albeit very tight TPS into something special. I know TR is going for a completely different tone, but it also chooses to incorporate the inconceivably douchey side characters and tropes of the genre, so the comparison is relevant. It makes the core game far less tolerable and the same would apply to UC2 had it revolved around such grating characters and a bland story/villain, but UC2 came before and TR isn't doing that much to differentiate itself.
I dunno. I'm just kinda bored with it now. Don't get me wrong, it is a good game, but a good game that I'll probably have very little desire to revisit.
Less complaining protagonist falling down, more game and pacing refinement!
I definitely need to check this game out. Certainly a different take on this than the praising comments we've received. Thanks for taking your time and sharing your opinion.
Well I spent the better part of my afternoon watching the walk-through on YouTube and I made it to the halfway point. I don't know what else to say other than it's basically Uncharted minus the charm. I'm honestly shocked at how many things they managed to outright copy, even small things like the sound in Uncharted when picking up relics; it's used every time Lara picks up items. Then there's the explosive barrels, the chest-high walls and crates, the dudes with riot shields, the regenerating health that annoyingly fades to B&W and the cutscenes that interrupt gameplay every 5 minutes. There even seems to be supernatural enemies that show up around the midway pointthey're called Guardians.
Anyway, it looks to be a pretty good action game so those that like Uncharted will most likely enjoy it but it's definitely not a Tomb Raider game in any way except the name.
this line just ruined my dayI'd say Tomb Raider is closer to Resident Evil 4 when it comes to its overall quality to be honest.
Saying this is "basically Uncharted without the charm" is selling the game short in a big way.
And while it may do things better than even UC2, it apes it so much that it's all kind of negated. Once you get such a strong sense of 'been there, done that', the positives begin to lose their luster.