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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Man God

Non-Canon Member


Sketchbook Picasso
I've ben doing pixels for various clients all week, so I figured I'd celebrate in Toonami Style! Unfortunately, those pics took like an hour each, lol. No way I can manage that and finish! But I tried! Glad you guys like em! (^_^) Pixelated Thanks !


Sketchbook Picasso
This is actually the closest I can get to "Minimalist" styles, lol. A good ole'fashioned dump definitely seemed the optimal way to play with Pixels, though I might try color "pixels" (Like the cover) later.

Probably time to return to a consistent style per DUMP for a few weeks...

Titan is gonna be fun to SkeDump. Batman... I kinda just wanna troll the show the entire run. Is that a bad thing?
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