Or she could go see a therapist. Just throwing it out there.
Or she could go see a therapist. Just throwing it out there.
lmao the real life voice filter.
BTW I think this straight up spoils who Death Gun is if you look at a screenshot of the screen
Again, in Japan it is looked down upon to go see a therapist. Not that I agree with that but that's their reasoning.
Sad but true. Mental illness is still taboo as hell in the West and we're incredibly progressive compared to the Japanese. It's sad, really. I can 100% relate to her self-hate.In Japan going to a therapist is almost as rare as owning a gun
"I've only had a few panic attacks, no bigge!"
Yeah actually that's as pretty big deal. I still feel I'm going to need to see some sources on Japan being shitty at therapy. Not saying you guys are lying but I assume some literature has been written on the subject?
So pretty much the anti-thesis of America?
Although the number of Japanese people who use counselling and psychotherapy is
increasing, the population is not, in general, familiar with these practices, based as they
are on essentially Western culture. According to my research conducted to investigate
Japanese peoples attitude towards counselling and psychotherapy (Nippoda, 1999), one
third of the total participants answered that they do not know if they want to use these
services because they do not know what the services entail. I also found many different
impressions of counselling and psychotherapy. The common perception held is advice or
answers given to problems, correcting bad behaviour, mediation, befriending, listening,
curing mental illnesses, etc. (Nippoda, 1997). When Japanese clients assume that
counselling and psychotherapy is about a cure for mental illness, it has stigma and shame
attached to it (Chu & Sue, 2011; Sue, 1999).
Modern World time.
lmao the real life voice filter.
BTW I think this straight up spoils who Death Gun is if you look at a screenshot of the screen
Another thing with japan is shouting stuff like rape and such is looked down up, tho thats more than likely gone down, because you or your parents dont want to be known as the girl who got raped on a train, which is why there are so many unreported instances of rape, and why there needed to be a woman's only section on trains. Which is probably why its such a popular thing in japanese porn."I've only had a few panic attacks, no bigge!"
Yeah actually that's as pretty big deal. I still feel I'm going to need to see some sources on Japan being shitty at therapy. Not saying you guys are lying but I assume some literature has been written on the subject?
So pretty much the anti-thesis of America?
Seems strange to reveal the villain already but whatevs
Her character isn't awful.... yetHonestly, scenes with Sinon aren't that awful. They're not good, just mediocre and somewhat boring, but not SAO-level awful. As soon as Kirito comes on screen though everything turns to shit.
Japan is really weird man, again suicide is the number one death, theres a fucking forest where so many people commit suicide that the have a yearly search of it to find dead bodies, AND THEY DONT EVEN FIND THEM ALLPretty sure not being able to be in the same room as someone making a finger pistol without having a panic attack would be looked down on more than going to see someone to fix the problem.