Wait, Inuyasha back in the modern world? Oh hell no! This season has been good and it doesn't deserve to be ruined like this. Transferring to F1GAF!
"I've only had a few panic attacks, no bigge!"
Yeah actually that's as pretty big deal. I still feel I'm going to need to see some sources on Japan being shitty at therapy. Not saying you guys are lying but I assume some literature has been written on the subject?
Well, it has to be him since you don't waste JYB on such a seemingly irrelevant role.Oh trust me, they definitely plan to drag this reveal out. They definitely didn't intend anybody to figure it out this early.
This'll be my first time watching Inuyasha in like a decade.
To be fair if you watch the full 90 second OP it doesn't even try to hide Deathgun's identity
Oh trust me, they definitely plan to drag this reveal out. They definitely didn't intend anybody to figure it out this early.
To be fair if you watch the full 90 second OP it doesn't even try to hide Deathgun's identity
So the show is totally going to act as if we DON'T already know who Death Gun is, isn't it?
I bet Death Gun is Asuna.
Oh trust me, they definitely plan to drag this reveal out. They definitely didn't intend anybody to figure it out this early.
I hung out with Johnny Yong Bosch tonight.
Well they're dumb then. Who else would have an attachment to Sinon but JYB?Oh trust me, they definitely plan to drag this reveal out. They definitely didn't intend anybody to figure it out this early.
Kagome's heart needs to be unlocked KH style.Right, so we should be done with powerups, unless this show needs to throw one to Shippo.
& then Jakan will get one.Right, so we should be done with powerups, unless this show needs to throw one to Shippo.
This is the first time I've been excited about anything SAO relatedoh boy I wonder if we get full Adachi JYB now
You're going to be really really lost.
Even in North America mental therapy is still not as wildly accepted or made available for people who need it due to the negative stigma it has for some reason.