He just wishes it could have been Akame Ga Kill! instead.I'm surprised MetatronM is sticking it out through Parasyte before posting next week's schedule.
hunter hunter is the most generic shonen around
Does it take a while before we get to that point?The beginning feels a bit more generic because it was written in an era where it's content was a lot more unique than it is now, but by the time the content of the manga got more modern, it's very far removed from the traditional shonen characteristics.
hunter hunter is the most generic shonen around
Does it take a while before we get to that point?
Everything about this game sucks. An MMO with one objective? smh, would've steam refunded this shit right away.
The race that wins gets permanent flight. It's like what if an entire faction turned into Jedi's in Star Wars Galaxies.
I don't give a shit about Star Wars so that sounds bad to me too. Why not just play Battlefront 2 instead if you wanna play as a Jedi?
Am I the only person who really enjoys dimension w? Perhaps its the fact I've watched every episode on my own without being part of the chat but I think its well done. Its not amazing but the world is fairly interesting, the action is always enjoyable, and the characters are fairly well written where I understand what motivates them.
I was able to enjoy last night more by giving up on live chatting for W.Am I the only person who really enjoys dimension w? Perhaps its the fact I've watched every episode on my own without being part of the chat but I think its well done. Its not amazing but the world is fairly interesting, the action is always enjoyable, and the characters are fairly well written where I understand what motivates them.
Am I the only person who really enjoys dimension w? Perhaps its the fact I've watched every episode on my own without being part of the chat but I think its well done. Its not amazing but the world is fairly interesting, the action is always enjoyable, and the characters are fairly well written where I understand what motivates them.
Blarg, internet's still out.....& for some damn reason, despite the fact it SAYS it recorded the shows, I'm not finding Champloo or One Piece on my DVR.
Edit: I am so annoyed right now. Had to work another night in a row, I STILL have no internet, then find out despite the fact Dish flat out says that I had it set to record & it was "done". I just wanted to come home, watch the other 2 shows & read along. Would anyone be so kind as to let me know what episode numbers of Champloo & One Piece aired? At least I'll have the entire day all to my self for the most part.....I think...I just hope my internet comes back when I wake up so I can actually watch them....
There's that gif that Man God always posts.
Also, Asuna could just jump off the tree if she wants to escape, like, you can fly.
Dimension W is the latest victim of "We tried to cram 10 volumes of manga into 12 episodes of anime." Which explains why the pacing is so messed up. Japan really needs to stop doing that.
She'd slam into the barrier presumably. But for whatever reason you can throw items down.
Am I the only person who really enjoys dimension w? Perhaps its the fact I've watched every episode on my own without being part of the chat but I think its well done. Its not amazing but the world is fairly interesting, the action is always enjoyable, and the characters are fairly well written where I understand what motivates them.
Oh, I didn't think there's a barrier there, since they justify not being able to reach the top of the world tree with "You can't fly for that long." Or was it fly that high? I really don't remember.
The barrier is up above the altitude limit that people tried to mess with by doing toadstool hops off of each other and the last person up took the blurry picture of Asuna.
Then if the barrier is above where Asuna is being held (since the people were able to hop off each other and get to a level where they could take the picture), theoretically she could just jump off right?
Or wait, am I just not understanding this? This is super confusing.