Typically if I have to question/justify a purchase, I've already made up my mind.
Sometimes it's good to get a second opinion. Might be something that you're thinking about getting that you didn't know about
Typically if I have to question/justify a purchase, I've already made up my mind.
AlphaOmegaSin is a Space Dandy fan.
Wasn't it confirmed the ESRB is the reason that was cut?
Again, Capcom should have just been honest. "We want the game to be T-Rated, the ESRB said the ass slap would make it M-Rated, so we had to cut it." I imagine there would have been less of a shitstorm if they said that from the start. There would still be one, but not a huge one.
Well the Alison Rapp thread took a turn towards the unexpected.
[*]Mortal Kombat has been a hard M series all its life that has consistently and still to this day outsells Street Fighter
Boy, that Ultimate Collector's Edition of FF15 looks neat, maybe I'll stay up & try to.....
I think Tenchi GXP broke Jarate
Just got my confirmation email
Will probably buy a regular edition at launch while waiting for it to arrive like I did FE Fates
I have a problem :X
Bought both
One Piece - Arlong Park
I already commented a bit on the first half the arc before and don't feel like there's much else to talk about, so lets go straight to Arlong Park. I had a vague idea how this arc would play out with all the later flashbacks but it was still fun to watch. Zoro sees through Nami's lie right away which is weird for him. Love how after she frees him he beats everyone there and just chills in Arlong's seat waiting for him to come back. I expected to hate Hachi but he's kind of a lovable idiot.and makes Nami's forgiveness of him make a little more sense
Luffy vs Arlong was great. The rest of the fights I was a little meh on. One thing really bothered me though. So water makes Devil Fruit eaters lose their power. Luffy obviously can't move underwater, but shouldn't his body be unable to stretch too? Sanji's fight underwater was dumb too. Then again basically everyone in One Piece can stay underwater for a ridiculously long time without coming up for air.
The only part of this arc I kind of skipped over was Nami's backstory. I can't handle these in One Piece anymore. I already have depression issues, I can't sit through these. Arlong killed Nami's mom, got it.
Looking ahead to the next little bit, especially since it's relevant to Thriller Bark.
I legit hate scalpers.
The water doesn't stop the powers from working, it only weakens the users so they can't do much.
Also if you think Nami's was sad, well...
FWIW I've never scalped before
In every instance I've kept it :V
Except 14 far cry primal keys, I sold them $4 each after listing them for $10 t*o dissuade people from buying them as +1s
Im not a broken man yet, just one who wants to put off his responsibilities. But alas, I shall continue in my pilgrimage of shitty anime
Im not a broken man yet, just one who wants to put off his responsibilities. But alas, I shall continue in my pilgrimage of shitty anime
At least Jarate's not recapping AgK. Wouldn't want him to go comatose.
Turn away from the darkness, child. It's not worth it.
A new Adult Swim ID directed by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell) --> (Facebook video)
This weekend Toonami is apparently showing a sponsored preview of Hardcore Henry -->
Also Mr. Pickles season 2 starts up soon I guess so prep for (more) awful commercials.
A new Adult Swim ID directed by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell) --> (Facebook video)
This weekend Toonami is apparently showing a sponsored preview of Hardcore Henry -->
Also Mr. Pickles season 2 starts up soon I guess so prep for (more) awful commercials.
A new Adult Swim ID directed by Mamoru Oshii (Ghost in the Shell) --> (Facebook video)
This weekend Toonami is apparently showing a sponsored preview of Hardcore Henry -->
Also Mr. Pickles season 2 starts up soon I guess so prep for (more) awful commercials.
More SAO reviews tonight.Oh, hello there Toonami bros. Nice thread you have here.
Hey Toonami dudes. Probably super off topic but I didn't feel like making a thread on it alone, but I received Evangelion 3.33 dvd movie as a gift and was just wondering if I would be lost if I have never seen any Evangelion before? Is it pretty self contained?
Hey Toonami dudes. Probably super off topic but I didn't feel like making a thread on it alone, but I received Evangelion 3.33 dvd movie as a gift and was just wondering if I would be lost if I have never seen any Evangelion before? Is it pretty self contained?
Miitomo, bitches!
Everyone create an account so I can get that Zelda Picross game
ASO is like the stereotype of the angry gamer taken to its extreme. I can't really listen to the man for any extended period of time.