Mr. Satan's real name is Mark no joke.
It's an anagram of Akuma, which refers to Satan, or a devil/demon/evil spirit
Mr. Satan's real name is Mark no joke.
Wait, they're actually good?
"Food you wanna fork." What if I use a spoon?
There are things I could be doing but alas they are being spent on watching the low end of the Cell Arc.
Why is Bulma's crush on Adult Trunks a thing?
I'd Avatar quote myself but that's too easy.You get banished to an hour later time slot.
Wait, they're actually good?
It's an anagram of Akuma, which refers to Satan, or a devil/demon/evil spirit
Cell dreams of accidentally fusing with Krillin and getting killed by Tien.
So Goku can teleport across galaxies but takes several days to find the dragonballs?
So Goku can teleport across galaxies but takes several days to find the dragonballs?