B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Aug 10, 2014 #6,059 "Screw him" Hahaha, Perry's a dick.
A Amikami Banned Aug 10, 2014 #6,063 "Screw him" Dr. Gel needs to switch teams. He's obviously not getting anywhere.
B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Aug 10, 2014 #6,085 Oh hey, they all survived. "Big bro" SAY WHA?! Oh, half-siblings.
S SparksterMeta0 Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,090 Gorillaz said: ScarletXDandy? Click to expand... ScarletxMeow?
G Gorillaz Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,093 "but were already running down the clock already so lets talk about honey some other time" narrator doe...
"but were already running down the clock already so lets talk about honey some other time" narrator doe...
Z Zonic Gives all the fucks Aug 10, 2014 #6,095 WELP, they're (half) siblings. Guess they were related in some way. *insert SAO joke/reference here*
S Schadenfreude Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,098 Big Bro!?!?!??!?! Wait, what does that even mean, Scarlet?
I Imperial Bishop Banned Aug 10, 2014 #6,100 Neoxon said: Oh, they're half siblings. Close enough. Click to expand... I know where this is going.