U Unspeakable Evil Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,104 Hehateme said: Maybe that's her Dad or brother lol Click to expand... Lol called it
N Neoxon Junior Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,106 Gorillaz said: ScarletXDandy? Click to expand... Didn't I say this a while back?
S SparksterMeta0 Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,114 Cloudians are worthless without their clouds? Good to know.
B BatDan Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in. Aug 10, 2014 #6,120 The rare moment of all 5 "lead" characters in the same story. That episode was a lot of fun.
U UltraGunner Banned Aug 10, 2014 #6,122 I'm pretty sure there pills to fix that problem of yours big bro
T TheOGB Banned Aug 10, 2014 #6,123 That's quite an L streak for Sacrlet pretty funny episode once things got going
C Crayolan Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,126 That was cute and it was nice to see Honey be more than a ditz, but that episode was really meh overall.
That was cute and it was nice to see Honey be more than a ditz, but that episode was really meh overall.
S Schadenfreude Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,131 So it is that Scarlet is old. Well, old-er than Honey. Anywho, this is now my second favorite episode after the Alternate Universe one. Just so hilarious. Time for Naruto Shippuden.
So it is that Scarlet is old. Well, old-er than Honey. Anywho, this is now my second favorite episode after the Alternate Universe one. Just so hilarious. Time for Naruto Shippuden.
E everyday math Banned Aug 10, 2014 #6,132 (ノ◕ヮ◕ノ*:✧ Tune in again✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ
(ノ◕ヮ◕ノ*:✧ Tune in again✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ
7 789shadow Banned Aug 10, 2014 #6,134 I love how the US ending always fits the show, even when the episodes are always wildly different.
G Gorillaz Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,136 BatDan said: The rare moment of all 5 "lead" characters in the same story. That episode was a lot of fun. Click to expand... this was the first time they were all on the same episode like that huh? all the big characters were there
BatDan said: The rare moment of all 5 "lead" characters in the same story. That episode was a lot of fun. Click to expand... this was the first time they were all on the same episode like that huh? all the big characters were there
B B.K. Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,137 I wonder if we're ever going to find out why the Google Empire wants Dandy.
B BassForever Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,138 I think I would have liked that episode more had it not had the laugh track
N Neoxon Junior Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,141 Was the Gentleman Cloudian Junpei? The next episode looks pretty cool.
G GaimeGuy Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16 Aug 10, 2014 #6,144 NEXT EP WILL BE AMAZING
Z Zonic Gives all the fucks Aug 10, 2014 #6,147 HOLY CRAP, JIGGLE PHYSICS ON HONEY. ..............also something about a band or whatever.
R ramoisdead Member Aug 10, 2014 #6,149 An anime Shallow Gravy next week? Oh yeah, I'm down with that.