Unspeakable Evil
I see. So she's just basically the joke character of the group?
Was that the short?
Was it just a preview for an upcoming show?
It looks terrible.
"Adult Swim isn't targeting stoners!" Just keep telling yourself that DeMarco...
Look at how Kawaii she isWhat the hell is Sakura doing with her hands right there?
This is probably the one major flaw with the anime switching this around
In the manga we go straight from the Colossal titan breaking down the wall, eren decides to join the scouts, then time skip to him as a soldier and the trost arc happening. After the trost battle we flash back to this training where these characters are introduced in greater detail into the next arc where they'll be more relevant
"Nice opinion anon"Was that the short?
Was it just a preview for an upcoming show?
It looks terrible.
"Adult Swim isn't targeting stoners!" Just keep telling yourself that DeMarco...
What chapter of AOT does Season 1 end on ?
The fuck is wrong with these kids!? Youre 10 stop talking philoshpy and go play hopskotch or something.
What chapter of AOT does Season 1 end on ?
The exact timing is a bit weird due to how the anime reorganizes a few scenes, but basically you'll want to start reading from the end of chapter 33/beginning of chapter 34
33 I think?
Sasha is still adorkable as ever
I think this order works much better
33 I think?
Ah, I figured that short was going to suck considering Demarco was getting defensive about before it aired.
Black Lagoon!Other then Tenchi GXP had DeMarco ever admitted something they aired was bad/a mistake?
And then the pacing gets even more awkward and lets be honest AoT part 2 will be weird
And then the pacing gets even more awkward and lets be honest AoT part 2 will be weird
Friend, plsBlack Lagoon!
So much budget saving
They had nothing better to do.Why did everyone turn up for one guy's test?
Friend, pls
Why did everyone turn up for one guy's test?