Who doesn't like catgirls?
Yeah, it's already incredibly 90's.It'd fit Ushio and Tora perfectly to have a terrible dub though!
I hope todays episode of Mitchiko and Hatchin is better than last weeks.
The show is deconstruction of the shounen/adventure genre. It's also an ode to the extreme violence of the 80's/90's. .
First episode is rough since it isn't the best reveal about what the show is about.
I find the show is much more consistent after the first couple episodes.
Who doesn't like catgirls?
It'd fit Ushio and Tora perfectly to have a terrible dub though!
Hatchin has the cooler outfits.
Tumblr idea: Anime girls looking cool while smoking
Well that's good. I just wish it would decide what sort of show it wants to be. If you're gonna be dark and edgy you should use black humor, not bog-standard anime humor.
The show is deconstruction of the shounen/adventure genre. It's also an ode to the extreme violence of the 80's/90's. It's silly because it is meant to be.
That dub is fuck awful though.
The standard anime humor never goes away though as a warning, well IIRC the filler end doesn't have much comedy, but the filler end also isn't very good
The show is deconstruction of the shounen/adventure genre. It's also an ode to the extreme violence of the 80's/90's. It's silly because it is meant to be.
That dub is fuck awful though.
No it is most definitely not.The show is deconstruction of the shounen/adventure genre.
The filler end is complete shit.