Usually in a show, the main character slowly grow closer together. Michiko and Hatchin seem to be off and on again. It's......weird :/
I'st also a bit funny as "grown ass woman in a little girls body" is an anime trope but Michiko is a little girl in a grown ass woman's body
Cat fight incoming?
Of course she knows. One doesn't just sleep around and get away it like that lolSHE KNEW!!!
The three best things about this series, as someone who has seen it all, are: 1) Hatchin, 2) the music, 3) the setting.
Usually in a show, the main character slowly grow closer together. Michiko and Hatchin seem to be off and on again. It's......weird :/
I'st also a bit funny as "grown ass woman in a little girls body" is an anime trope but Michiko is a little girl in a grown ass woman's body
To be honest her other birthdays probably werent any better.That's some birthday.
Ignored by her mom, almost died.
But at least she got her shoes back.
Happy Birthday, Hatchin. Your life sucks.
Huh, to be continued? A two-parter?
The problem is that we have gone through this multiple times already. Mitchko acts like a dope, Hatchin runs off, gets in trouble, they get back together, next episode.
gets old
Just a guess but I think that's where this whole series is going. Using the search for Hiroshi as a "it's the journey, not the destination" thing, it will show how their relationship gets closer and Michiko (eventually) matures. At least I hope that's why it's been a little slow.
The music and Hatchin are my favorite aspects of this show.
Damn shame, too.
I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that Michiko just ain't shit
...That was an entire episode? I've given this show so many chances that I normally wouldn't but I think I am about done.
Right, time to begin the very last arc of SAO 2 and thank god for that.