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Let's get the show on the road
Let's get the show on the road

InuYasha time
BTW Saturday was my little bros birthday, so I yelled BANZAI at him all day long
I hope you had those popper things.
Kagome's no good very bad day.
Just make sure not to pop the PS4. lolThose things are pricey you have to buy like 12 for 10 bucks at the party store I check out and my brother is already getting a ps4 game from me so he's not getting BANZAI'd
Back for inuyasha
To be fair, everyone in this series at a suitable age is horny as fuck for someone.You know I'd say as a whole Kagome is a pretty strong female character, but these episodes are really making her look like a boy dependent clown
To be fair, everyone in this series at a suitable age is horny as fuck for someone.
AKA Dr. Naraku: how I learned to stop hating the baby and start loving the THIRST.
She's under psychic assault and the only reason it eventually works is the small bit of jealousy she has in her heart.Still you can be horny as fuck or fuck like rabbits and not be dependent on it the way Kagome is depicted in this scene
Oh hey look it's Kana the least useful lead character in any series ever
Chaotzu at least continues to show up even if he does nothing, Kanna seems to go 20-30 episodes between appearances
Kanna, the official loli of inuyasha
Kanna, the official loli of inuyasha
Chaotzu doesn't appear in the comic for the Cell arc, and shows up in one panel in the Buu arc. Kid Buu killed him off-screen.
Official loli for Naraku, he made Kanna because he got jealous of LORD SESSHOMARU's Rin.
Infant trying to TALK NO JUTSU Kagome.