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Toonami |Feb15| Giraffes are awesome, I love giraffes

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Sheesh, Seda. At least let me do my usual sign off in the old thread. Anywho....

See ya next week, ToonamiGAF.

Next week on Toonami:

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai - 10 - Sit Tight, Chiaotzu! Tien's Screaming Tri-Beam!
12:30 - KILL la KILL - 1 - If Only I Had Thorns Like a Thistle...
1:00 - Naruto Shippuden - 53 - Title
1:30 - Inuyasha: The Final Act - 9 - Sesshomaru in the Underworld
2:00 - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 21 - You Are Someone Who Ought to Survive
2:30 - One Piece - 287 - I Won't Kick Even If It Costs Me My Life! Sanji's Chivalry!
3:00 - Deadman Wonderland - 6 - Hummingbird


Aww man. This shit hurts.
Woo, new thread.

Last thread closed before I could post though. ;~;

This has been my first time staying the whole night with Toonami-GAF. It was a fun ride. See all of you next week for that deflated schedule.



Unconfirmed Member
Next week on Toonami:

12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai - 10 - Sit Tight, Chiaotzu! Tien's Screaming Tri-Beam!
12:30 - KILL la KILL - 1 - If Only I Had Thorns Like a Thistle...
1:00 - Naruto Shippuden - 53 - Title
1:30 - Inuyasha: The Final Act - 9 - Sesshomaru in the Underworld
2:00 - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 21 - You Are Someone Who Ought to Survive
2:30 - One Piece - 287 - I Won't Kick Even If It Costs Me My Life! Sanji's Chivalry!
3:00 - Deadman Wonderland - 6 - Hummingbird



By the way for some reason Kill La Kill's titles are references to old Japanese pop songs from like the 1970s.


I wanna feel bad about Toonami losing time, but I never stayed up that late anyway.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Good morning everyone. The silver lining to the new schedule is less rerun fat.
Love that Kaku picture SAB

Dragon Ball Z Kai
The Saiyans arrive, and their casualties are already in the millions. Surely the heroes can stop them!
Oh wait, little green men... that can blow up. Pfffft Yamcha. You sure lasted long. The pose he does in the hole is actually a meme in Japan.

Things kind of happened. We saw the Nine-Tails again, who now seems like a joke with lines like "If you kill him, you'll regret it!" and looking like a bunch of bubbles.
Also, Sasuke is hax and will never stop being hax.

Inuyasha: The Final Act:
So yeah, Kikyo is really for realz dead. No fakeouts, no "never finding the body", really dead. That's what I'm reading on the Wiki anyway. This could have been a better scene if it was a better character, and one that didn't "die" all the time.

One Piece:
Hell yeah Zoro!
We also get a look at some of the Devil Fruit powers. Jabra's a wolf, and Kaku got saddled with being a giraffe. Poor guy
though he does show that being a giraffe does have advantages
. I still think "Wolf Model" makes more sense than "Model: Wolf". But that's just me.

Gurren Lagann;
Rossiu really should have listened to the talking head, then maybe they won't be in this situation.
At least Yoko is back.


It's getting to the "It's Too Damn Cold" part of the year where I probably will not leave the house on weekends, meaning I can actually watch Toonami consistantly again.

Hope i'm not repulsed by KLK like I think I will be
It's getting to the "It's Too Damn Cold" part of the year where I probably will not leave the house on weekends, meaning I can actually watch Toonami consistantly again.

Hope i'm not repulsed by KLK like I think I will be


So the theme of last nights toonami was jobbers gonna job or stay losing the yamcha way of life

DBZ Kai: Probably the worst part of Kai can be the sometimes awkward transitions from one episode to another when the art style suddenly changes and it becomes blatantly obvious a scene was skipped of two characters getting ready to fight. Its annoying but never ruins the show for me its still a better trade off then gobs of filler. As much as I hate to be part of the "constantly quote abridged" club some of the points they made about this arc are scarily accurate. Now a days seeing Yamcha lose to a Saibamen is hilarious but back in the day I remember that being a really awesome moment, my how things change as we get older. Overall a great episode look forward to the real fight with Nappa getting underway.

Naruto Shippuden: This was probably the best episode of Shippuden in awhile, and half of it we've already seen between flash backs and the first episode flash forward. The whole handling of this Naruto and Sasuke "friendship" is truly the cancer that hurt the second half of the series when characters act completely illogical because of Sauske or attempt to justify his actions because "he's our friend" *gag*. Sakura is truly useless and makes all the other jobbers/losers look like super stars by comparison. It really makes no sense why hype up Sakura just to have her suck even more post time skip? For fucks sake at least in part 1 we had a decent reason not to expect anything from her (in over her head with two most over powered Ninja in the village) but the series hypes her at times to be close to Naruto and Sasuke and she's anything but.

InuYasha Final Act: This is truly a case of "would be a lot better if we had not seen this 5 times before" with Kikyo's death. Its doubly frustraring because this is easily the best Kikyo death scene with the best writing, emotion, and impact on the series going forward. While I accused her of being a loser/jobber last night that award really should go to Koga who gets a hyped power up and then constantly has to be saved whenever he attempts to help. Thank goodness he lost his shards now maybe we never have to see him again.......

One Piece: The comedy scenes with Usopp and Kaku's giraffe fruit are very funny but they do drag on a bit too long even for me. The battle between Zoro and Kaku should give first time viewers a taste of how great the rest of the battles in this arc will be when they get going. Hopefully nobody else skips ahead because there are truly some great stuff but the weekly drip feed will probably drive some of you crazy, I've seen this before multiple times and it's doing it to me.

Gurren Lagann: Episode was once again a lot of set up that looks like it'll finally all pay off next week. Yoko showing up at the end and Kitan saying "fuck this shit I'm gonna go crazy" hopefully is the signal for massive amount of mecha porn action to fill the rest of the series. Simon and Viral's scenes in prison were the highlight of the episode and its great to see how far both of them have come since episode 3. I am glad though that Nia quelled any thoughts of "Rossiu is doing the right thing" by said the anit spirals will destroy them wherever they run. Should have stood up and fought anyways. Special shout out to Kitan for charging at a mech with a shotgun like a total boss.

Deadman Wonderland: If I recall correctly the poorly explained reason for ripping the body parts out of the losers is to use their body parts for studying the branch of sin while largely keeping the deadman alive to keep fighting. Its still a very gross scene especially in the anime and I got squeemish last night and I knew what was going to happen. The fight between Ganta and Crow was alright, Ganta spends a good deal of the fight being a chicken shit and for good reason. It does feel like Ganta mostly won because Crow didn't really try due to Ganta's age/inexperience but hey from Ganta's pov sometimes you gotta take a W where/when you can.

GitS: A pretty good episode that is hard for me to comment on as I was fairly tired while it aired and I feel/know some of the subtle moments were completely lost on me. I guess I'll find some time soon to rewatch/finish GitS 2nd gig now that its off the air... After I finish Persona 4 Golden :X

Special mention to Bebop HD, getting to see Ballad of Fallen Angels in HD was amazing. Wantabe is truly the greatest of all time and this episode is perfection in anime form.


DBZ Kai: This is incredibly funny watching Yamcha get destroyed by a Saibamen, an enemy that Tien annihilated without breaking a sweat. Yamcha's ownage here is only part of the legend of Yamcha.
his worst ownage is him getting NTR'd by Vegeta. Bulma was kind of a dick for doing that.
anyway, this episode sets up nicely the villains and shows that this shit is serious. Yamcha had too much confidence and huis and got killed for it. This is not a tournament fight anymore. Gohan also being useless again, which is something we'll see a lot out of him. Over all a decent episode, but the next few episodes will be much better. Youll also get to see one of the best beam sturggles in anime history coming up which is always a hype event.

Naruto - This episode decided to have things happen, but even then it was like 3 things. Ive never seen a show that was this poorly paced, and while the odds of filler Naruto being absolutely dreadful are absolutely off the charts, you can tell the company really needs to jump on that filler train soon. Hopefully the fight between Sasuke and Naruto is as good as everyone says it will be. Honestly, Sasuke seems pretty hax to me right now. Honestly though, Naruto Shippuden is becoming more enjoyable then what it once was, and the music in Shippuden is miles better then the music in OG Naruto. Sasuke also pronounces Naruto way different then everyone else does and it makes it really fucking awkward.

Inuyasha - The pacing of this episode was decent, it wasnt quite as confusing as other previous episodes, but still, im super confused. Ill leave it to judgement whether or not its because im watching a series well on its way towards the end, and with absolutely 0 previous knowledge of the show. overall though, this was a decent episode, but still im really confused about Naraku. Also, what does the stupid gem thing do?

One Piece - One Piece manages to have incredible humour in it's show. The situations are ridiculous, and the entire concept going on is pretty depressing, but Oda always manages to find a way. Honestly, One Piece is absolutely the best Shonen fighter sonce Dragonball, but its a shame it will never be popular in the west. The series really picks up with the next few sequences as you get to see the fights, and One Piece has probably some of the most satisfying fights in the genre.

Gurren Lagann - I dont want to get people overly hyped, but if you didnt like Gurren Lagann or thought it was overrated by us, the reat of the series will probably show you why this show is so highly regarded. The first half is really good, but the second half is absolutely astounding. Youre gonna see shit thats gonna make you get hype, and you get to see some really emotional scenes. This is gonna be a train ride coming up soon, so strap yourself in, shits gonna bet hype. Also, you'll hear undoubtedly the greatest anime so ever created coming up soon.

Also, hopefully Ping Pongs dub does not dissapoint, and hopefully that show will come to Toonami. If you want the best Character Drama in anime, Ping Pong will do it for you.


So yeah, that's Hanji herself being Hanji.

Man, I didn't really think of anything to say with this reduced time. was much more so on social media then on here.


Good morning new toonami thread. That sketchdump is excellent.

Edit: I know for some of you it's afternoon but whatevs.


Let's get some things out of the way.

1. Good stuff as always SAB. I especially love Bleach and GitS. Living the dream kid. Only comment is on the DBZ one I would have made SAIBAMAN WINS. FATALITY. Even if that was one of the cleanest explosions in history.

2. I am rank 6? Neat. I thought I really posted here much more often as of late. Guess that places me on Fukuro's level in the power level rankings from way back when, Chapapapa.

3. Without further ado Review Time! Chapapapa!


Dragon Ball Z

Only episode I missed thanks to scheduling shenigans Chapapapa :(. On rewatch though it is a solid episode. It is funny how quickly Yamcha gets sidelined in the series. TeamFourStar shits on him for a very good reason, he exists solely to job more so than any other Z fighter. Hell even Krillin has his moments AND he scores a hot woman in the end. Stay losing Yamcha. Despite being so old school I want to take a second to illustrate why this arc is so great and in large part it is thanks to the art. Lots of moves have such a good impact and that is lost in some anime now a days.

Shippu...Sasuke Show

Oh Sasuke you are so great show us your snake sword again Sasuke sama kun~<3. With the loss of competition we really zone in on how TERRIBLE Shippuden is during this arc. I was having computer troubles for the first half of the episode only to find out when I came back I missed literally nothing. Yes it is one of THOSE episodes. I fucking hated dinging this series for the same god damn thing every week. Every time a fight gets started as well some bullshit comes up halfway in (in this case the Nine Tails scene) to bring everything to a screeching halt. This episode also highlights tons of problems I have with the series up to this point and in some cases going forward. One is Sakura; "I'm going to do something!" *proceeds to do nothing*. Two, I am going to stab Naruto *one minute later* BLOCKED. Three, and perhaps the most egregious, is the Snake Sword. Let me delve a little into the last point a bit, but be forewarned ANYTHING SPOILER TAGGED PAST THIS POINT ALLUDES TO CONTENT LATER IN THE SERIES! Kishi post time skip did some really boneheaded Narrative errors in terms of the (literal!) backstabbing member of Team Seven. Kishi didn't spoon feed us growth of the character so most of what he does here seems like he just pulled it out of his ass apart from an advanced Chidori. Next he proceeded to give Sasuke Hack powers for the moment like the Snake Sword 'that can cut anything' and can enter Naruto's mind like it is no big deal
(hmm, wonder if he ran into Naruto's dad on his way in?)
. To add insult to injury I am pretty confident
None of this shit comes up again
and is inevitably pointless. Hell, at one point
Naruto gets so strong in the series they have to make Sasuke super hacks AND still nerf Naruto back to make a believable rivalry.
and that gets to the heart of the matter, the Sharingan is bullshit. It is the Deus Ex Machina of the universe which hurts the character it is attached to because it never has any defined role and keeps shifting from person to person. It gets really out of hand. Anyway, rant over.

Inuyasha: The Final Act

Good stuff and the pacing is especially good this episode. It is nice to see the team get the upper hand on Naraku to show he isn't completely flawless even if most things work out for him this episode. Personally, I had to bump this episode down due to the critical Kikyo scene (although well done) loses some impact for me since she has faked her death out so many times. The departing words between Kaede and Kikyo along with the kiss really seal this as Kikyo's final resting place. That said it also boots (hopefully) one of the most aggravating parts of the series just in time and it was great seeing Kagome and Kikyo working together. Everyone also did something this episode which is refreshing except Sango.

One Piece

Behold the unlimited destructive power of giraffes. Guess Kaku was a Toys R Us kid. One Piece has a knack of taking wonderfully silly things and still making things threatening and this is a great highlight for Kaku. Seeing the reactions in the thread are great too along with the SERIOUS GIRAFFE FACE (Thanks again SAB!). My only complaint about the episode is that the Usopp antics started to drag towards the end but nothing a falling giraffe or a round of everyone shitting on Kaku couldn't fix!

Gurran Lagaan

We start to pull up from the nosedive this episode. It is still pretty shit in my eyes but it has its moments thanks to Kitan, Yoko (the non-boring bitch), and Viral. It is so nice seeing these three characters again and it really goes to highlight what the series was missing. Rossiu is just such a bitch this episode it is painful and most people mope then Viral shows up and kicks a roosters ass, drops some truth bombs. Kitan takes on the enemy with a FUCKING SHOTGUN. Nia comes to taunt Simon only to be shot at by Yoko telling her to GTFO and probably wondering why nobody has done shit yet. This is the Gurran Lagaan I begin to love again as people actually do stuff instead of come up with half baked plans that don't involve using GIANT ROBOTS. I wish I could rank it higher but like I said this is more of a turning point from a low point for me and it will take an episode or two before we can drill to the heavens again. I also wanted to put in Viral's theme into the review because it is awesome but I couldn't think of a place I wanted to put it so here.

Deadman Wonderland

I remember when the Shiro reveal happened I was losing my shit. This is still a fun episode overall. It more or less gives us an idea what each deadman can do as well as their limits. The only thing I didn't like too much is it is kind of underwhelming how Ganta wins after getting his shit pushed in but I guess that is shonen protagonists for you. The glorious bleeps more than make up for it along with the guest appearance of Warden G.


Back to the usual shit. Apart from last weeks glorious, so bad it's good trolling this week we get back to how annoying Bleach can be to watch/read. Aizen is overpowered and faces an equally overpowered opponent so he invents a counter to the overpoweredness of said character to overpower the over power blah blah blah blah blah. It all begins to run together and makes fights boring as it never feels like a character is overcoming something. Let me explain in manga terms. In My Hero Academia (Now licensed by Viz, check it out ya all!) the main character, Deku, has a very strong power but his limitations are made very early. Because of this it is up to his wits usually to overcome others in increasingly desperate situations. You get excited to see how he will pull himself out of a particular situation. Bleach on the other hand is filled with Supermen that some can kill you with a thought and the 'fights' typically boil down to who gets the biggest ass pull of them all. It makes nearly every fight Arbitrary and even then it makes you question why a literal GOD like Orihime just doesn't end everything on the spot. The comparison of these two series really highlights why it is important to introduce restrictions to powers otherwise the overpoweredness gets out of control. +points for a bastardized OraOraOra even if it only made me think of a better anime I could be watching. BRING JOJO TO TOONAMI!

Space Dandy

I ranked the episodes a LOOONG time ago so you may remember this ranked on my number 10 after much deliberation. QT is just so adorable and the animation and music is top notch this episode. YMMV with the story and the NTR is strong in this one but it is still a very enjoyable watch.

Cowboy Bebop

A large reason why I decided not to include Bebop in reviews is it really isn't fair in some instances. This is one of those cases. Just watch it. Classic only made better by improved music and HD visuals.

Ghost in the Shell 2nd GiG

Great episode but not a classic. It really highlights what a great character Makoto is. I can see this scene turning a few people off but it really shows the confidence the Major exudes and why she commands so much respect in a room. Much like Cowboy Bebop it is a great way of showing and not telling which all forms of television forget from time to time. It is a great way to progress a complex episode as we get closer to understanding how Ro works as we approach the finale.


Not watching this. It is kind of shame since I have never seen a show get the worst review to date. Nobody hates this show, certainly nobody loves it. It gets the worst fate of any form of entertainment. Apathy. Sorry IGPX you really won't be missed. Still better than Sakura, am i rite guyz? Hi five!



Cowboy Bebop


One Piece
GitS 2nd Gig
Space Dandy


Dead Man Wonderland
Inuyasha: The Final Act
Dragon Ball Z Kai


Gurran Lagaan



IG...what now?


Sakura Tier


4. I am seeing a lot of negativity over a particular show and I want to touch base on the schedule cut one more time later tonight or tomorrow whenever I get the chance. I have some work to attend to at the moment. Until then stay positive guys! Chapapapa!
We're probably never going to see a sports anime on Toonami ever again, stop suggesting Ping Pong for the block it's truly never going to happen.


We're probably never going to see a sports anime on Toonami ever again, stop suggesting Ping Pong for the block it's truly never going to happen.

Clearly we need a great shonen sports anime. Prince of Tennis anyone?

I just wanna see everyone react to this.


Gives all the fucks
We lost our way? Should've made that left turn at Albuquerque!

Watching Kai so far, I feel like if that was the version that came out when I was a kid, I MIGHT'VE gotten into the series (or maybe seeing a bit more of the comedic parts since I was more into comedy instead of serious shows when I was younger). Though by the time I finally got Dish, it was off the air.


Great stuff, SAB. The best ones are Foghorn Leghorn, square faced Sniper King, and the boy in GitS yelling, &#8220;Yes!&#8221;. On to the reviews.

DBZ: Kai - Woo hoo! The fights have started! I never saw the original Dragon Ball series so I know next to nothing about Yamcha. To me, he just looks like a poor-man&#8217;s Goku so watching him blow up was more funny than heart-breaking. Most of the re-dub voices in Kai so far have been fine but I think Vegeta&#8217;s new voice sounds kinda odd. I&#8217;m sure I&#8217;ll get used to it eventually. I&#8217;m glad the action is in full swing now. Rating: Boom goes the Yamcha!

Naruto: Shippuden - I&#8217;m afraid to admit that the series has gotten slightly more interesting now that they&#8217;ve found Sasuke. The Sauce is apparently Ninja Jesus now and can enter people&#8217;s minds and even make the Five Tails shut up. But forget about that. Now watch for the fifth time as Sakura silently whispers, &#8220;I&#8217;ll finally be strong!&#8221; just before she stands there and does nothing while her squad leader dies. DO SOMETHING SAKRUA!!! I blame Kishimoto for apparently thinking Kunoichi are just supposed to be pretty, weak, little girl versions of actual ninja instead of the badasses they should be. Rating: Sexist.

InuYasha: Final Act - I really enjoyed this episode. You guys seem to hate Kikyo but as someone who didn&#8217;t see much of the original series I guess I missed all the stuff that made her character bad. Instead, last night felt very epic, like a finale, and showed a remarkably touching moment of vulnerably from the typically brash and hot-headed InuYasha. The music was really great, too. With big characters actually dying and Koga loosing his shards the story really feels like it's moving forward and is not just another &#8220;adventure of the week&#8221;. Rating: The feels.

One Piece - These lengthy recaps at the beginning of each episode are starting to wear thin already. Thankfully, the episode itself was fantastic. Sniper King was a joy to watch, as was Sanji wooing his opponent with tea service and Zoro being a total badass against Kaku. The show feels like its gone full Ranma 1/2 with all these characters turning into animals. I also loved how everyone thinks Kaku&#8217;s square features and Man-Giraffe form looks ridiculous. This show can be so fun. Rating: Hilarious.

Gurren Lagann - With Simon and Viral stuck dealing with prison life, Kittan steps up and is done with Rossiu&#8217;s bullshit. You guys doubted Kittan earlier in the series but now you&#8217;re starting to see just what a badass he really is. Not only that, but the original gunmen are back (thanks Leite!) as is Yoko for a last minute save. With the Ark Gurren heading into space and Team Dai-Gurren members finally Row-Row-Fighting-The-Power, hype is building. Next week&#8217;s episode takes a brief break from all this doom and gloom and marks the beginning of the end to what I call &#8220;Government Lagann&#8221;. Rating: Hope Is Rising.

Deadman Wonderland - By far the most disturbing episode yet. I still don&#8217;t understand what kind of disease or event caused these people to have these powers but I&#8217;m starting to get more hints. That twist of Shiro being from Ganta&#8217;s past was a real surprise! They show them as kids together in the ED but I just took that to be a cute little &#8220;what if&#8221;. Now it seems that was a real photo. It&#8217;s also cool that Shiro knew Ganta all this time but because she&#8217;s such a head-case she never bothered to mention it. I don&#8217;t know why Ganta doesn&#8217;t remember her, though. A crazy-eyed albino girl would be hard to forget even when you&#8217;re just five or six years old. Watching him act all &#8220;Shinji&#8221; is getting old fast. I hope he eventually mans up. Lastly, that doctor woman was creepy as shit, getting all turned on by disecting people. Rating: Gruesome but awesome!

Bleach - I typically don&#8217;t watch Bleach but with this being its last airing, I figured I would report in. This is around the time I started watching the series the first time when it was on Toonami so I&#8217;ve seen this before. That character created to fight Old-man Genocide is practically a walking deus ex machina and his character design his ridiculous. I was laughing at how dumb he was. On the plus side, the way Aizen talks really does get under your skin. What an utter douchbag of the highest caliber. Rating: Series over. Aizen won.

Space Dandy - It&#8217;s nice that Dandy leaves the airwaves on the last episode of season one. It&#8217;s a fun episode and beautifully animated (especially that final fight). Great music also. It&#8217;s kinda funny they left that tease for Season Two in that states June of 2014. It kinda shows how little the Toonami Staff actually reviews what they&#8217;re going to air each week. Heh. Rating: Farewell, Boobies.

Cowboy Bebop - Another great episode to end the broadcast run with. Fey was looking drop-dead gorgeous in that dress and Vicious was downright Vicious. It&#8217;s weird, but I like seeing Spike get pummeled from time to time because it shows he&#8217;s not this perfect fighter. It makes him more human. Rating: See you Space Cowboy&#8230;

GitS: Second Gig - I&#8217;d never seen this episode before. I&#8217;m glad you guys convinced me to stay up for it. Wow. Really shocking and interesting. I still can&#8217;t believe the Major was so&#8230; out there&#8230; with that young man. Maybe she doesn&#8217;t really consider him old enough to worry about hiding her naughty bits or sleeping naked beside him. In general, it was really strange to hear her talk about sex at all. I also liked how her motherly instincts kicked in towards the end and she rescued him. Rating: Great episode!

IGPX - Last show of night so I might as well give it a brief review. Someone else mentioned this but it&#8217;s pretty hilarious when Takeshi was telling the others about &#8220;The Rocket&#8221;, as if they would have never heard of one of the most famous players in their sport. Also, Liz is way too tsun for her own good. Lastly, I&#8217;m still convinced that Cunningham is really Spike Spiegel from before the Gate Accident. Rating: Not a racing show.

Next week is a big week for lots of reasons. New lineup. A big, new show. Shorter block. I&#8217;m hyped! I have spoiler warning cards already made and ready to go for very show except DBZ, which is kind of unfortunate because otherwise every show would have one. But, I guess it&#8217;s kind of dumb to have a spoiler warning for DBZ. It&#8217;s so old. I do have something additional planned for KLK, though. I&#8217;ll be posting a cool production teaser for each episode a few hours before Toonami airs for that night&#8217;s episode. So look forward to that.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Because it's Kai this is the last time we see Yamcha fight anyone for quite awhile as most of his DBZ fights are Non-Canon™.
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