We introspection now.
Dude is a creeper. Fuck Saint Hakushin.
This story is so sad. T_T
Dude is a creeper. Fuck Saint Hakushin.
This story is so sad. T_T
"The barrier...has been dissolved?!" well shit what did you think you were DOING when you purified the dude making the barrier?
Aww shit. Bankotsu vs Inuyasha once again. Shit is about to go down.
I cant deal with only one inuyasha episode
Time for the final battle of the Band of 7 arc! 6.5 challenge done!
We introspection now.
Dude is a creeper. Fuck Saint Hakushin.
band of 7 posed a real threat to team inuyasha, the thing is the band of 7 were humans strong enough to fight on the level of demons like inuyasha and koga, but the thing is they were still humans, so in the end they wouldnt have been able to actually win in the long run unless they planned things out like renkotsu did and basically killed everyone but inuyasha that wouldnt have been revived if it wasent for miyoga
edit: fail kagome!
I'm tired
Edit: The hell I just noticed the alcohol is coming from her boob. O_O
So sad of a story we need the alcohol.
Edit: The hell I just noticed the alcohol is coming from her boob. O_O
I'm surprised Kayos isnt here
Well, the comedy still isn't really working for me. A lot of the humor feels a bit too try-hard, and instead of being scripted to be funny in the writing, it feels like they're hoping the hectic animation and direction carries it instead. The animation is really, really good, but while it's well animated (and the action actually pretty exciting), the physical comedy doesn't seem very effective. It feels like a lot of the jokes here are targeted at an internet meme generation, which I can't really relate to when it comes to comedy. Twitter jokes, Google Maps jokes, Oh Look At How Stupid This Guy Is jokes. Zzzzz.
I can laugh at Dandy's and Meow's ineptitude, but probably not for 26 episodes.
Yeah, that sequence was sublime. However, the comedy writing is pretty darn bad most of the time in my opinion. It's like they're trying to appeal to preteens and manchildren who spend half their day looking up lolcats. No offense to anyone here who enjoys that type of stuff, it just doesn't appeal to me in large doses. Even the good gags like the social media thing and meow broadcasting their location get run into the ground which just dampens the experience.My hope is later episodes will have a larger focus on action/comedy scenes like the one on the planet in episode 1 and less try to be carries all by the dialogue. That or the dialogue is gonna really need to step it up.
My hope is later episodes will have a larger focus on action/comedy scenes like the one on the planet in episode 1 and less try to be carries all by the dialogue. That or the dialogue is gonna really need to step it up.