Does she have super aids too?
this is stupid
all of this dialogue is stupid
Fuck that was so bad.
It was essentially "You know Akame, we really are the Ga Kill"
So I put myself through the torture of reading the manga to see how it differs from the anime and I have to say, it does get slightly better around the time the two start to diverge at chapter 39. But it's still pretty generic overall.
so Akame's name is in the title of this series... why?
She was sad that Tatsumi didn't stab her, so she's gonna stab him herself.
lol tatsumi on a cross
fuck this show
ok no trump cards an actual in universe thing or not?
Well, the material is no more terrible and stupid then usual.
ok no trump cards an actual in universe thing or not?
It's what they call their bankais basically.ok no trump cards an actual in universe thing or not?
So I put myself through the torture of reading the manga to see how it differs from the anime and I have to say, it does get slightly better around the time the two start to diverge at chapter 39. But it's still pretty generic overall.