"Desert Tragedy"
This scene is amazing
This scene is amazing
The 2011 Madhouse version of HxH is almost 1:1 with the manga, the Pierrot 1999 version changes a lot of crap.
that's why the 2011 version got made at all
Piccolo and 18 are BDon't worry guys.
The C team is here.
The Z Fighters are looking extra jobby tonight.
It's still nice to see 18 & Tien get their hands dirty.The Z Fighters are looking extra jobby tonight.
oh great
now we're going into the controversy of should we spank our kids on the wrist
What am I watching
Ian Sinclair is one of my favorite new up-&-coming voice actors. Whis is a total foodie & I love it.Whis is going full Brook. Ian Sinclair the best.