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Toonami |Jul15| Sentai finally noticed us!

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Vivi's farewell to The Straw Hats. So much feels. *cries*

I really liked how they set up her story arc from the very beginning of them entering the grand line. Oda is amazing.

Kill it with hellfire.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Goooood morning everyone. A shame not everyone made it to the end.

Dragon Ball Z Kai:
Now the most epic of epic battles begins! Nail vs Freeza! It's a real NAIL-BITER! *gets hit with bricks*
But yeah, we get a peek at how crazy strong Freeza is.

Kill la Kill:
Damn, that was pretty awesome. Sure it was silly, but it was fun to watch.
Now for the finale!

Michiko & Hatchin:
I'm starting to see the reason why this isn't as beloved as Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo. The pacing is all wonky, and Michiko just isn't likeable right now. At least Hatchin makes up for it.

Sword Art Online II:
The action in this show deserves to be a better one... I still can't bother to find myself caring about any of these characters.
THEY ARE LINES OF CODE! STOP ACTING LIKE THEY ARE REAL! Klein has a body pillow collection doesn't he?

We could focus on the two Akatsuki members going around killing stuff... but instead let's focus on Naruto's favorite ramen restaurant changing its menu and arguing about it. Blah...

One Piece:
The main event! JET GATLING!
Lucci is down! This is not a drill! He is down for the count!
Now they have to figure out a way to escape Enies Lobby.
Oh and RIP Yubashiri. You served Zoro well.


Gives all the fucks

So for some damn reason, right around the 2nd half of SAO2, JUST as things got hilariously stupid again, my internet stops working. So of course I missed out on commenting on that & then the great ending for OP. Even MORE infuriating was that just as I was about to turn my laptop off from rewatching that Jet Gatling scene a few times, INTERNET COMES BACK.

............for a minute or so, then it died again.

Why the hell has my internet decided to not work during Toonami for TWO WEEKS in a row now??!


I enjoyed last night's naruto much more than last week's, especially since the voice acting wasn't unbearably shitty.

Like seriously, what happened with that one?

Yamato and Kakashi bounced off each other fairly well, and same to Hidan and Kakuzu, even if they had not that much screentime.

I could have sworn we already knew about Kakashi knowing the rasengan.
Didn't he develop the chidori based on failed rasengan experiments?



So for some damn reason, right around the 2nd half of SAO2, JUST as things got hilariously stupid again, my internet stops working. So of course I missed out on commenting on that & then the great ending for OP. Even MORE infuriating was that just as I was about to turn my laptop off from rewatching that Jet Gatling scene a few times, INTERNET COMES BACK.

............for a minute or so, then it died again.

Why the hell has my internet decided to not work during Toonami for TWO WEEKS in a row now??!
Is your router dying?


Gives all the fucks
No, I think it was my ISP. Last week, there was a big storm where they're located & I lost it for almost 24 hours, then last night, it stopped working for an hour, then seemed to work again.

Though to be fair, we've had the router for quite a few years. Maybe the next time it does it, I'll use my LAN adapter to see if a wired connection still works.


Michiko and Hatchin is very 'efficient' with its exposition. Oftentimes a single mention is important to to the understanding the happenings on screen. The world is also 'fully realized' such that characters speak with each other in a natural sense about events that have transpired. What I mean is that characters participating in dialogue are familiar with events that the viewer is not, so they discuss things without an overt explanation, and it's up to the viewer to put the pieces together.

In the same sense it's also not quite linear in how things are introduced. For example, Satoshi was brought up a few times before viewers had much idea who he was. The opening flashback scene had no preemptive explanation about what the setting was and who the characters where. Viewers had to put that together as they went, sometimes with details that came later. In terms of more typical exposition, occasionally Michiko will tell Hatchin (aka the one character that doesn't know the show's history) a tidbit here and there.

I don't think it's overly confusing, but it does make a live watch a little bit difficult, because missing a small amount of dialogue can make things puzzling. Not to mention scene changes are often abrupt.


Gives all the fucks
I feel like it suffers from the same problem as Ghost in the Shell.

It's just that it's hard to watch this type of "wordy"/talky show late at night (especially if you're a bit tired), especially as a group because you miss a few second that're key to the plot and then easily be confused. Granted, GitS was WAAAAAAY more talky & had a much more deep plot, but still, based on last night's reactions, it seems a decent amount of us got confused at least once as to what was happening, which isn't helped when we want to quick type up our reactions/thoughts on a particular scene, so we might not be paying attention when doing so.


Dragon Ball Z: Kai - The VO for Freeza is fantastic. He comes off as such an overly confident douche (rightly so) and yet is so polite that it gets under your skin. Chris Ayres is putting in a great performance. Not a bad localization either with that nonchalant "Hey Fats" line. Meanwhile, Captain Ginyu reveals his ultimate technique which appears to be the "Freaky Friday beam". No doubt Nail is gonna bite it soon. He's out of his league. I still can't remember how these things play out so I'm excited to see what happens next. DBZ Kai continues its quality run. Rating: Pocket Sand!

Kill la Kill - A great penultimate episode that leads into the final showdown at the academy. My favorite scene was the reveal of the Four Star Ultimate Battle Regalia. I liked how they are a mix of their previous designs and Nudist Beach's bare skin stylings. Oh, and Nonon's Symphony Regalia Finale... Yowza! Mako (who is the greatest ever, btw) showed everyone the what the power of friendship can literally accomplish. No doubt that girl has the energy to power an entire city. The whole sequence from when the vocal track kicked in until the Original Life Fiber was defeated had me grinning the entire time. And perhaps while not completely earned, I even liked the nod to Gurren Lagann with the shot of the cast all standing in a row. We even got the full ending including the Nui troll interruption and post credits scene. Tune in next week for the finale! Rating: WTF all the way

Michiko & Hatchin - I really need to rewatch this episode as I honestly couldn't follow half of what was going on. The editing was kinda confusing which made all the subtle exposition hard to grasp. Also, it's throwing a lot of new characters at us very quickly. I can't name half of them. While I admire this confident storytelling style, it's also a bit frustrating. I did like learning a bit about Michiko's past even if it was not all that interesting to be honest. Meanwhile, Hatchin continues to be my favorite thing about this show mostly because she's the only character I feel like I can relate to and understand in any way. Those damn thugs better not do anything to her! I swear, if they do, I'll f'ing rage. Rating: Cray Cray

Sword Art Online II - Judging by the amount of pointless and unnecessarily detailed exposition of how this game works, you can tell the guy who wrote SAO must REALLY like writing about MMOs even though it's obvious he's out of his depth. It was all made worse by being delivered via Yui's ear-bleeding voice. Regardless, I think I still prefer this cheesy, overly dramatic, "Let's Play" plot line to anything that's come before. It's sad that they're making Klein into a horny moron who lusts after curvaceous NPCs while in the company of actual real girls. On the plus side, the Frost Giant looks cool and the animation during the previous battle scene against the minotaurs was downright impressive. When I look past all the terrible technobabble, I still chuckled a few times and kinda liked this episode. Rating: It's a Trap!

Naruto: Shippuden - While the Ramen shop owner and his daughter are somewhat charming, you can NOT spend half the episode debating whether tsukemen is ramen! At least Kakashi is still the smoother operator and helped that scene be less painful. The only other noteworthy moments I can remember from this bore-fest was the ridiculously sounding prayer and the Atkasuki getting on each other's nerves. That's about it. Is it too much to ask for some ninja action in this show about a world full of ninja? The best we got were two old geezers. Rating: Gag me with a food pill

One Piece - Wow! Amazing episode!! Usopp really needs be commended for his willingness to stand up tall, take off his disguise and bring Luffy to his feet. He was downright facing death (Lucci) in the face for a chance to save his captain. He even got a few good shots off and saved Zoro! Meanwhile, that final scene with Luffy getting to his feet and beating the ever-loving shit out of Lucci was so expertly choreographed and the music so perfectly arranged I was on the edge of my seat! The entire episode (after the recaps, of course) was perfectly paced and executed. Just fantastic. Rating: Berry Deadly

Attack on Titan - Yay! My favorite character has arrived! The female titan is such a badass. Her creepy stares and athletic moves are just awesome to behold. I love the scene where she spares Armin's life. I wonder if that means
Annie has a thing
for him? The next series of episodes are all great and wonderfully animated. Rating: Gotta go fast


Gives all the fucks
Bah, internet was acting up AGAIN for about 30ish minutes, but went back to working. I tried my LAN adapter that's used for my Wii U/Splatoon & it didn't seem to want to connect to my laptop, so I don't think it's the router.

............then it just went out again. I'm very tempted to call my ISP at this point.

Michiko and Hatchin is very 'efficient' with its exposition. Oftentimes a single mention is important to to the understanding the happenings on screen. The world is also 'fully realized' such that characters speak with each other in a natural sense about events that have transpired. What I mean is that characters participating in dialogue are familiar with events that the viewer is not, so they discuss things without an overt explanation, and it's up to the viewer to put the pieces together.

Hmmm. So it's like One Piece?


Toonami |Jul15| Let's get wet together


Actually that reminds me that August is this weekend... Gonna need something Akame ga Kill! related for the title.


I'm itching to hear how bad the Akame ga Kill dub is. It's a few weeks away and they have no clips online or even any casting news?


Gives all the fucks
Well this will be the dub premiere, but yes, surprised they're keeping it rather secret. At least we should get a preview this week.


I didn't know Sean Schemmel was Nail

Justice League reminded me how awesome it's going to be when Batman The Killing Joke is released next year and put in the children's section at Target and Walmart.

I actually love the fact that episode was stand-alone. Makes the ending have a lot more of an impact.
People were confused about what happened to the kid sis and why Mitchiko said and did nothing.

Is anyone watching the final season of ATHF?
Loyal to the end.

Is anyone going to a theater to see DBZ Resurrection?

This giant sounds like Gouda from GitS.

Klein wtf
Why is everyone in SAO so fucking delusional, THIS IS A VIDEO GAME, THESE CHARACTERS ARENT REAL!!!

Mr. Fantastic looks half my age. I just can't buy the actor/character combo. Sue looks pretty meh too.
Ultimate Reed is half that age.

I'd better see some Sanji action this ep
Does kicking down doors count?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Dragon Ball Z: Kai - The VO for Freeza is fantastic. He comes off as such an overly confident douche (rightly so) and yet is so polite that it gets under your skin. Chris Ayres is putting in a great performance. Not a bad localization either with that nonchalant "Hey Fats" line. Meanwhile, Captain Ginyu reveals his ultimate technique which appears to be the "Freaky Friday beam". No doubt Nail is gonna bite it soon. He's out of his league. I still can't remember how these things play out so I'm excited to see what happens next. DBZ Kai continues its quality run. Rating: Pocket Sand!

Yep,Chris Ayres and Little Kuribo are the only english VAs to do Frieza justice
Shimoneta - Episode 4


What the fuck did I just watch?

We've gone from ecchi to pure hentai almost-rape now. I don't know if I can continue watching now.


Gives all the fucks
Shimoneta - Episode 4


What the fuck did I just watch?

We've gone from ecchi to pure hentai almost-rape now. I don't know if I can continue watching now.
The real question is, how were they able to hold such a conversation when the random guy was walking by & it seemed that their communication was on speaker, & the MC knew that if someone heard them, they'd probably get in trouble? He should've showed concert & tried to quiet her down/use code words/move someplace else, considering how much they're trying to keep their discussions a secret.

Suspension of disbelief ruined.
The real question is, how were they able to hold such a conversation when the random guy was walking by & it seemed that their communication was on speaker, & the MC knew that if someone heard them, they'd probably get in trouble? He should've showed concert & tried to quiet her down/use code words/move someplace else, considering how much they're trying to keep their discussions a secret.

Suspension of disbelief ruined.

the rules in that show for when you are doing something wrong make less sense then in psycho pass


Gives all the fucks
Ah yes, the arc during which Cartoon Network/Toonami dropped the show & when they switched from 4Kids to Funimation's dub.


Gives all the fucks
I will say, I LOVED the part where (vague spoilers)
the characters have the same realizations I had a while back about the fact the villain's power not work on Luffy, thus leading to the hilarious facial reaction of the villain who was always so serious & never had a funny face before


I will say, I LOVED the part where (vague spoilers)
the characters have the same realizations I had a while back about the fact the villain's power not work on Luffy, thus leading to the hilarious facial reaction of the villain who was always so serious & never had a funny face before

i think everybody got a kick outta that


No Scrubs
I will say, I LOVED the part where (vague spoilers)
the characters have the same realizations I had a while back about the fact the villain's power not work on Luffy, thus leading to the hilarious facial reaction of the villain who was always so serious & never had a funny face before

that face
. It's just so good and
the fact it keeps popping up is even better
The real question is, how were they able to hold such a conversation when the random guy was walking by & it seemed that their communication was on speaker, & the MC knew that if someone heard them, they'd probably get in trouble? He should've showed concert & tried to quiet her down/use code words/move someplace else, considering how much they're trying to keep their discussions a secret.

Suspension of disbelief ruined.

The random guy was probably in on it, too.

I haven't gotten far into Prison School yet, but this show seems like it's trying to out-lewd the lewdest show of the season.


Gives all the fucks
No, the best part about it is that it's a full fucking page.
The anime's build-up was great as well. It's just a hilarious moment overall & stuff like that was why I got into One Piece as a kid, because I was more into action/comedy and One Piece had enough silliness to get me hooked.





Gives all the fucks
I don't know, that was the arc where I was starting to lose interest in the series (it didn't help this was when I was starting to lose interest in long-running stuff overall) and even a year or so ago, going back to fully rewatch the arc felt tiresome.

Granted, I watched the anime version of the arc instead of reading it, so that might've been part of the problem.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
One Piece arcs are so good that I can see someone saying that was the worst/among the worst. Hell among my friends my least favorite arc is my friends favorite.



I can't really tell people not to read ahead in One Piece now. The anime really doesn't stop declining in quality from now on.

I would definitely suggest to Dominican Power that he just keep reading until he catches up completely.
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