How bad could it b....
Wow. Makes our diatribes about shit anime look like playful nudging.
So all I know about Shazam is that he's a kid in a giant dudes body, and sometimes he hides that fact.
Is there anything else I need to know?
The final season of Fairy Tail is to debut in 2018.
The dream is still alive boys. We can still get it on Toonami.
I haven't kept up with Fairy Tail once the war arc began. Even I have my limits.
It's a stretch, but I hope they can modify the final arc to actually make sense. There are good elements buried in there, like Erza's mother.The final season of Fairy Tail is to debut in 2018.
The dream is still alive boys. We can still get it on Toonami.
I haven't kept up with Fairy Tail once the war arc began. Even I have my limits.
TFW a mod derails a thread and 80% of the posts are about predicting which year OJ lands himself in jail again.
Don't you want a tag?
TFW a mod derails a thread and 80% of the posts are about predicting which year OJ lands himself in jail again.
I am fully willing to admin that as a middle schooler, I would put Hybrid Theory in on my boom box and go through my Magic the Gathering collection.
Omg, thank you so much for pretty much summarizing most of the issues I have with DB Super & Kai on the podcast. Another issue is that nobody ever seems to outsmart the opponent, which is why stuff like Jojo & HxH is so great. The opponents aren't exactly stronger, but they might have an ability that the main characters can't just power their way through but instead figure a way to work around the power or outsmart them, which is way more interesting.
given The Reflection's odd late start to the season that happens to be in 2 days and stan lee being involved I imagine that will show up somewhere in there.Just skimming the Comic-Con schedule, here are some Toonami related things:
4:00 Viz Panel
6:00 Funimation Panel
8:00 Toonami PreFlight
6:00 Funimation: My Hero Academia
8:00pm Crunchyroll Industry Panel
So Mumen Rider/Smokey Brown/Goro Akechi is most likely Spider-Man in MvCI.
Any word on if the Viz &/or Funimation panels will be streamed or live-blogged? I won't be able to catch the Preflight since I'll be arriving at work by the time it starts.Just skimming the Comic-Con schedule, here are some Toonami related things:
4:00 Viz Panel
6:00 Funimation Panel
8:00 Toonami PreFlight
6:00 Funimation: My Hero Academia
8:00pm Crunchyroll Industry Panel
Humanity has truly fallen past the point of no return.
The new Sonic villain is early-2000s edge personified.
So Mumen Rider/Smokey Brown/Goro Akechi is most likely Spider-Man in MvCI.
Pacific, I think. I would've seen Funimation post a ton of news on their Twitter if it already happened.All those are EST correct?
So Mumen Rider/Smokey Brown/Goro Akechi is most likely Spider-Man in MvCI.
I think he voices spidermahn in a new cartoon so it would make sense.
I think spidermahn in the video game is yuri lowenthal tho
did you know Neil Patrick Harris voiced spiderman a few times?
lol at the fans Viz gave out at their panel:
Edit: Viz got the rights to the HxH movie, Phantom Rogue.
Josh Keaton, Spectacular/(U)MvC3 Spider-Man, actually got moved to Ant-Man.Yep and yep.
Aside from Steven Blum as Wolverine and Fred Tasticore as Hulk, Marvel tends to change voices at a drop of a hat.
Coming Spring 2018:
Is the movie bad?
It's the Phantom Rouge movie poster.the arc we are currently watching is being reaired?
Coming Spring 2018:
Edit: Greed Island dub cast:
Why do they list Melody? Is she even in Greed Island?