TRIGUN - EPISODE EIGHT - And Between the Wasteland and Sky...
The steamship is going 88 iles per hour and going over a cliff. What a reference. Vash is having a discussion with the ungrateful and still unnamed kid who he saved last episode. The kid goes into his backstory as Vash gripes about his lousy fate. His dad worked himself to death on the design of this ship. Vash will need his help to stop the ship and has no idea how to do it. They look at the blueprints. Oh the ship is named the Flourish apparently. He copied the prints from his dad's office. Oh we finally learn the kid's name in a flashback with his dad. It's Kite. "Become the type of person who does things for others." I guess he is doing this for B.D.N. and a large amount of money. It's tough for an orphan to survive in a brutal world like this.
No time for sentiment (bold words coming from Vash of all people) and they are going to survive.
Part One: It's Tricky
Part Two: He's so happy
Part Three: This episode is 60% montage
Part Four: Neener neener
B.D.N. is having a ball. Vash sends a false location to ambush the Bad Lads, claiming that he caught the blond guy.
He might be overdoing it though.
Seriously overdoing it.
Vash gives Kite a pen transceiver and now he has his own mini Otacon. He's got a codec in his ear. Kite wants to know who he is and where he got all this lost technology from but Vash tells him he wouldn't believe it even if he did tell him.
This isn't good.
Vash immediately starts helping the Bad Lads out. Yes Kite, he has been purposely trying not to kill any of them. Yes, that is crazy.
At all.
That can't be good either. Vash admits it is stupid and sloppy. But he made a promise that if he killed even one person it'd make her sad.
This basically is just MGS.
Maybe Twin Snakes?
It even has tragic backstory!
Montage after montage as the boy leads Vash through the ship. The kid cries about how none of us are truly innocent and Vash tells him to just start over. Kite listens to the Bad Lads communications and leads Vash...right into a trap. Impressive Storm Trooper shooting around Vash as he doesn't dodge and none of them hit him. I guess this was by design? B.D.N. loves his flash. Looks like the Bad Lads are closing in on the kid. Vash is done for as B.D.N. levels his flashy pistol.
What did I tell you, it's MGS!
Meryl has got this. She even has a cool nickname like any MGS character. Derringer Meryl.
With an assist by Stun Gun Milly. Meryl tells Vash that they don't have much time and to not screw around...and the Bad Lads finally learn who their nemesis truly was. B.D.N. loves this even more and challenges Vash to a winner take all duel!
They start when the coin hits the deck, though before all that the ship hits the side of the canyon again and rocks fall everywhere.
He's got em.
Are they both down? No, Brilliant Dynamites Neon gets up...and saves Vash's life by shooting down a rock fragment aimed for his head? Vash is bleeding...but not because of anything B.D.N. did, he missed. He respects this style of fighting more than anything and concedes the duel. The steamship is still in trouble though so Kite goes into the boiler to stop the thing. He's the only one who knows how. The crew still want to blame him as it's his fault this happened and they won't accept his help. Kite accepts responsibility. Some men in heat suits get the engine room door open by taking it apart. They try to cut their way through with axes but it's no good. Kite ducks and dives through the scalding pipes to get to the shut off.
It's too late though, not enough time to stop it. Until the Bad Lads get in front of the Steamship! Kite wakes up. Everyone made it. Neon said he'd stop the ship if he lost, but next time they'll have a fair fight. Kite and Vash (and the black cat) are on top of the steamship and the kid starts singing Rems song. Vash is SHOOK AS SHIT.