Yeah, lets play "toss the explosives" in an enclosed evironment
Sadly, I am at something of a loss when trying to recall any good female characters with Dragon Ball in general.
Namek Bulma is my favorite Bulma look.
People likeguys.Videl
Also people do like bulma, especially if you knwo her from original dragonball where she was intentionally a worse female but that was part of that show's style.
Bulma is fantastic until the first wish is made.Videl was pretty cool until she cut her hair and got pushed aside for the plot
My cable lives again.
Yeah, lets play "toss the explosives" in an enclosed evironment
So curious- if they redid dbz as a new anime- not reusing stuff, how much shorter could it be?
aa youre on a roll dude
God Bulma why are you SOOOOOOO awful?
I hope Dragon Ball Super has some actually good female characters
Krillin is human right? Jobber or not, he's rather rediculous in perspective.
So the Guldo and pre-Goku Recoome fights take 2 days?
It's Launch. When she sneezes she goes blond and robs banks.Dragon ball fans: who is the Blonde in the credits? Never seen her.
Dragon ball fans: who is the Blonde in the credits? Never seen her.
Next Dragonball Z Kai, we JoJo now.
Ginyu Force are mercenaries?
Dragon ball fans: who is the Blonde in the credits? Never seen her.
My cable lives again.
Dragon ball fans: who is the Blonde in the credits? Never seen her.
which IIRC he doesn't know about at this point.
so wtf is he really doing lol
Excuse me?
You forgot about the best girl.