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Toonami |JunJul16| You Thought It Was Dragon Ball Super, But It Was ME, DIO!

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Romance manga with no end in sight seems like the worst possible combination. Will they, won't they bullshit is something I can't handle at all.


Why is that thing published on Jump? And why does it keep going in circles with no end in sight?

The love interests don't even look that good.
Based on what I've seen/read, this is bascially every Nisekoi arc.

Main character has interaction with girl/girls of harem.
Main character gets an ever so slight clue about which girl he made a childhood promise to/main character gets some slight romantic interactions with said harem.
Main character gets distracted, forgets all about clue/interaction, status quo continues.


Based on what I've seen/read, this is bascially every Nisekoi arc.

Main character has interaction with girl/girl of harem.
Main character gets an ever so slight clue about which girl he made a childhood promise to/main character gets some slight romantic interactions with said harem.
Main character gets distracted, forgets all about clue/interaction, status quo continues.

And it continues to get serialized in the most popular magazine in Japan and gets a special mushroom in Super Mario Maker.
Based on what I've seen/read, this is bascially every Nisekoi arc.

Main character has interaction with girl/girls of harem.
Main character gets an ever so slight clue about which girl he made a childhood promise to/main character gets some slight romantic interactions with said harem.
Main character gets distracted, forgets all about clue/interaction, status quo continues.

The worst thing is the series should be reaching its finale

All the girls minus the two leads have been weeded out of the harem, the two leads both remember who made the original promise, male lead has made his choice (we just don't know which), and the series has been beating them drum of "the childhood promise isn't important its how you feel now"

Tl;dr onodera the girl Raku's had a crush on all along is the promised girl so unless the author betrays his own theme Chitoge the tsundere has won but were just dragging this out

How this keeps going

1) play long ball with the whole childhood promise doesn't matter by having Raku and Onodera date for awhile before realizing it doesn't work and they break up ending with Raku being with Chitoge

2) we just watch Raku and chitoge date

3) everyone junctions the same gf's they did as kids and has a memory wipe of this past arc

4) what if arcs where we see Raku's life with both


Gives all the fucks
Seriously, this should be the finish line, it's down to the final 2, the main dude made this choice, we've seen the context of everything that lead up to this moment. JUST FREAKIN' END IT.

Like damn, is Shonen Jump just dragging it out until they can find the new I"s or Ichigo 100% or To-Love-Ru or whatever rom-com they can make popular? Hell, thinking it over, I'm hard pressed to think of a strictly romantic series that isn't filled with actual fights (i.e. don't give me something like "well in Dragon Ball Z, Goku & Chichi.....") that was actually rather good.

....either way, think this is gonna be a good weekend. It's Toonami, I found $23 at work that I'll (most likely) get to claim next week, got a free McD breakfast, & best of all, I'll get the house to myself the entire day & most of Sunday (hopefully).


I have a couple questions for this thread. Pretty much every weekend for the past few months I've been watching DBZ at midnight on Toonami because it has been years since I've seen most of it(big fan when I was younger). Since there is nothing else on at that time of night my girlfriend usually ends up watching it too(or rather it's on in the room she's doing other stuff in, so she inadvertently ends up watching it). At first for awhile she made jokes about how corny it can be but last weekend when it was on she randomly said "it's kind of growing on me.." What do I do with this?? How do I introduce someone to DBZ? Admittedly the show has tons of fluff if I remember right so watching the entire thing is out of the question. Any good sources online that have truncated versions of the story or maybe collections of fight highlights that are any good? I want her to see more but waiting an entire week for the story to move forward an inch can get tiring.


I was out this week so what did I miss? I see we learned new Samurai Jack is ten episodes (most Adult Swim seasons are about that length), and this weekend is sponsored by Independence Day Resurgence.

Two weeks from now is July 2. The schedule is blank right now, do we know what the marathon is?

Assuming the marathon and no skipped week oddities, we might learn what Champloo's replacement is on July 1.

I have a couple questions for this thread. Pretty much every weekend for the past few months I've been watching DBZ at midnight on Toonami because it has been years since I've seen most of it(big fan when I was younger). Since there is nothing else on at that time of night my girlfriend usually ends up watching it too(or rather it's on in the room she's doing other stuff in, so she inadvertently ends up watching it). At first for awhile she made jokes about how corny it can be but last weekend when it was on she randomly said "it's kind of growing on me.." What do I do with this?? How do I introduce someone to DBZ? Admittedly the show has tons of fluff if I remember right so watching the entire thing is out of the question. Any good sources online that have truncated versions of the story or maybe collections of fight highlights that are any good? I want her to see more but waiting an entire week for the story to move forward an inch can get tiring.

My only answer to this is that I'm sure on Youtube you can find videos for "full fight"s which basically take all combat scenes and stitch them together.


Two weeks from now is July 2. The schedule is blank right now, do we know what the marathon is?

Assuming the marathon and no skipped week oddities, we might learn what Champloo's replacement is on July 1.
I imagine it's probably another DBZ Marathon, but it could be a Hunter x Hunter marathon as well.


Just saw the news:


to Seda, congrats on a job well done for years of hard work paying off <3


July 2 lines up pretty well with a typical time for Toonami to announce a replacement (2 weeks before debut)
Only problem is that One Punch Man is too big a draw and probably too expensive to be shown at 1:00. It would have to push Hunter x Hunter down.


It's OK. They can push Hunter Hunter back for a good 3 months and it's back to normal.

Not like anything meaningful is going on during the exam.


Think yall are setting yourselves up to be disappointed

I'd love for OPM to find its way onto Toonami but this is a likely outcome. Anime Expo is the ideal time to show off the new dub of a super popular show like OPM. That it lines up perfectly with Toonami's annocunement trends certainly increases the chances of "good news" but this is no slam dunk.


Gives all the fucks
At the very least, the dub is actually appearing soon & we'll get info on who's voicing who.

........though yes, that is VERY coincidental timing since that's the same night Champloo will air its final episode.
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