Putting aside that metric (I'm not convinced its the best to use or that Crunchyroll views will necessarily translate to TV ratings - I'd feel more comfortable if the overwhelming online consensus was that Berserk 2016 was good), I'll certainly concede that Berserk 2016 has more mainstream appeal than a superlative show such as say Ping Pong. I don't think most would argue against that? As someone who is interested in seeing Toonami succeed and stick around, I have no desire to burden it with shows I think are good but know would be a hard sell to the Toonami audience. At the same time, I'm not going to champion shows that I think are deficient in some way. I can understand why Toonami execs might pick them up but that doesn't mean I have to be enthused nor does it mean I would withhold my criticism of said show. As an example, a Toonami filled with SAO and SAO clones is not a block I'm going to sit down and watch.