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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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Gives all the fucks
If this is going to be spread out over 3 releases, I'm not buying it. If it's 2, I'm in. Have they announced that yet?
There's mention of commentary on episode 13, so I assume Part 1 is episodes 1 through 13, then Part 2 is episodes 14 through 26.

Though knowing anime companies, there'll eventually be a "Complete Series" bundle.
Good news, nobody. We finally got some creepy plant alien cosplay.







dat popularity.

toonami would be fools not to get it. (though they'd also be fools not to pick up ttgl and that sitll hasn't happened)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Battle at Sea: The Power Unleashed!"


Naruto has gone feral! Monster on monster, Amachi calls the pot black. He shoots some water jets at him...which evaporate on contact with Naruto's chakra. Naruto charges right ahead and launches him into an aerial combo, knocking the fishman into the ocean. He's out of juice though and transforms back into normal Naruto, floating face up on the ocean. Anko is going to do something about it but Isaribi says she's got it and starts skipping over there. Anko is impressed by the turnaround caused by the Talk no Jutsu. Naruto is sinking but his filler girlfriend has got this, grabbing him seconds after he went under. Don't worry says Naruto after he's brought to the surface, he's still himself. Shino is also just recovering, having scrambled back to the rock. Ino cries out though. Sunglasses Ninja wants his delicious teenager chakra though and is diving towards Shino. MIND DESTRUCTION JUTSU knocks him off course while Shino decks him in the face. Shino is down though and Sunglasses guy figures out that Ino interferred. She's out of gas as well and can only yell for him to get way.


Yeah nope. Never turn your back on the enemy, the most basic rule of combat. Glasses ninja sinks! But look who it is! It's Amachi in human form. Naruto hit him with everything. Yoroi (aka Sunglasses man) is down, he sees. He attempts to swim away when a rope pins his arms to his torso. Anko caught a big one. Amachi is legit shook. Is this episode really over 5 minutes in? All of the wounded soldiers are accounted for and Shino and Ino are worried about Naruto and the rest.


"You've been a busy boy out there, eh?" says Anko. He is going to have a lot to answer for. Amachi says this is far from over and that he'll miss Naruto when he's gone. The water starts shaking and a spout forms from a vortex. The Sea Monster is immortal brah! It draws its life from the vast resources of the ocean. Naruto politely informs him to be quiet with his fist and starts up the summoning jutsu. He got the chief this time! Naruto orders him to clobber that pile of goo. The toad takes another puff of his pipe.


Naruto needs to learn some respect. The toad does kick up some water to put him out though and asks the boy if he is some sort of trouble magnet. Also like his kids say, the salt water itches. The chief is coming right towards Ino and the survivors and she tells him to keep away, getting splashed for her efforts. We almost get an Inner Ino scene but outer Ino is fierce enough in her disapproval, promising to rip him limb from limb when the mission is over. He asks Naruto for a plan; he's too itchy to think. Naruto isn't impressed that some bit of salt would stop someone that great and Amachi is definitely not impressed that he can't control his summoned beast. Naruto doesn't believe what he heard but the weirdo goes on about how you better send him home before the Sea Monster shrivels him like a slug. Uh oh. Poor choice of words there. Boss Toad is going to hurt Naruto when this is all over but for now it's fighting time. His dagger is ineffective, getting entangled in the monster. Naruto asks if he is going to take it and the boss tells him to be quiet. He's strong enough to break free of the monster's grip, tearing him in half. He needs a new plan. Naruto asks what the beast is and the frog surmises that it is a bunch of spirits trapped in the core of a water elemental.


Naruto is stumped. The boss says cutting it won't work, they gotta damage him and get to the core. He suggests fire. Amachi says they don't have half a brain between them and claims to rule the ocean. Sea Monster shoots more water balls at them which they dodge. The boss is preparing some oil and wants Naruto to provide the fire. He hopes Naruto knows some fire jutsu. He...does not. This doesn't stop the toad from dodging some more and spewing oil.


Naruto does have a paper bomb though and foosh. Explosion and steam cloud. It's raining! Not that invincible. Everyone is impressed. Naruto gloats but the chief tells him he forgot something. He's itchy. Naruto says that these warts have been here forever. Quit while you're ahead as the toad launches him into the atmosphere. He'll let him off with just this because of all the trouble his boys have caused. So the episode is over 12 minutes in?


Back at the shore and they get to deal with Amachi. They're going to bring him back to the Leaf and try him for his crimes he's committed. Naruto is also going to punish him for the trip to the moon the chief gave him. Amachi orders Isaribi to help him out. Unlike that brat from the curry arc she learned her lesson in one go, she will be a monster on the inside if she continues helping this bastard and doesn't care for his promise. He starts laughing. You're not human, nor are you fully integrated like he is. He never wasted a single thought on how to reverse her condition. What a heel. He only kept her around to dissect her. Naruto is going to clock him in the face but Anko stops him, saying justice will come in the Leaf Village. She wants to know where Orochimaru is. He plays coy as she tightens the wires. He keeps going though mentioning that Orochimaru tossed her aside yet she still searches for him. Anko and he are nothing alike and he claims had his research continued he would have someday surpassed him. Anko decks him in the face. Ino is shook and Naruto is pissed, wondering why she got to sock him. Senority bro. MISSION COMPLETE.


Anko is piloting a boat alone to Jiro Island, a place Amachi mentioned. This is where her nightmare began and she's looking for fragments of her memory here. She finds the building she was locked in when she received the cursed seal. Nothing at first but then her mark burns her all the way into a FLASHBACK. Orochimaru bit her and then locked the door behind him and watched the results. Amachi mentions that she is still alive. The only one out of ten and Orochimaru's last delicious harvest before leaving the research to Amachi. He has no further need of it. Anko grabs his ankle and asks why. She looked up to him more than anything in the world. He says she didn't measure up. Lacked the hunger for power, the drive, the hatred. Everything and anything. Although she didn't die so she's not totally useless. He asks her if she wants to accompany him (shades of FLCL!) and her heart is beating wildly. Fair enough he says as he leaves. Somewhere out there is the diamond in the rough he is looking for as he shuts the door and the FLASHBACK ends. It's all coming back to her as she walks into the sunlight. So bright. She's glad. She wasn't cast aside, she made the choice. Her and her alone.


The Genin and Isaribi are standing around. Naruto wants to know where Anko is. Ino has a note saying she'll be back soon. Naruto wants to know what her deal is; she can't sit still even for a minute. Ino calls it like she sees it, Naruto is the pot here. They start to argue when Isaribi breaks it up with a concerned look on her face. She wants to know if she can really come with her. Naruto tells her not to worry, there is a scary but very talented medical ninja back home. Shino and Ino talk up the Hokage and say she'll be in good hands with them. She thanks them as Anko calls out from the boat, telling them to hurry. Naruto yells at her telling Anko they've been standing around waiting for her as she apologizes. The gong sounds and the kids rush aboard. Naruto is excited to go home. Ino says he's been spinning like a top this entire trip and wonders if he knows the meaning of the word tired. She waves it off as a compliment and Naruto is embarrassed as everyone has a chuckle and they sail off into the day.

NEXT EPISODE: "Impossible! Celebrity Ninja Art - Money Style Jutsu!"
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