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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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Gives all the fucks

All seriousness, yeah, Bass & Seda make a good point. I'm kind of glad I decided to hold back on posting some gifs especially after seeing so many posts removed (mines included), & I'll tone it back considering I enjoy my time here on the site & would prefer to stay here as long as possible.


oh yeah i survived

i'm waiting to see if firaxis will release another expanion pack before i restart my let's play. Did any of you guys ever see that?


I don't mean to be a buzzkill or anything. I will admit it's humorous to see the goofy side of ToonamiGAF but it was just a little too much.

789shadow said:
What's with people saying "I survived?" Did Seda actually ban someone?

I don't ban people that's just a myth.
well, i finished watching Clone Wars Season 6.

the first arc is about
a clone who "malfunctions" and begins pre-emptively executing Order 66
, and it's legitimately AWESOME. some cool stuff about the individuality of the clones and the morals as far as that's concerned. major spoilers:
so the thing about this arc is that there's an inhibitor "chip" that basically prevents these guys from carrying out the order and also seems to stabilize their behavior. and one of the clones sort of figures this out. at least, he knows about the existence of the chip and that there's something fishy going on, so he's taken to talk to Palpatine. and what Palpatine does is he sends all the Jedi out of the room when he's talking to this clone, because he needs to get rid of him. the way he does this is that he basically just straight-up tells the clone his whole plan, and so the clone tries to kill him since obviously he's not going to take the fact that he's been specifically engineered to murder the Jedi very well; Palpatine then calls for help and the clone is forced to go on the run. troll levels off the fucking charts.

the second concerns Padme and
that one senator guy she was involved with. you know, the one Anakin left to die and somehow isn't dead.
it's honestly pretty dull plot-wise. however, there's one really cool action scene and they do one pretty interesting thing with Padme and Anakin's marriage (sort of larger spoilers, these next two)
that makes it really seem like an abusive relationship where she doesn't say she feels safe anymore.
mainly because
Anakin absolutely WRECKS Senator Guy. like, with his bare hands he beats the shit out of him.

the third arc pairs Mace Windu and Jar Jar Binks. i honestly like it better than the previous arc. if you can get over the fact that Jar Jar is still goddamn Jar Jar (though he's maybe a little less annoying here than usual), it's a cool Indiana Jones-inspired storyline. also (mid-sized spoilers)
Jar Jar has a love interest that's a queen because why the hell not.

there's one individual episode about unraveling the mystery behind
Sifo-Dyas, the guy who was supposedly behind the creation of the clone army.
i'm not sure it actually sheds light on much, but it has some cool action.

the last arc is about Yoda. he hears (not a spoiler if you've seen the trailer)
the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn from beyond the grave, played by Actual Liam Neeson
, which is pretty cool. he goes to learn
basically how to become a Force Ghost
. it's a cool idea with some nice action and GREAT visuals, but it seems to me like it's expending a lot of energy and story-telling on a concept that really didn't need to be explained much, if you ask me.

anyways, i liked it. like what we've seen up to now, it had its ups and downs, but its highs were really damn high.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Impossible! Celebrity Ninja Art - Money Style Jutsu!"


We start off with a kid showing his dad a marble. Shines bright like a diamond. But a diamond is valuable and this is totally worthless and the kid wants to know why. His dad has no clue. Life is funny says the rich boy.


We turn next to Naruto flipping out. The Hokage gives him a look and tells him to calm down. He does after flinching away a bit. This job is a VIP and he's so happy that his talent was finally recognized. She tells him to shut up and listen and then asks Shizune to deliver the details. The client's name is Kunihisa, the son of an old friend. The dad, Kunijiro, was a real rags to riches type and is one of the most successful gem dealers around. His job is to look after the son. The two of them finally make it to the gates and Kunihisa points at our favorite cameos, the Chunin Exam proctors, and asks if they are real. Of course they are. He starts pointing at everyone and everything and asking the same question. No this isn't a VR sim. He's never seen so many ninja ever.


Naruto has the power of youth coursing through his veins. He can't wait to get started. Just then there is a knock at the door. The kid comes rushing in repeating the word ninja and looking Naruto up and down. He doesn't really look like a ninja. Naruto already doesn't like the kid. The dad asks if he really doesn't mind if his son tags along and plays ninja for the day. Naruto has been bamboozled again. The kid is obsessed with Ninja though. Ninja, ninja, ninja all day long. Naruto finally gives out to the Hokage, who claims innocence. She then goes back to the scary face and tells him to fall in line, your mission is to play Ninja for a day. Naruto is LEGIT SHOOK. This is so not fair. On top of that he still has to perform his regular assigned missions. He can't take it anymore!


So the fun begins. Naruto, Kunihisa behind him, and two bodyguards. Naruto has to clean the pond, repair the bridge, take care of a feral pig...and babysitting among his D rank missions. First up is the pond. He's going to show Kunihisa how to walk on water. The kid is impressed! Naruto tells him that being a ninja isn't all cool tricks and asks for the kid to help out cleaning the pond. Naruto tells the kid one more thing, stay on the bank because there are sinkholes in this pond you could get stuck in. Too late says the kid and the g-men behind him are running around in a panic. Naruto flips out again and tells the kid not to move. The kid tells him not to worry though; he has his own Ninjutsu! The kid makes a hand sign and begins charging up! Alligator, Snapping Turtle, Bunny Ears, Ninja Art: Come and Help Me as he makes it rain with Naruto world cash. Naruto is again shook. The G-men jump into the air, collecting money and dive bomb the kid. One of them has him on their shoulders while the rest are picking up stacks. Naruto is shook enough to lose all color! The G-men are slowing down so he has to increase the power of his Ninjutsu so he reaches for another stack of bills. "Serve them right if I left them all here to drown." They are walking down the road and Naruto asks who the goons are. Just some men his dad hired to watch over him and do what he wants. He gives Naruto a demonstration.


Neat. Naruto is shook...again. They come next to a suspension bridge. The kid asks Naruto if it is safe. He says yes. Is he sure? Yes. They keep at this for a bit until Naruto yells at him. To make sure the kid tries for a substitution jutsu, throwing a stack of money on the bridge. A suit jumps onto the bridge and it doesn't move. He's worried that his weight might break it and tries a few more stacks. The men fight over the money and the bridge does sway. He's still not convinced and throws one more stack out. Six men cry out money and leap for it, knocking themselves and Naruto into a hole in the bridge and down to the river. Bridge wasn't safe. Naruto yells at the kid but the kid says Naruto should be happy he wasn't on the bridge before throwing more stacks to the sodden suits as a tip. They fight over it as the ominous music plays and the camera pans up to the cliffs. It's some mountain bandit types. Only one Genin guarding this kid throwing out stacks. Proto Kakuzu! These boys are in it for the money!


What's next, a feral pig. The kid prepares his Ninjutsu. Naruto is shook again by the size of the pig. It's the size of an elephant! Shadow Clone Jutsu. Pig knocks them all away. The kid takes up the cause rushing ahead and using Cash Clone Jutsu. The suited men are now all dressed like rich kids with Kunihisa masks on. He cuts a promo on the over sized ham saying he will never bother anyone again. The clones are all run over as the pig comes face to snot with the boy. He blames Naruto and steps out of the way, claiming he doesn't even eat pork. Naruto gets knocked around and the kid says he made a brave sacrifice. Naruto is fed up with this kid but he claims that Naruto must be poor because poor people lose their tempers a lot. He signals to a man who brings up a suitcase full of cash. Go on, help yourself, take however much will put you in a good mood.


Naruto knocks the case into the river and says that you gotta learn to do stuff for yourself, you can't buy your way out of everything. The kid claims that he might think that way if he was poor. How do you even make friends with an attitude like that. He waves the stack of cash around. Kunihisa is sad, a small town ninja like Naruto just wouldn't understand, he's too poor! He runs off. Kunihisa is hungry and offers a stack of cash to the suits asking them to find some lunch. No restaurants around. He hates the country. He smells something down by the river and runs off. Two unattended fish are being grilled over a fire. He's sure they won't mind and digs in. It's obviously the two mountain bandits. He's as dumb as he is rich as the two men reach for him...and are knocked into the river by Naruto. You are one high maintenance kid. Oh, it was just another kidnapping attempt. It happens a lot. He offers Naruto more money to find a restaurant. The kid just hasn't learned his lesson and he shows him how he can use his ninja training to catch a fish, using a kunai to catch one that jumps in the river. The kid is impressed! That's something all the money in the world can't by you (ignoring that Naruto was hired by all the money in the world) Not even all the money in the world? I'm with the kid on this.


The bandits are pissed. They want revenge. But they'll need a plan. One of them suggests that the plan is right in front of them as the camera pans down to the cash Naruto flung into the river. Why they don't just pick it up and leave well enough alone, I'll never know. Naruto is teaching the kid to throw kunai at the fish. He misses the first time but will fetch the kunai and try again. The suits are worried about him going into the woods when suddenly...It's the bandits and some of the suits! What a SWERVE! They are our men now. Kunihisa promises to pay them more...but is out of dough. The two men he brought with him are also offered more money. Kunihisa is confident in their loyalty until the fat man puts him in a lazy full nelson. Never liked worked for you anyways. BETRAYLTON! The skinny one produces a rope and is about to tie him up when...


Kick to the back, spin kick to the man with the rope. He asks Kunihisa if he is ok. The bandits offer Naruto double. They won't hurt the kid, just hold him for ransom. He grunts. They offer triple, then all of it. Naurto tells them they just don't get it. Naruto when bought off stays bought off brother. Some things just can't be bought. They throw up the money and the suits are right behind him. Naruto can't out run them long with the kid on his back. They reach the ravine and Naruto throws a rope attached to a kunai across it, urging the boy to go first and fastening the rope around his waist. The goons are coming, what are you waiting for an engraved invitation? The kid is scared though. Naruto says he'll be fine as the goons jump on him. The bucktooth bandit is the only one left standing as the rest are piled on Naruto. Naruto trips him up and he crashes into Kunihisa, sending the rope across the ravine while Naruto cheers him on. He face plants the side of the canyon and is crying, but he's alive. Naruto will finish off the goons while he waits here. The kid yells out to him that the cliff they are on is collapsing. Naruto makes a bunch of shadow clones and the cliff falls apart. He finally realizes what Naruto was telling him and refastens the rope to a tree, he's gotta do this on his own. He dives of the ledge and grabs Naruto hand. He misses the first time but had him by the wrist as they both swing into the wall again. The kid says it wasn't much fun and he's still scared but he did it. Naruto thanks him and the kid starts crying and blowing snot on Naruto who gives out.


They are at the gate at the end of the day. Kunihisa offers to host next time they play ninja and the dad and Lady Tsunade are pleased everything went well. Kunihisa shines the marble up against the sun again. See how it sparkles in the sun? "All that glitters is not gold" says the father. No value in money, maybe it has a different value just for being pretty.

NEXT EPISODE: "The Treasure Hunt is On!"

Man God

Non-Canon Member
that second image is nsfl


I have at least a half dozen bonus gifs from the first five minutes or so and there's maybe another half dozen Naruto reaction gifs from later on in this episode. Very boring time with it but I had plenty of material here.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
dear lord at tsunade, funny thing about tsunade is that she is probably physically strongest person in naruto due to something that happens waaayyy far from now, tho it is in filler

Man God

Non-Canon Member
dear lord at tsunade, funny thing about tsunade is that she is probably physically strongest person in naruto due to something that happens waaayyy far from now, tho it is in filler

I'm pretty sure she's the physically strongest person in the show from the moment she is first introduced. Jiraiya has only feared for his life twice and the first was being punched by a teenaged Tsunade he was perving on.
I'm pretty sure she's the physically strongest person in the show from the moment she is first introduced. Jiraiya has only feared for his life twice and the first was being punched by a teenaged Tsunade he was perving on.

But she (way later Shippuden Spoilers)
Loses to Medara so she's only second strongest


Kill la Kill Episode 18

So little miss eyebrow princess was serious! Well I’ll be. Another amazing episode. Know what would have made this episode better?
If Nui fucking died. I hate this girl with a burning passion.
Regardless, the combination of episode 17 and 18 are by far two of the best in the series imo. Just really amazing. The battle moments were all really spectacular, and even the very brief conflict between
Satsuki and Ryuuko was pretty neat. It’s great to see Ryuuko be Ryuuko. Pulling that thread out her brain was only something she could have done.

Then we have the flashback.
It’s almost always weird to watch babies die as opposed to an older character, but the way it was killed... and I don’t exclude Mr. Kiryuin as being a part of that. He should have stopped that shit.
Just like Ryuuko, it’s great to see Satsuki be Satsuki. She exemplified everything that makes her character unique. Amazing resolve and an overconfidence that she’ll get her way in the end
(The family resemblance is pretty funny). I don’t doubt that she will but not this episode. When Ragyo got serious, it was just brutal to watch Satsuki get pummeled like that. Make room Medusa. There’s a new contender for Mom of the year.

And then the moment my jaw drops and I mean that in the most literal sense. And it shouldn’t have even been that hard to figure out. I mean, it was easy enough to guess that
Ryuuko had life fibers in her. I guessed that episodes ago, but the thought never crossed my mind that she was Ragyo’s supposedly dead daughter. The hint should have been when Satsuki talked about her dead little sister or in Ragyo’s reaction to Ryuuko breaking the brain control, but nope. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of Ragyo being the surprised one when she found out that Dr. Matoi accomplished something that she couldn’t. I thought that’s where it was headed. But I was damn wrong. If given time between one episode and the next, I would have thought of it eventually, but having all the hints and then the reveal in one episode made the reveal a very strong one, which I’m glad for. I love a good twist. And by good, a twist that I didn’t see coming, but not completely farfetched thinking back on it. And again I have to say, that family resemblance…uncanny. Its very clear where Ryuuko and Satsuki get their personalities from.

Overall exposed count as of this episode: 171
Overall almost exposed count as of this episode: 68
Number of reasons this anime should just be called Nudist Beach: 239

Eh I’ve felt it coming on for a while now, so it’s not just because of this episode, but I finally realized that I’ve gained a completely platonic girlcrush for Satsuki. Is it possible to have a platonic crush? Doesn’t matter.
She lost but she lost like a total boss.
Hope her awesomeness continues.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I've given up on Naruto filler hell, I'll watch it on a day when I'm bored, back to Casshern sins for me

A day? You can only watch 65 and a half episodes per 24 hours. There are 77 episodes of filler hell...

I guess it might be doable if you don't eat, sleep, bathe, use the bathroom, and you cut out the openings and endings.
A day? You can only watch 65 and a half episodes per 24 hours. There are 77 episodes of filler hell...

I guess it might be doable if you don't eat, sleep, bathe, use the bathroom, and you cut out the openings and endings.

and really really hate yourself but I guess we already established that with wanting to watch naruto filler period .
A day? You can only watch 65 and a half episodes per 24 hours. There are 77 episodes of filler hell...

I guess it might be doable if you don't eat, sleep, bathe, use the bathroom, and you cut out the openings and endings.

I don't hate myself that much to watch all the filler hell in one day, its hard enough to watch 1 episode let alone fucking 2-3 in one sitting

Man God

Non-Canon Member
A day? You can only watch 65 and a half episodes per 24 hours. There are 77 episodes of filler hell...

I guess it might be doable if you don't eat, sleep, bathe, use the bathroom, and you cut out the openings and endings.

Yeah, filler episodes are about 20 minutes each if you cut out the opening, ending and next episode preview. He's also not starting from the beginning.

I once famously watched something like 65 episodes of One Piece in a day because I was bedridden and in too much pain to sleep.

EDIT: ONE MORE GIF FOR THE ROAD! See everyone tomorrow.

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