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Toonami |Mar14| No Time for Sissy Pig

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Sketchbook Picasso





Sab good stuff as always thought it feels like forever since you've done a traditional miiverse sketch dump :(

Best picture is by far the FMA:B one, feels perfectly captured
Time to go to bed.... oh wait my freaking brother's clothes are still in the drier (which I did for him cause I'm such a swell guy) so I can't throw my work clothes in there yet.... :/
Time to go to bed.... oh wait my freaking brother's clothes are still in the drier (which I did for him cause I'm such a swell guy) so I can't throw my work clothes in there yet.... :/

See you next week.

FMA Brotherhood- The Feels!
Samurai Jack
Symbionic Titan
Star Wars the Clone Wars
One Piece
Space Dandy
Blue Exorcist
Soul Eater

Skipped the rest.


I think this week was pretty ... weak. When ranking the episodes, only a few I'd consider truly enjoyable.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
-This episode is definitely one of the most memorable ones, and probably one that got a lot of people's attention in either of the FMA series. I think both animes portray it well although there are certainly differences. The voice acting from Vic and Chuck was very well done, and considering you only know Nina for a single episode in this version, I think it does a good job in being an emotional episode without being too melodramatic or sappy. And introduces Scar into the picture competently too.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
-In my opinion, that was one of the better episodes of the show yet. An appropriate amount of suspense and action, with a touch of drama. A bit of foreshadowing too, with Clones 'going rogue' and Anakin being less than Jedi-like with his torture (that he hid from the other Jedi). And Ahsoka wasn't totally unlikable.

Symbionic Titan
-This episode reminded me how much I like the music used in this series. Definitely a bit of an introductory episode and still setting up the larger narrative and characters. The animation is consistently good too.

One Piece
-Some of the animation this episode felt a little rigid, like Luffy's gatling punches or Zoro/Kaku sword fighting. It made the confrontation feel a little clumsy. Clearly this was a set up that the Straw Hats were never going to hold their own in. I don't have much issue that Luffy/Zoro felt powerless considering these villains were just revealed and this will all hopefully lead to intense rematches later. Luffy's stubbornness is a little irritating that he refuses to give up on Robin, but anyone who's been following the show shouldn't have expected otherwise. And of course there's still wonder about what Robin's unidentified specific goal actually is to maintain just enough mystery. And what exactly is Sanji doing? Hmm.

Samurai Jack
-Stylish episode - Samurai Jack seems to have a number of these. Obviously the focus was on 'sound' and the episode did a great job with the audio effects. I think the execution of how Jack actually used his senses to dodge the arrows was a little muddy, but ultimately got the point across. A nifty episode.

Naruto Shipudden
-I'm a little hesitant to rank this somewhat high, but despite slow pacing, I think it was a fairly decent portrayal of character growth for Sakura. While becoming a medic isn't the most interesting way to take her character, this arc in general is when Sakura is at her best, truly. She's competent is her own way, and has slightly more to her (for the moment) than just being a Sasuke fan-girl. She's relatively calm compared to the still hot-headed Naruto. At this point it's clear she matured more than Naruto during the timeskip despite a lot of characters always saying how much Naruto has changed. Certainly better than the Sakura who freaked out or whined at most everything in most of part 1.
And she has more moments coming in this arc still to come (IIRC), too bad she regresses fairly quickly after that.
Still, not much happened otherwise *yawn*.

Blue Exorcist
-Hmm, the relationship between the brothers was a little better in this episode... Sheimi is a little naive and stubborn, but maybe she'll grow as a character from this starting point? Still not feeling this skool setting though. Kind of a fun show to laugh at I guess.

Ghost in the Shell
-I feel like the conflict in this episode was resolved too simply. It was just not that interesting. Aramaki's approach to the situation and assessment of the actions of the kidnapper were almost too on point that it took all the fun out of it.

-The weakest aspect of this show is how it handles the main characters, especially Takashi. This was an Amy focused episode of course, and dealt with her regaining her confidence to get back to the racetrack. I imagine that's kind of a hard concept to tackle in fiction, and it just came pretty abruptly during her training race, so it felt a little...insincere I guess?

-Inari (sp?) is just too annoying to feel sorry for, so instead of becoming sympathetic towards this backstory here, it was just a waste of time. I like the Zabuza arc, but Inari's role in it is almost unneccessary.

-I think they made it sound more complicated than it was, they basically made a special soul candy to give Ichigo his powers ... but it also risks Ichigo's hollow powers even though Udahara said that wasn't possible to regain? Anyways, too much babble to care about, and Kageroza's backstory was generic.

Soul Eater
-I voiced my discontent earlier, but this conclusion felt wrong in a lot of ways. Several characters became useless, villains were disappointing, why did Maka become a weapon? Why did Asura start to freak out? Never-give-up bullshit saves the day. Asura's voice-over was one of the worst I've heard on this revived Toonami too.


If I watch more Inuyasha it's going to be on my own time. This next week I have a lot of work to be done (darn work-related travel), but some of that comes with mundane tasks that I can throw on an episode or whatever, so it's not really a thing I can time or schedule.
Ratings this week

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
One Piece
Star Wars The Clone Wars
Samurai Jack
Symbiotic Titan
Space Dandy
Blue Exorcist
Naruto Shippuden
Bones Eater

Brotherhood though Jack were all incredible and really could go in almost any order, SBT was also really good but Lance grates on my nerves though in Genndy I trust to make this meaningful. Space Dandy was weird even by Dandy's standards but still pretty damn enjoyable. GitS was just kinda there for me, probably because I was half watching it and half researching that "anime" someone mentioned, the action was good and the ending was pretty nice if a bit clean. As much as I don't care for Izzy's flash back it's good for getting Naruto motivated to train which I can respect.

Blue Exorcist is kind of a toss up for me, on paper I liked the story and introduction of moe blob... but none of it was very compelling while watching it. The action scene was very boring and sometimes it feels like Yukio's role in the plot should have been given to the Dad and we should have had more Rin and Dad before Dad getting killed and him joining the school. I get it this is going to be a school fantasy series and we need to introduce the class mates but it could still have better action ala Medaka Box or YGO.

Shippuden is so god damn slow I honestly have to try to not fall asleep during it, while this part in the manga didn't blow me away I certainly enjoyed it more then I am seeing it animated which is very rare. We're 11 episodes in and we've not even had a single decent fight yet and I don't think we'll be getting one for awhile. Bleach was better paced but it focused a lot on Kon, it did end on a hype note so hopefully next week will just be well animated clone fights which have mostly been enjoyable. IGPZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz is still boring as ever, I only posted twice because I was almost entranced by how boring it was. And then there is Bones Eater

Fuck Bones Eater

I honestly can't think of a time I've been this pissed off at an anime, even FMA 03's finale which I hate didn't cause this much rage. Not only do we get a concept equally as stupid in context of the story as "another world" in the form of "maka can make herself a weapon" we almost instantly throw that away in favor of "bravery > madness" which causes the Kishin to go crazy and lose to one punch from Maka. Not only did it throw away everything the series stood for up to that point it didn't even give us a good final fight or a good reason for why Maka won, she just kinda did. It's especially grating because unlike FMA 03 which has filler early and quickly sets up seeds to go in a different direction the first 35ish episodes of Soul Eater are more or less scene for scene from the manga and it's all excellent. It wouldn't even have been hard to give Bones Eater a respectable ending, I can do it right now

Maka and Soul attack the Kishin with Kishin Hunter but fail due to having a taste of madness inside of them, the Kishin temps them to fall into madness with him and right before Maka/Soul can get dragged into Kid and Black Star snap them out of it. The 3 realize all of them have fear/madness inside of them but together with the power of teamwork/friendship they can overcome that together, team soul resonance into some tri attack finisher and the Kishin is defeated.

You can edit things a bit but as a whole this ending keeps the themes of the show better and provides a chance for the main cast to feel relevant to the conclusion. It almost feels like Bones was trying to deliberately make the worst possible filler ending they could come up with and just rolled with it, or that 8 different writers wrote the final episode with 0 talk between each other and they just duck taped things together to make it work.


Catching up on the manga now that bones eater is done. What they did
with Joe is way more interesting...

/edit wow. It's pretty interesting which bits they tossed and which bits they cannibalized.


Gives all the fucks
So yeah, ending of Soul Eater felt really tacky. At the very least, the whole "MAKA IS A WEAPON" deal could have worked so much better if it was actually hinted or foreshadowed, considering her dad IS a weapon, so they could have at least worked in a line somewhere & have him be all "Who knows, my weapon DNA might have passed on to you" or SOMETHING. Also, giant-ass scythe with tons of energy does nothing, but punch to the face because of "bravery" causes the enemy to be defeated & explode? Asura suddenly losing his cool for the whole "I'm brave" thing despite the fact they've pretty much already been brave all this time for taking him on? Yeah, "ass-pull" pretty much is the best word to sum this up.

So overall? I'm still glad I watched the series and have closure after watching about 15-20-ish episodes of the sub back in high school. Obviously, first half is muuuuccchhh better before Bones started taking over the story. It's been a roller coaster ride of ups & downs, but overall, if you get back the rather stupid ending, then it's worth checking out, especially if it gets you into the manga (which I need to read one of these days).


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Good morning everyone.

Space Dandy
Man, this was a weird episode even by Space Dandy standards. I love the noir-filter and art style, but a lot of the story made me go "wha?" Talking books, math problems where the answer is "boobs", and a bizarre punchline about the format wars.

Ugh, only six episodes left of this. I guess the anime staff took pacing lessons from Kubo.

Something kind of happens! Sort of... How did Disney XD kids survive this?

One Piece
Now you see what kind of threat CP9 truly is. Those powers are nothing to scoff at.

Blue Exorcist
And so we meet the love interest. Thinking about what I've read of the manga (32 chapters), the arc it's in is finally where it's getting good. Still, that's way too long for a MONTHLY series.

Fuck this, fuck all of this.
Out of nowhere, Maka is a weapon, and that didn't even matter as Asura was defeated with "bravery". What kind of crap is this?
Asura becomes a complete joke. If Ohkubo told them about Kid's Sanzu Lines, he could have at least told them how powerful Asura really is.
And again, the ending completely tosses aside the themes of the series. The bond between Meister and Weapon and overcoming Madness.

It's better to read the manga at this point. Watch the first 37 episodes, stop, then go read the manga from the beginning (because there are things that the anime changed).
I'm just going to pretend the final episodes were one of Excalibur's stories. It does sound like something he'd tell.
Good morning everyone.

Space Dandy
Man, this was a weird episode even by Space Dandy standards. I love the noir-filter and art style, but a lot of the story made me go "wha?" Talking books, math problems where the answer is "boobs", and a bizarre punchline about the format wars.

Ugh, only six episodes left of this. I guess the anime staff took pacing lessons from Kubo.

Something kind of happens! Sort of... How did Disney XD kids survive this?

One Piece
Now you see what kind of threat CP9 truly is. Those powers are nothing to scoff at.

Blue Exorcist
And so we meet the love interest. Thinking about what I've read of the manga (32 chapters), the arc it's in is finally where it's getting good. Still, that's way too long for a MONTHLY series.

Fuck this, fuck all of this.
Out of nowhere, Maka is a weapon, and that didn't even matter as Asura was defeated with "bravery". What kind of crap is this?
Asura becomes a complete joke. If Ohkubo told them about Kid's Sanzu Lines, he could have at least told them how powerful Asura really is.
And again, the ending completely tosses aside the themes of the series. The bond between Meister and Weapon and overcoming Madness.

It's better to read the manga at this point. Watch the first 37 episodes, stop, then go read the manga from the beginning (because there are things that the anime changed).
I'm just going to pretend the final episodes were one of Excalibur's stories. It does sound like something he'd tell.

I'm not sure how chapter 3/4 is "too late" for a series to start being really good. That's around the point you should be out of the initial character/world introduction and should start to have your first real arc take place.
I leave early because of stuff and you guys start talking about hentai in here. For shame. Am I really the only thing standing between this thread and debauchery? Very well. I will accept my role as the Ultimate Moral Compass! *tears begin streaming down face*
I leave early because of stuff and you guys start talking about hentai in here. For shame. Am I really the only thing standing between this thread and debauchery? Very well. I will accept my role as the Ultimate Moral Compass! *tears begin streaming down face*

I'm pretty sure that happened after you left :p and it ended as fast as it began


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'm not sure how chapter 3/4 is "too late" for a series to start being really good. That's around the point you should be out of the initial character/world introduction and should start to have your first real arc take place.

I'm not sure how Blue Exorcist still survives when it takes quite a bit to get good.
Or how it's even popular.


Just got past the battle for baba yagas castle arc. Holy fucking shit! Canon eater is so fucking awesome! All the good bits from bones eater were lifted from Canon! Omg
I'm not sure how Blue Exorcist still survives when it takes quite a bit to get good.
Or how it's even popular.

Its popular because its leads are fujoshi bait it and its a monthly series so it usually gets longer to develop as the magazine can't really judge readership/sales until you're like 10-14 months in when the 2nd or 3rd volume has come out. It also seems like there is waaaaay less competition in monthly magazines it seems way rarer for series to get shit canned early in those. Had BE been weekly in SJ it probably wouldn't have survived


I made it through OG Naruto. Overall it was a pretty bad night. Only real highlight for me was Space Dandy, which looked amazing and was just crazy, and Soul Eater's action scenes.

Space Dandy was great. Bean looked like a Zentraedi warlord throughout, commanding the fleet. I like the flashes of competence from Dandy. It's gotten to the point where I actually don't want an overarching plot, just space adventures.

Bleach was alright, if a bit confusing, but if it means we'll get to see crazy hollow Ichigo again, bring it on. My only problem with this arc is the villain. If it was just various Reigai fights with a better villain, I'd love it.

Shippuden was kinda boring. I'm getting pretty tired of getting the couple of minutes of "Naruto you've grown so much!" with each character reintroduced. Sakura being a good medic makes sense, but I want some more plot advancement.

One Piece was eh. As I said earlier, this seemed to be the typical "shounen heroes get beat down in their first fight with the villains" episode. I feel a lot of the plot that we went over is stuff we already know, just explained to a different person. Also, Robin saying "I'm after my goal" over and over and over doesn't really do much. Just adds to the feeling of people talking past each other.

Blue Exorcist was meh. I do like that the protagonists aren't always nice people.

Soul Eater was good, IMO. Yeah the resolution wasn't great, but the action scenes were pretty good. I feel they ran out of time or money, since Black Star was bodied off screen. Maka as a weapon definitely looked cool. Did more in a fight than her dad ever did!

OG Naruto....I hate the bridge builder kid.


My Toonami experience this week was the last 2 minutes of Dandy, and the first half of One Piece before passing out.

My #12minutechallenge was a massive success!


My Toonami experience this week was the last 2 minutes of Dandy, and the first half of One Piece before passing out.

My #12minutechallenge was a massive success!

Yeah, I could have just passed out last night too. I came in for Mehxorcist and Rage Eater last night and I think I would have been better off sleeping. Weddings are rough and tiring, even if you yourself aren't getting married.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Its popular because its leads are fujoshi bait it and its a monthly series so it usually gets longer to develop as the magazine can't really judge readership/sales until you're like 10-14 months in when the 2nd or 3rd volume has come out. It also seems like there is waaaaay less competition in monthly magazines it seems way rarer for series to get shit canned early in those. Had BE been weekly in SJ it probably wouldn't have survived

Fangirls... just like Naruto (I'm convinced they're the only reason Naruto is still crazy popular in Japan)

And I see your point. Monthly stuff is far less likely to get canned.
But I imagine a run in Weekly Jump would have killed it swiftly.


Yeah, I could have just passed out last night too. I came in for Mehxorcist and Rage Eater last night and I think I would have been better off sleeping. Weddings are rough and tiring, even if you yourself aren't getting married.

The 67 minute power hour (Bleach, Shippuden, and the first 7 minutes of OP which are just recapping the previous weeks episode) is b-r-u-t-a-l
I wasn't quite as pissed at the Maka as a weapon reveal, because I was spoiled on that thanks to a YouTube comment.

Everything else about that final episode...you can't sugarcoat it. It was awful. Everyone's on the sidelines, it's all on Maka, and it's all asspulls. Nothing makes sense, in the end there's no "win".

About the only thing you could possibly find enjoyment from was the little ending montage.
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