Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
More like more JYB
I'm pretty sure there was no mistake.Was Robin, er, supposed to refer to Chopper by name? Not sure how much of a deal this is, but I thought she was pretty consistent in not using first names up to this point although i may have not been paying full attention.
I wasn't quite as pissed at the Maka as a weapon reveal, because I was spoiled on that thanks to a YouTube comment.
Everything else about that final can't sugarcoat it. It was awful. Everyone's on the sidelines, it's all on Maka, and it's all asspulls. Nothing makes sense, in the end there's no "win".
About the only thing you could possibly find enjoyment from was the little ending montage.
Nah man did you see that action it was so good who cares if it has no plot consistency and ends up being pointless it looked cool man!
Greatest Doctor Onizuka.
Sab good stuff as always thought it feels like forever since you've done a traditional miiverse sketch dump
Best picture is by far the FMA:B one, feels perfectly captured
Hahaha @ IGPX, One Piece and Bleach. Great work SAB.
Night everyone.
Blueno trying his best Trollface I see. And Best Ninja Girl not afraid to show some skin
Poor chibi Nina D:
Looks like you gave her ahageo for clone wars SAB haha
Nice work SAB.
Look forward to InuyashaGAF continuing tomorrow.
Last night felt long and tiring. -_-
Good stuff. Gotta love Blueno's face. And Damn you Temari XD
Nice! That Soul Eater pic hurts me physically though. -_-
Guys. DRRR gets a new anime. More Crispin Freeman possibly?
Am I the only one who found the storytelling in OP last night really contrived?
It felt really artificial how the villains stood there and demonstrated/explained every one of their powers one after the other, culminating with the random "And I also have THIS power!" ending.
A lot of people probably find it "refreshing" that there isn't the standard "not even my final form" thing because it gets shown early so it's not a surprise during the final fight, but I say that it's simple common sense to hide your full strength which is why it's used so often in stories.
But then again I also don't get the hate the thread has for Exorcist, especially if OP and Soul Eater are what's considered good for being "unique" compared to other shonen,
Well, they can afford to give away their powers because they're so much stronger. These guys don't care if the Straw Hats know their powers because it doesn't matter, in their minds anyway. They don't expect to be chased at all because there is no reason for them to be chased, they'll plan for it but it's not something they think will actually happen. The CP9 are the elite of the elite as far as spies and assassins go, they've never been outclassed by any pirates they've come across and they don't expect to be.
Am I the only one who found the storytelling in OP last night really contrived?
It felt really artificial how the villains stood there and demonstrated/explained every one of their powers one after the other, culminating with the random "And I also have THIS power!" ending.
A lot of people probably find it "refreshing" that there isn't the standard "not even my final form" thing because it gets shown early so it's not a surprise during the final fight, but I say that it's simple common sense to hide your full strength which is why it's used so often in stories.
But then again I also don't get the hate the thread has for Exorcist including comments about it being "generic", especially if OP and Soul Eater are what's considered good for being "unique" compared to other shonen,
I wouldn't associate elite spies/assassins with cockiness like that, but I suppose if most villains had common sense, much fewer stories would have happy endings.
You have to explain their powers SOMETIME, so might as well get it out of the way now.
The 67 minute power hour (Bleach, Shippuden, and the first 7 minutes of OP which are just recapping the previous weeks episode) is b-r-u-t-a-l
Also this, it's way better than randomly giving them a new power in the middle of a fight.
But it's not really "giving" a "new" power during a fight, it's just "revealing" a "secret" power.
Personal preferences in storytelling and how you look at it, I guess.
There isn't much difference between the two, they're basically the same thing. Bleach does it all the time and frankly it got really old really fast, especially once you knew it was coming.
They've been in hiding for SO LONG, that they're having a problem keeping quiet now.Honestly, the CP9 seem to be pretty shitty spies, considering they really had no need to reveal themselves at all, let alone their powers. It seems the past 3 or 4 episodes has just been them dumping exposition on everyone when there was no real need.
You can put it down to cockiness, but that's always a sloppy way to go.
Well that's just a jaded view where you're not immersing into and accepting the story.
Well that's just a jaded view where you're not immersing into and accepting the story.
I think the thing I'm missing with Blue Exorcist at the moment is an immediate conflict, which even Bleach and Shippuden have at this point despite their many problems. Yeah, I know it's only the 4th episode, but right now it's at the character introduction stage, and Sheimi's little story here was....blah.
I mean, I know characters can change throughout a show, so I don't want to judge Sheimi as a character yet, but what have we learned about her initially? What makes her tick? She was close to her Grandmother with gardening as their shared hobby, she had a hard time dealing with her grandmother's death and blamed herself for it and then her despair led to a demon problem. After that was dealt with, she joined the Exorcist academy....why? Because she wanted to see Yukio as a teacher? Hard to buy her motivations at this point.
While Yukio's and Rin's motivations are definitely more clear, I said this a few weeks back, but "I want to become an Exorcist so I can beat up Satan" just seems a little less than substantial even though there's a revenge angle to it.
Blue Exorcist would probably be cooler if it didn't have the school aspect and was just Rin traveling from place to place dealing with demons to bait Satan into coming out or trying to catch a demon entering/exiting the world so he could break into Hell.
A lot of the urgency of the father's death and the stakes of Satan being involved are lost with the classroom and homework elements.
I'll admit this. But at this point I'm criticizing the show not for what it is, but for not being something I imagined, which isn't necessarily fair.
She joined the school because shemi doesnt go to alot of places outside her house and the garden, and her grandmother(and we found out her mom aswell) want to go to this sacred garden, she joins the school because it allows her to go to places she otherwise wouldnt have the opportunity to and to maybe one day go to that sacred garden, which in this world is basically a real thing and not some metaphorical journey
I think the thing I'm missing with Blue Exorcist at the moment is an immediate conflict, which even Bleach and Shippuden have at this point despite their many problems. Yeah, I know it's only the 4th episode, but right now it's at the character introduction stage, and Sheimi's little story here was....blah.
I'll admit this. But at this point I'm criticizing the show not for what it is, but for not being something I imagined, which isn't necessarily fair.
Like, 20-ish? The anime was announced about a year & 1/2 after the manga started in 2009. So I assume monthly magazine from April 2009 to Nov. 2010, when the anime was announced, was 19 months/chapters.How many chapters of the Manga were out when Blu Exorcist started? Considering it's only in the 59s now, it couldn't have been more than a dozen, right?
I agree with the perspective of it not having a strong central, rooting theme, but I actually think Sheimi joining the school helped hint towards the theme being less central (I.E, main character has a purpose, does stuff), and more global, such as character who are wronged by demons getting to set their lives back on track while seeking new unexplored power.
It is weird that many would say this "generic" anime would be better if it'd follow a more obvious, well-worn plot development path. It's like it's getting no credit for what it IS doing differently, and only getting notoriety for the things it mimics from other similar stories.
"This isn't generic enough!"
To be fair, it's not so much what you imagined but what it sold itself as. If you gave anyone the first two episodes they'd figure that it's going to be a revenge story, sort of like an anime-supernatural Django. He was going to beat the shit out of Satan, but now he's at school and nowhere near his ultimate goal.
So I'd say your criticism is fair. The show sold itself as a revenge drama in the first two episodes then a huge swerve and here we are in school, doing all of jack shit.
It is weird that many would say this "generic" anime would be better if it'd follow a more obvious, well-worn plot development path. It's like it's getting no credit for what it IS doing differently, and only getting notoriety for the things it mimics from other similar stories.
"This isn't generic enough!"
To be fair, it's not so much what you imagined but what it sold itself as. If you gave anyone the first two episodes they'd figure that it's going to be a revenge story, sort of like an anime-supernatural Django. He was going to beat the shit out of Satan, but now he's at school and nowhere near his ultimate goal.
Training to become an Exorcist seems like a round-about way to achieve such a goal.
It's not really doing anything differently though. It went from the standard revenge plot to the standard school action/comedy plot, a plot which was done MUCH MUCH better in Full Metal Panic.
So it jumped from generic to generic, it's not the first anime/manga to do something like that and so far there's really nothing to set it apart from the other similar stories.
As far as character and plot growth goes, all it's been doing is checking off point on a list with no regard for earning any of it.
Training to become an Exorcist seems like a round-about way to achieve such a goal.
I fell asleep before Symbionic Titan :/
Except within the context of anime/manga, there is almost nothing more generic than the high school setting. Even as a "revenge story", a Supernatural-esque narrative is the more unique form within the Japanese entertainment industry.
So, so far, the show says "These characters have big, potentially life-long dreams, and instead of shonen-rushing into them, they're preparing themselves properly for undertaking such a huge task."
That;s not very shonen, really, since most shonen characters live simply in the moment. They think everything can be solved by hot blood and a training montage. I actually hope the show makes a trend of this... (again, knowing nothing about the show other than what I've seen, I can't say.)
I haven't seen enough FMP to judge that, heh. Really should...
I couldn't really call this a generic school plot yet, from what I've seen also. If anything, I feel school hasn't been used enough yet. Before the ending last night, I'd think it just works as a way to give Rin a place to call home, but with Sheimi joining class, I now think it might be an excuse to "recruit" people to a growing combat group.
I mean, my idea of a generic school setting is more like the setup of Onizuka, or Negima, where the class suddenly becomes the ONLY place you can draw new cast members from, and the show focuses solely on "school" life between students.
So far, a boy I expected to be a student is now a teacher, the first extra introduced was an outsider that I didn't expect to hear anything more from, and we haven't fallen on the mainstays of school plots yet, such as bullying, cliques, or forcing the main character into joining a group of academic misfits (Yukio's class kinda counts, but the reasoning is much different.)
I just don't feel like it's GENERIC so far. It might be a bit plain, and it might not push it's strengths particularly well, but I don't find it a by-the-numbers plot so far.
Alright, what the heck is with awesome series featuring giant robots/titans being canceled by CN?
Megas and SBT.
It hurts...![]()
They knew revealing their identities would shake Iceburg and get them the information more easily. It was a psychological attack. Note they DIDN'T reveal themselves to Paulie initially, because it would provide no advantage to them.Honestly, the CP9 seem to be pretty shitty spies, considering they really had no need to reveal themselves at all, let alone their powers. It seems the past 3 or 4 episodes has just been them dumping exposition on everyone when there was no real need.
You can put it down to cockiness, but that's always a sloppy way to go.
That is the one thing BE manga does, it states upfront this is going to be a magic school series and the first chapter (which the anime split in 2 for some bizarre reason) is simply set up for why he goes to exorcist school. All the filler fighting in the second episode while sweet gives the illusion this series is going to be something different from what it turns out to be. I imagine the next few episodes/manga chapters are going to be introducing the support characters we see in the op before we get to an actual story arc