Sword Art Online Episode 14: The End of the World
In which the show ends I guess
Episode opens with the group beating that boss from last episode. Apparently 14 people died. People start despairing because there are still 25 floors left, when Kirito notices that Heathcliff's HP still never dropped out of the green. He swiftly attacks Heathcliff, stabbing him with his sword...
So apparently it turns out that Heathcliff is actually the guy who created SAO and locked them all in this virtual world. Because as Kirito says "Nothing is more boring than just watching someone else play an RPG," which is what the audience has been doing this whole time so thanks for telling us your anime is boring I guess. The reason Heathcliff is so badass is that he was literally cheating. So Heathcliff paralyzes everyone except Kirito and challenges him to a duel right here right now, with the immortality disabled, and if he wins the game is cleared. Kirito says goodbye to everyone and makes Heathcliff promise to I guess change the game so it's impossible for Asuna to commit suicide after he dies. She cries about how that's not fair.
Kirito fights hard but is about to lose, before Asuna manages to jump in front of him at the last second and take the killing blow to save him. Despite the fact that she was paralyzed. Tearful goodbye, then Asuna dies/shatters like everyone in SAO. Heathcliff says "well never seen a player just randomly un-paralyze themselves but I guess things just happen sometimes". Kirito weakly tries to attack Heathcliff again, picking up Asuna's sword instead of his broken one, and gets stabbed in the gut for his trouble. Kirito's HP goes to zero, the UI tells him he's dead and he shatters...
Then he just says "not yet" and the pieces re-form into a like a force ghost or some shit and he uses Asuna's sword to kill Heathcliff.
Because apparently willing yourself back to life is a thing you can do in this game.
Anyway, then Kirito and Heathcliff both shatter. Game cleared.
The world starts dissolving, and Kirito and Asuna find themselves on some kind of plane above the game world, with the game's creator. The players who were alive have woken up, but the dead people are still dead because people die when they are killed. I mean, except Kirito apparently. They have some kind of conversation where they try to make the villain sympathetic way too late, talking about some dream he had about a castle in the sky, then he disappears. Kirito and Asuna have more tearful goodbyes as they prepare to die, they tell each other their real names for the first time, and the world ends as everything fades to white...
Kirito wakes up in a hospital bed hooked up to IVs and stuff, with his body looking frail. He stands up, says "Asuna", and starts walking out of the hospital. A hospital in which no one is around including doctors or nurses, and there is no activity despite thousands of people suddenly awakening from comas. He walks down the hallway to find his lost love as the credits roll and the music plays.
So stupid. So, SO stupid.
It's like they forgot the main plot for like ten episodes and went "well shit let's just end it this guy is the final boss gooooo".
And then had a bullshit self-resurrection scene despite the fact that if you remember the show has previously established a one-time use resurrection item that you can use within ten seconds of death, and Klein had the item.
Apparently there are more episodes after this soooo, I guess next we find out if Kirito finds his bae.