Sword Art Online Episode 16: Land of the Fairies
In which we're doing this all again, apparently
So Kirito walks into a bar, and Agil is there. They chat some and Agil tells Kirito about this new VR game called Alfheim Online. Why the shit anybody would jump into one of these after the last big VR hit literally killed thousands of people is beyond me, but whatever. Apparently everybody in this game plays as a fairy and you get to fly around some, and PKing is not only encouraged, it's allowed.
There's a world tree in the middle of the game continent, and nine races of fairies trying to be the first to get up it. The highest anyone has gotten was to one of the lower branches, where they took a screenshot. If you zoom and enhance, you see there's a birdcage where Asuna apparently is. Looks like Adachi McDouchebag, who by the way works for the company that runs Alfheim, is probably the one keeping Asuna in a cage. Kirito decides he's going to go into the game to see if he can get her out.
So after some silliness with SisCousin almost choking on some shit, Kirito prepares to go into the game world by asking his Nerve Gear to "help him one more time." Uh, bro, I'm pretty sure that helmet literally attempted to murder you the last time you had it on.
So whatever, he starts Alfheim Online and, despite fully remembering that Adachi knows he's THE Kirito, picks Kirito as his screenname and picks a race and appearance that looks as much like his SAO look as possible. I'm sure that's gonna work out just fine.
Oh wait, it looks like instead of just beginning the game in the starting village he's in free fall and there's lightning and portals opening up in the sky and shit, and then he falls face first into the ground.
so he gets up and checks the UI. Luckily he can totally log out if he wants to, so that's cool. He looks at his character sheet and somehow he still has pretty much all of his skills from SAO. Suuuure. All his items are screwed up though, except for one. It's Yui's Heart. He touches it.
Guess who's back! Yep it's the clingy little AI girl and soon we're knee deep in "Daddy"s. Oh joy.
So she does some exposition after examining the way the game works. Apparently Alfheim uses the same game and graphics engine as SAO, and the character save data is nearly identical. Since both games use Sword Engine 3 or whatever, Kirito conveniently can do everything he could in SAO except dual wield. Yui doesn't have her bullshit admin powers anymore, but she gets to be a tiny in-game helper like Navi from Ocarina of Time or whatever, so Kirito gets to hear "Hey! Listen! Daddy!" all the time now, which must be nice.
Then we have a tutorial section on how to fly in the game. No, literally Yui sits there and explains the flight controls for like a minute as Kirito uses his virtual controller. Then they're about to head for the nearest town when SUDDENLY A WAIFUCHALLENGER APPEARS!
There's this blonde fairy with her sidekick dude flying over the area and they get attacked by a bunch of guys. Everybody dies except Blondie and three guys who are menacing her, and she says "bring it on". There's a staredown sequence which hilariously goes on for too long, when suddenly Kirito lands on his face a few yards away. Ha ha I guess.
Kirito does his best impression of a smug badass (it's not great), and kills a dude super fast. Then he turns to the camera and smirks, "Who's next?"
So I guess Kirito gets to magically be a legendary badass in this game despite just starting because he can just import his character. Lame. Also his "child" is back so we get to hear her say daddy about a million times. Yaaay.